No Free Update On Garmin C330


Just a heads up to anyone who recently purchased a C330. According to Garmin's tech support, the map udate 2008 is not free to those of us that recently purchased a C330. Only to those who purchased a C340 and up. Their excuse is that it is a "low end" unit, and also that the memory cannot hold the full US maps on the DVD. Gee, I can purchase the update for $69.99 and load a subset of the maps if I want, according to the person in tech support, but I cannot receive it as a free update. So, apparently buyer beware if you purchase Garmin's "low end" units. You will apparently not be able to receive a free update of maps, even if the unit you buy is already out of date. Looks like I need to return the unit and buy a TomTom.

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If you're exchanging...

tomservo wrote:

Looks like I need to return the unit and buy a TomTom.

Why not C340 or higher? or Nuvi?

P.S. Nothing personal to TomTom users.

Garmin nüvi® 660, iPhone 8gb (Technology is not the solution. It's only a tool to help you achieve it.)

Return the unit and get a

Return the unit and get a c530, they cost about the same.

I called for the free update today and he said that he is going to send it to me, however, they are on back order for at least 2 weeks.

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

No Free Update???

tomservo wrote:

Just a heads up to anyone who recently purchased a C330. According to Garmin's tech support, the map udate 2008 is not free to those of us that recently purchased a C330. Only to those who purchased a C340 and up. Their excuse is that it is a "low end" unit, and also that the memory cannot hold the full US maps on the DVD. Gee, I can purchase the update for $69.99 and load a subset of the maps if I want, according to the person in tech support, but I cannot receive it as a free update. So, apparently buyer beware if you purchase Garmin's "low end" units. You will apparently not be able to receive a free update of maps, even if the unit you buy is already out of date. Looks like I need to return the unit and buy a TomTom.

Just depends on who you talk to??? The following is a part of the e-mail I received from Garmin Tech Support after I sent them a copy of my receipt for a C330 purchased 5/22/07:

"Thank you for contacting Garmin International,

Thank you for sending the copy of the receipt. I have ordered you an update disc. Once they start shipping you will be able to update the maps on your unit at no charge.

With Best Regards,"

Of course, I haven't received it, yet. Since my mail only catches up with me once a week or so, it may have been sent. Only time will tell. Of course, Garmin could have changed their minds on this issue, so we'll see... You may want to try again, hopefully getting someone who will be more likely to help, most folks at Garmin are extremely helpful, knowledgeable and want to help you, at least that has been my experience...

Yeah, it seems that you get

Yeah, it seems that you get different answers with different ppl. So I would try again as well.

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

Follow up

tomservo wrote:

Just a heads up to anyone who recently purchased a C330. According to Garmin's tech support, the map udate 2008 is not free to those of us that recently purchased a C330. Only to those who purchased a C340 and up. Their excuse is that it is a "low end" unit, and also that the memory cannot hold the full US maps on the DVD. Gee, I can purchase the update for $69.99 and load a subset of the maps if I want, according to the person in tech support, but I cannot receive it as a free update. So, apparently buyer beware if you purchase Garmin's "low end" units. You will apparently not be able to receive a free update of maps, even if the unit you buy is already out of date. Looks like I need to return the unit and buy a TomTom.

A follow up to my previous post... My mail finally caught up with me today and low and behold the DVD with NT2008 arrived with it. Now to point at hand, it clearly states on the documentation

"Compatible Units: Preloaded GPS Units: StreetPilot(r) i5, c330, c340, c530, c550, c580, 7200,7500, 2720, 2730 and 2820, nuvi(r) 200, 250, 350, 360, 370, 650, 660, 670, and 680, zumo(tm) 450 and 550, GPSMAP(tm) 478 and 496, Quest(r) 2

Will also update MapSource(r) City Navigator(r) North America NT when used with (2), eTrex Legend(r) Cx, Venture(r) Cx, Vista(r) Cx, GPSMAP(r) 276, 376, 60Cx, 60Csx, 76Cx, 76Csx

(2) PC based, not MAC compatible"

Note the c300 is listed. Perhaps, the person you are dealing with doesn't know this, or as I said earlier, they may have changed their collective minds. I have NOT installed it yet, as I'm waiting for definative answer on whether you can load lower 48, later load Canada, then load lower 48 again. I hate to start install without knowing the answer to this. Had hoped someone on this site could answer the question. Guess I'll e-mail Garmin before proceeding...

A hugh thank you to Garmin for helping me with this issue, hopefully you'll get your update as I did...

Just to update, installed

Just to update, installed NT2008 in 50 minutes, start to finish. Had e-mailed Garmin Tech about the ability to change from lower 48 to Canada and back any time I wanted, and was assured that it was no problem. Garmin returned my e-mail in less than 2 hours. Go Garmin!!!!! Now to get on the highways again!

U beat me

Got my update NT2008 today ! Installed completely on my PC and C330 in 56 minutes ! Just the lower 48 due to C330 memory limitations !

MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !

Garmin 330 updates

I have gotten 2 different answers from Garmin about the updates. At first, a staff member e-mailed me to say if I submitted a receipt, I would qualify for a free update. After doing so, and not having any response, I called Garmin and spoke with someone who told me it would have to be approved by a supervisor. Again, after no reply, I e-mailed Garmin again and received a response that I was entitled to a free update. Hopefully, I'll receive it before someone changes their mind again!

