GTM 60 / HD traffic...gone?
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 16 years
A while back, I noticed that I was no longer receiving traffic updates on my nuvi 3490LMT...has HD Traffic gone the way of the Dodo? I can not even find anything in the "Subscriptions" area of the Garmin website to try and activate a new subscription. The new units still being sold on Amazon state "No separate traffic subscription required" but if HD Traffic is no longer being transmitted, what's the point of purchasing a new one? I'm in the Los Angeles area so being in the boonies in the middle of nowhere isn't the issue. My unit states that there is no traffic being received and no subscriptions are active on it...I remember having two subscriptions active on it; Navtec and Clear Channel. Now there is nothing with no means to add a subscription.
I realize I'm still running antiquated tech but I can't figure out if something is up with my GTM 60 or if HD Traffic is gone. If it's indeed gone, when did this happen?
GTM 60 / HD traffic...gone?
A while back, I noticed that I was no longer receiving traffic updates on my Nuvi 3490LMT...has HD Traffic gone the way of the Dodo?...
Do you have any idea which FM radio stations that you get your signals from?
Coverage map
There is a HERE/HD Radio™ coverage map at
I believe that is the system used by Garmin as it was a Garmin link that got me there.
John from PA
old info
This is from the Garmin support website a few years ago, but I think it's still good info. The link no longer works.
Garmin Tech Support:
To check your Traffic Subscriptions:
Connect the traffic receiver to your GPS
Connect the vehicle power cable to the vehicle and the GPS
The GTM 20, 21, 25, 26, 35, 36, and 60 are integrated into the power cable
Power the device on and make sure it is running on external power (FM Traffic Receiver requires external power to operate)
Touch Tools or settings
Touch Traffic
Within this section, you will be able to see your current activated Traffic Subscriptions. Subscriptions will only be activated once you have received a Satellite fix and have driven through an area covered by your Traffic provider.
(End Garmin quote)
An important point is that if you are not within range of an FM station that is transmitting traffic info on the subcarrier, or you do not have a good fix, the traffic feature will appear not to work.
"Within range" means about 15 miles away, depending on terrain.
traffic updates
It is very rare to receive a traffic update when running Garmin Express to update maps and software.
The traffic update goes to the GPS. Later, when traffic is operating, the update goes to the traffic receiver. Source - I watch popups on the GPS screen as it's happening.
Ever since Garmin dropped the paid traffic subscriptions, there's been no need to subscribe. Traffic will either be there or not. And for me having lived with Garmin traffic in AZ and WI, both the FM and HD traffic have been so limited that I was totally shocked whenever my Garmin reported a traffic alert when I did my rare trips to Phoenix, etc. I was so happy when Garmin went to the smartphone app and Bluetooth connection to the GPS.
I do accept your findings since you've been around so long and are so knowledgeable about these Garmin devices. It makes me wonder if the radio station in LA that provided your HD traffic (and probably FM traffic as well which your 3490 would use if HD wasn't available) either dropped offering traffic or if their equipment that provides traffic over the airwaves is down right now. It'd be great if someone who uses FM or HD traffic from another city with HD traffic can report if they still have traffic.
Coverage map
It makes me wonder if the radio station in LA that provided your HD traffic (and probably FM traffic as well which your 3490 would use if HD wasn't available) either dropped offering traffic or if their equipment that provides traffic over the airwaves is down right now. It'd be great if someone who uses FM or HD traffic from another city with HD traffic can report if they still have traffic.
I earlier provided a traffic coverage map. Going to the link I provided does show some areas that lack coverage. Hilary also went through recently and that might have had some effect.
John from PA
GTM 60 / HD Traffic...Gone?
...And for me having lived with Garmin traffic in AZ and WI, both the FM and HD traffic have been so limited that I was totally shocked whenever my Garmin reported a traffic alert when I did my rare trips to Phoenix, etc. I was so happy when Garmin went to the smartphone app and Bluetooth connection to the GPS...
I live in the Twin Cities Minneapolis/Saint Paul area. I didn't want or need a traffic device for the first number of years that I had a Garmin because I rarely drove into the areas that would likely be affected during the crucial drive times. Then, I accepted a job in Minneapolis. The first year or so of that job I worked midnights or afternoon shifts, so traffic wasn't a concern.
Then, I went to day shift, 7AM to 3PM driving right into downtown Minneapolis. If I recall correctly the Garmin Nüvi 3597 came out in 2013 and it included a GTM 60 HD Digital Traffic Receiver. I bought one of those. Sometimes I would get data from the local station and others times I would not.
I did reach out to Garmin and try to determine which radio station provides the data, but I didn't get very far. I ended up connecting to my smartphone Bluetooth and get data that way.
Use the coverage area link I provided
I did reach out to Garmin and try to determine which radio station provides the data, but I didn't get very far. I ended up connecting to my smartphone Bluetooth and get data that way.
Actually I wouldn’t think Garmin would necessarily have knowledge of the actual stations or the frequencies used in any given area. But I posted the link to a coverage area map by HERE, the people Garmin uses for HD Traffic. Minneapolis seems to have decent service coverage for about a 20 mile to 25 mile radius from the center part of the city
John from PA
Thanks for the info, everyone. Going by the coverage map, I am in the coverage area while at work in Chino, CA. However, during the afternoon evening, when I am driving home to Irvine, CA (in Orange County), it appears I am out of the coverage area. So either on the way or coming back from work, I am entering or exiting the coverage area. My experiment will be to leave the unit plugged in and sitting on the dash while at work for 8 hours (which I normally do not do as it's removed from the mount and powered off). Maybe then it will find and lock onto coverage.
Seems like I lost coverage at some point (moving between coverage and no coverage) and the unit possibly doesn't have enough time to pick it up while I'm driving home and exiting the coverage area. I do remember the period of time scanning for channels & locking onto a signal taking quite awhile so with my passing between coverage areas perhaps it isn't long enough.
I also remember the Clear Channel subscription having much better signal strength and coverage than the Navteq/Here coverage but it seems the Clear Channel coverage is gone now.
Not really looking to depend on the HD Traffic coverage if I do get it back (it was rather slow and delayed & not all that useful). Just wondering what happened to it after I noticed I was no longer getting the traffic feed.
Thanks once again to all who chimed in with the info and ideas.
I'll report back with my findings after letting it try and pick up the signal again for an extended period of time in the coverage area.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
My findings...
Letting the unit sit in a known coverage location (according to the coverage map) with a clear view of the sky (I know that's for satellites but still...) for four hours found nothing as far as transmitting HD traffic stations.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area