Contributors Of The Week 2023-11-06


This week we're recognizing, Soberbyker!

Soberbyker has been a member of POI Factory for over 12 years!

We're recognizing him this week for his contributions in the forum discussions, both in commenting and posting new discussion topics.

Thanks for all your contributions, Soberbyker!


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Enjoy your week as a COW smile Hang in there!!!

Thanks, Soberbyker!

Thanks, Soberbyker!

Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267

Congratulations SoberByker!

Thanks for being a valued member of POI Factory. Carry on with all your interesting posts!

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon


Soberbyker, Hope you are doing ok now.
Have a great week. Glad you are still here!

Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)

Contributors Of The Week 2023-11-06

Congratulations Soberbyker!

Congrats Soberbyker

Enjoy your week as the COW!

Congrats, Soberbyker!

and thanks!

nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area

Congratulations Soberbyker!

Thanks for your contributions to these forums. Enjoy your week of recognition.

Congrats Soberbyker

Keep on Bykin'.



Many Thanks Soberbyker!

I found your post on tinnitus to be very interesting.
Keep up the good work and enjoy your well deserved C.O.W. !!

Good Day



Thanks, and enjoy the week.

johnm405 660 & MSS&T

Thank You

Congratulations Soberbyker. Thank you for all you do in your support for the POI Community.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.


Thanks for your input

2 DriveSmart 65's - We do not live in Igloo's and do not all ride to work on snow mobiles.

Hip H .... wait that's me,

Hip H .... wait that's me, hey, thanks everyone. Where's the freshest part of the pasture?

. 2 Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Nuvi 2689, 2 Nuvi 2460, Zumo 550, Zumo 450, Uniden R3 radar detector with GPS built in, includes RLC info. Uconnect 430N Garmin based, built into my Jeep. .


mcginkleschmidt wrote:

Keep on Bykin'.

I may have to change my name to soberEXbyker ... haven't ridden in quite a while due to my health.

. 2 Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Nuvi 2689, 2 Nuvi 2460, Zumo 550, Zumo 450, Uniden R3 radar detector with GPS built in, includes RLC info. Uconnect 430N Garmin based, built into my Jeep. .


Well-done, Soberbyker! Keep up the good work!

Moony thanks Soberbyker

I'm sure you miss it and wish you could be back out on the road on a byke.

Anyway moony thanks for all you do here and congratulations on your well-deserved COW.

"141 could draw faster than he, but Irving was looking for 143..."


Thanks for all or your help.
Enjoy your COW!


Thank you for your contributions!





Congrats Soberbyker

Congratulations Soberbyker, thanks for all of your activity in the forum discussions. Enjoy your week up on the C.O.W. marquee!

Garmin Nuvi 760, Drivesmart 55; Retired Nuvi 765T ><> Dave <>< "He is no fool, who gives up what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot

I would try…

soberbyker wrote:

Hip H .... wait that's me, hey, thanks everyone. Where's the freshest part of the pasture?

…the southwest corner. I haven’t seen anyone out there for a while. Seriously, enjoy the award. I always like reading your posts.

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

Thanks folks

maddog67 wrote:
soberbyker wrote:

Hip H .... wait that's me, hey, thanks everyone. Where's the freshest part of the pasture?

…the southwest corner. I haven’t seen anyone out there for a while. Seriously, enjoy the award. I always like reading your posts.

Southwest corner was great, thanks.

Thanks to all who commented as well.

. 2 Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Nuvi 2689, 2 Nuvi 2460, Zumo 550, Zumo 450, Uniden R3 radar detector with GPS built in, includes RLC info. Uconnect 430N Garmin based, built into my Jeep. .