URGENT: Your Account Will Be Permanently Deleted in 3 Days


Just received this in my email. I am not aware of having any of those accounts mentioned in this email! Additionally it was sent to an email address Garmin would not even know about !!! I believe it to be a SPAM or PHISHING message. There is a box " Reactivate Account" in this email.

Sender is "alerts at notifications.garmin.com"

Three Days Left to Reactivate Your Account

Your Account Will Be Deleted in Three Days

We’re deleting your Garmin account in three days! You will lose data such as your Garmin Connect™ account and activities, Garmin Pilot™ logbook, inReach® tracks and waypoints, email marketing preferences and more.

Reactivate your account below, or sign in at Garmin.com within the next three days to save your account and user data.
Reactivate Account

Why are you deleting my account?

In compliance with our privacy policy, inactive accounts will be permanently removed from all Garmin sites, systems and servers. This includes Garmin Connect, inReach, Navigon.com, Garmin Pilot, Garmin.com and others. Data cannot be restored after it is deleted.

Nuvi 2797LMT, DriveSmart 50 LMT-HD, Using Windows 10. DashCam A108C with GPS.

Delete email

Just delete the email or flag it as spam and go to the Garmin website and sign in and be done with it.

can you view the header info

Melaqueman wrote:

Just received this in my email. I am not aware of having any of those accounts mentioned in this email!

Do you have an email client that can open the email and show the sender in the header info. As an example my email address is xxxxxx@verizon.net and I can get my email using the Microsoft Mail client, directly from AOL.com with a web browser, and lastly through Outlook 2016. The Microsoft email client does not show the full sender info, AOL.com and the Outlook will show the complete sender info. As an example this AM I got a message that my McAfee was expiring. The header info is below, something very obviously not from McAfee (I don;t use it anyway).

McAfee Confirmation Needed

John from PA


I never click on any boxes, or anything to "reactiviate" an account in any text message or email. I always go to the web site that I know is for the account (do not click the link in the text or email) to check.

These are almost always scam or phishing.....

BTW: Has anyone here EVER had Garmin delete or inactivate their account because of inactivity?

I never get lost, but I do explore new territory every now and then.


KenSny wrote:

I never click on any boxes, or anything to "reactiviate" an account in any text message or email. I always go to the web site that I know is for the account (do not click the link in the text or email) to check.

These are almost always scam or phishing.....

BTW: Has anyone here EVER had Garmin delete or inactivate their account because of inactivity?

Enough said!

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

This has been a topic for years

Garmin isn't sending these out or I would have gotten one years ago. I just got one like this about Netflix. Everyone uses different email services but most if not all allow you to click on the "supposed sender" of the email or just click "reply" just like you would to respond to any email you get in your email service to see which email address actually sent it to you. Odds are it's an attempt to gain information (Name, credit card, birthdate and so on). I get several a week for various things. Some I know are fake because I don't use the service mentioned. Some of these are very good fakes and for a second I'm wondering if I paid the bill while others are so poorly put together it's obvious.

I never

Click on any unsolicited email links.

In my email program I can view a “raw” message where I can see info you would normally not see.
I can also hover the mouse pointer over a senders name, email etc and it’s amazing what you may see there. Example: ibzrwgpmbst at ghbmopdfr.ru. When you see such a gobbledygook email address you know it’s garbage.

My original post is to raise awareness of this being sent out.

Nuvi 2797LMT, DriveSmart 50 LMT-HD, Using Windows 10. DashCam A108C with GPS.

Similar Problem With Some of My emails

I've had emails saying that my emails have been held up for various reasons and that I should click on the link to get them released.

I had three in relatively short order. When I viewed the sender, the email address, had a provider name that was totally unrelated to my provider.

I contacted our provider and gave them the senders addresses and shortly after, the emails stopped.


DriveSmart 65, NUVI2555LMT, (NUVI350 is Now Retired)

email clicking

I agree with the above posters about not clicking on links in emails, text messages, or any other mediums. At least not without verifying what the target link url actually is.

Most email software will reveal the true link when hovering over. Pay close attention to the domain, specifically wording before the .com/.org/.net/ etc TLD's (top level domains). Some spammers try to fool by using domains such as account-google.com. This is not a google domain, nor does it have anything to do with google. Otoh, account.google.com is legit as google.com is the main domain while account is its subdomain. Only a period can separate main/sub domains.

My email server will periodically send me emails such as this to indicate something questionable has arrived and been placed in the spam/junk folder. Normally I won't click on either link as it's relatively easy to identify spam.


On more questionable emails or if it is indeed ham (not spam), I'll click on the accept or release to inbox to train the spam filter (rspamd). For some mailing lists (few car forums and others), i have to add them to a domain level white list.

At the rate That Garmin is

At the rate That Garmin is updating maps, we may all get deleted for inactivity!

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

Delete and move on. Unless

Delete and move on. Unless you requested it specifically, never divulge info.

Number of Past Posts

About people receiving the warning message from Garmin. If one is worried just go direct to the Garmin.com website and sign in. Or if signed in, sign out and sign back in. Some may also be getting the warning if they have more than one Garmin account.

Thu, 05/27/2021: Action Required: Your (GARMIN) Account Will Be Deleted In 60 Days
Thu, 06/29/2023: Cancellation Of (Garmin) Account
Thu, 07/13/2023: Be Aware Of A PHONY GARMIN Notice

Nuvi 2598 | Nuvi 350 | eTrex Vista | eTrex 30x


Phishing plain and simple. I hate scammers. Sadly, far too many people rush to give away their personal and financial info.

GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S

Closing account

I have not had any emails about closing my Garmin account but I have had such emails about my accounts with Amazon, Facebook, Gmail, the IRS, store accounts, and Paypal but not Garmin I know they are scams and just delete them. I wish more were done to stop these scammers. They seem to be proliferating.

delete and delete

I would delete (and report spam) that email before they have chances to delete my account. wild west style, lol