Convert a MS Outlook csv file to a poi file?
Mon, 09/17/2007 - 1:01am
17 years
I have an extensive MS Outlook file 800+ names and numbers. Is it possible to convert to a poi file on my nuvi 360? Any help wba/ BTW great site here! Just joined...
Try this link to another
Try this link to another page, see if it helps you some. Link 1
Try this link to another page, see if it helps you some. Link 2
Good luck
nüvi 3590LMT "always backup your files"
Using HTML Tags
Just want to remind everyone to try to put in a 'searchable' link when using HTML tags. See 'Using HTML tags' Thread.
As indicated in the 'I am back for a while' thread, we're trying to have the new members do a seach of POI Factory before creating a new thread. Can't do that if there's nothing to seach for except 'Link' or 'Here'.
"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."
I see your point. I’ll
I see your point. I’ll correct the problem on future post.
Thank you, retiredtechnician
nüvi 3590LMT "always backup your files"
ricrob wrote:I have an
I have an extensive MS Outlook file 800+ names and numbers. Is it possible to convert to a poi file on my nuvi 360? Any help wba/ BTW great site here! Just joined...
Yes, I have done it and it works well, except that I don't have < br > for line breaks, but I believe that the POI Verifier will solve that for you.
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
POI Verifier
Here's the link for POI Verifier POI Verifier for Garmin GPS
nüvi 3590LMT "always backup your files"