new member - magellan 4040


I'm a new member as well as a new owner of a magellan 4040. Tried out a garmin 350 for three weeks and finally decided on the magellan. I'm interested to find out more about this site and custom POI.



Lots of great members, helpful information and support.

If you have any questions, do a search on your issue, if you still need answers, just post. Someone on here is bound to be able to help.

Jon (screen name JM) and Maryann (Miss POI), keep this place running and thing in order, always in a fun way.

Originator of Keeping Your Windmill Alive. Live in MA & have a cooking website. 6 yr. member.


Welcome to the site, check this out

have fun reading;)

Miss Poi


Welcome aboard, You will have a great time on this web site, but more important you will learn a lot about the gps,tracking POI,S and you will meet a lot of people that are great. Stick with this site and congratulations on buying your magellan 4040.
