Internal Memory capacity od SP c330
Tue, 12/26/2006 - 7:49pm
18 years
What is the memory capacity of the Street Pilot c330?
The specs online just say indefinite ans I know it's not unlimited because it's still mmeory even the Hard Drive Based GPS units have storage limitations.
0, and I downloaded a few files (Some by mistake), and they ALL loaded onto my 330.
That was over 80,000 POI's
Haven't found the limit yet.
good to know
I got the 330 also. I have 5600 POI's in mine. I did buy a 2GB card thinking I can use it for more memory and found out that the 330 does not read the SD cards. The only reason for the slot is to accept cards with new maps.
Some one may chime in and correct me if I am wrong.
Garmin nuvi 2455LMT (wife uses nuvi 255w) (sold C330)
every file is different because of how much info is in the file, But I did some testing, and MY C330 can hold
1,500 kb
which is roughly 32,000 POI's (+/- 50)
In my privious post I ment 30,000..... (Sorry)
Hope this helps.
Memory capicity
I found this thread that may help us 320,330,340 users.
Garmin nuvi 2455LMT (wife uses nuvi 255w) (sold C330)