POI File Feedback


I had this random thought: Add Feedback to POI files. On the description/download page for each file, add a guestbook-like feedback/comment form and display n-number of prior comments.

1) Before deciding to download a file, members would have the option to consider other members' comments.
2) 'Submitters' would have an easy way to get feedback from members and improve their product.
3) Members would have an easy, file-sticky, way to provide feedback (catharsis). wink

Anyway, I'm sure you get my drift....

Thanks for doing all the non-trivial stuff.

- Keith

good suggestions

I like your suggestions, and I expect they'll fit pretty well with the new framework I'm coding.

Once we have a more solid foundation in place for maintaining POIs, a tool for tracking feedback and change requests would be a great addition to the site.


This would be great

JM wrote:

I like your suggestions, and I expect they'll fit pretty well with the new framework I'm coding.

Once we have a more solid foundation in place for maintaining POIs, a tool for tracking feedback and change requests would be a great addition to the site.


This would be great. I have a few files that I downloaded that give me a line error code when installing the POIs. This would work great for reporting bad files.

Garmin C530 Garmin Zumo 550


excellent idea! I like it alot!


I'm all for it!

It would be nice to hear feedback, pro and con, of files that I've created. But, get rid of that bug from my screen! Yuck.


Nuvi 350, GPS Map 76CX


GC0110 wrote:

But, get rid of that bug from my screen! Yuck.


Yeah, I must have hit my screen a dozen times now, trying to kill that thing. LOL!!!! Luckily the computer can take the abuse...


benson_mountain wrote:
GC0110 wrote:

But, get rid of that bug from my screen! Yuck.


Yeah, I must have hit my screen a dozen times now, trying to kill that thing. LOL!!!! Luckily the computer can take the abuse...


Garmin C530 Garmin Zumo 550

I like kgendler idea but I

I like kgendler idea but I think the slightest negative feedback might deter someone from actually trying something that might work for them. Does that make sense?
Just a thought.

nüvi 3590LMT "always backup your files"

Love the bug

So does my cat. It's a hoot to watch him try to catch it. I have laughed so hard my sides hurt.

P.S. As for the feedback idea, I like it too. There have been many times I've wanted to drop a note to the author of a POI file but I didn't want to open a new discussion thread just to add some info to or comment on the POI information.

My 2-cents



drdevo wrote:

There have been many times I've wanted to drop a note to the author of a POI file but I didn't want to open a new discussion thread just to add some info to or comment on the POI information.


I like the idea too. However, you can just send an email to the author, assuming they have allowed contact.

Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource

mkahn, that's a good idea

I didn't think of the e-mail feedback option. I'll try it the next time I've got a question or two for a POI file author.


Newton's Third Law

bandaid wrote:

...I think the slightest negative feedback might deter someone from actually trying something that might work for them....

Wouldn't that effect be offset by those that try something that might work for them because they read another Member's comment?

- Keith

You may be right Keith, well

You may be right Keith, well have to try it out and see how it goes.

nüvi 3590LMT "always backup your files"

I would love a

I would love a feedback/comments section. I'm basically a newbie, but one of the first things I did was create a Naval/Maritime museum POI since I wanted it for myself. I stuck in all the museum ships (e.g USS Intrepid, CV-11) and what not.

Because it's my first stab, I'd love to hear feedback on what's good, bad or otherwise with the formatting and accuracy. I spent a lot of time on google maps and terraserver looking up lat/long for all the stuff, but since almost all of the items are no where near where I live, I can't exactly field test things.

Also debating converting to GPX, but I'm not sure what that buys me, to be honest.


kgendler wrote:
bandaid wrote:

...I think the slightest negative feedback might deter someone from actually trying something that might work for them....

Wouldn't that effect be offset by those that try something that might work for them because they read another Member's comment?

And suggestions from other members on how to make a file better can be a positive thing, as it would allow ALL of us to learn to make better POI files. Which in return would give this site more files as more learn to make them. :=)

Garmin C530 Garmin Zumo 550


Slythex wrote:

I would love a feedback/comments section. I'm basically a newbie, but one of the first things I did was create a Naval/Maritime museum POI since I wanted it for myself. I stuck in all the museum ships (e.g USS Intrepid, CV-11) and what not.

Because it's my first stab, I'd love to hear feedback on what's good, bad or otherwise with the formatting and accuracy. I spent a lot of time on google maps and terraserver looking up lat/long for all the stuff, but since almost all of the items are no where near where I live, I can't exactly field test things.

Also debating converting to GPX, but I'm not sure what that buys me, to be honest.

One of the most significant things a gpx file can do for you is allow you to have dialable phone numbers.
Just like when you searched for starbucks...and found one, it most likely had a phone number, press dial and it dials the number. You can have that feature in your custom poi files.
The other benefit is the TourGuide file. It must be in gpx format.

You can search the poi factory for "dialable phone numbers" and "tourguide" for more info on those areas.

The poi loader will load csv and gpx files.

Welcome to the group and hope you enjoy your stay.
just have fun

........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........