Keep trying

attarheel wrote:

I have gotten 2 different answers from Garmin about the updates. At first, a staff member e-mailed me to say if I submitted a receipt, I would qualify for a free update. After doing so, and not having any response, I called Garmin and spoke with someone who told me it would have to be approved by a supervisor. Again, after no reply, I e-mailed Garmin again and received a response that I was entitled to a free update. Hopefully, I'll receive it before someone changes their mind again!

Keep trying, persistance pays. I, too, had received a negative e-mail response, I then sent another e-mail telling them I thought I should be entitled to the update and explained my thoughts - without flames, or threats. I then received an e-mail informing me of getting the update. It happened without me asking again. It did take a few weeks, but folks on this site did say they were backed up and wouldn't ship until more stock arrived. I waited, and sure enough...

Free update on Canadian resellers site GPS

For everyones info;
Here is info on a free update from my Canadian reseller site at

New Info: You may be eligible for a free Map Update - City Navigator NT 2008 DVD [or non-NT] for use with the products listed here. If the product was purchased after May 1, 2007, the map data may be out of date. Customers can receive a free map update by first registering their Garmin unit at

The registration process will identify those customers eligible for a free update. By providing the necessary address information, etc. a free map update disk will then be mailed to the customer. The Garmin website will support this feature beginning August 22, 2007.

Products which are eligible for a free map update are as follows*:
All nuvis, Quest, GPS V, zumos
StreetPilot c330, c340,c550, c580, III, 2610, 2650, 2620, 2660, 2720, 28xx series, 7200, 7500, GPSMAP 478, 496, GPS 18, GPS 10BT
iQue 3200, 3600, M5
MapSource City Navigator North America
MapSource City Navigator North America NT (when used with a qualifying compatible Garmin handheld GPS unit)

These Garmin products are not eligible for a free map update (and ship with v8 North America maps):
StreetPilot i2, i3, i5, c320, c330, c530, 2730, Quest 2, iQue 3000 - M3 - M4
*Italicized models are non-NT.

Garmin 750, 60CSX, Streetpilot 2620

Canuck Conundrum

CanuckTravellers wrote:

Products which are eligible for a free map update are as follows*:
... c330, c340,...
These Garmin products are not eligible for a free map update (and ship with v8 North America maps):
... c320, c330...

I don't quite follow....

- Keith

- Keith

Free update on Canadian resellers site GPS

kgendler wrote:
CanuckTravellers wrote:

Products which are eligible for a free map update are as follows*:
... c330, c340,...
These Garmin products are not eligible for a free map update (and ship with v8 North America maps):
... c320, c330...

I don't quite follow....

- Keith

Yeah is confusing so will know shortly as we filled in request (no CC) & it took it, also says free on the confirmation, now if it comes with unlock code...great if not another round with these people.

Garmin 750, 60CSX, Streetpilot 2620

NT 2008

I have the C330 and just got my free update in the mail today, went through the same deal, start the process on the phone, fax them a receipt and 5-7 business days later, free update.

Free update...?

Maybe I missed it (forgive me if I did), but was there a definite date that one had to have purchased their unit before/after to receive the "free" update?
Would a unit (purchased last Christmas), still qualify since it's still under warranty? Is the update really worth getting? I see that the C-330 (and I would assume the 340 also) has a problem with the full update due to memory size.... so again, can anyone shed some light?

From what I am reading you

From what I am reading you have to provide proof(reciept) that you bought the unit after May 1.

Hi,am new to this site,but

Hi,am new to this site,but have some stuff posted before.This is a great site,and the GPS are a life saver for me.I love it.
I have the C330.Did not want all the other bells and whisles.
I called the Garmin tech. support of the phone number that has been posted on this forum.Waiting time was about 40min.s did a little yard work while I was waiting.I asked the tech. person James from Garmin if I could get a FREE update 2008 Map.he said NO!
I said looking at this site right now there has been a number of people that got a free update.He said it may have been a different reason,or person,or what ever,but no free update for me he said.
He also said with the C330 the 2008 map it will not all fit on the C330.only the lower 48 states,or upper with some lower boarders of the northern states.He said with the 2008,via my 2006 may not notice awhole lot of changes.He said if I only travel a few cities where there is not a whole bunch of street changes then I should just stick with my America NT v8 Deluxe april 06.
He is right I don't travel a lot around city to city,there is growth,but no biggy on changes that I would miss or need.
One thing the guy was not pushy to sale me anything,like some Tech.'s
I asked him on some tech. questions and he answered them.
I kept my cool because some of you got the Free Update.Oh well.I'm still a happy camper.Maybe in a few years or more I'll go for a better GPS.
Right what I have sure does help me a whole lot at work.I mean a whole lots.

When did you purchase?

rcca wrote:

I have the C330.Did not want all the other bells and whisles.
I called the Garmin tech. support ...I asked the tech. person James from Garmin if I could get a FREE update 2008 Map.he said NO!


How long have you had your GPSr. Free update possibility is only for past 3 months. Otherwise you might try another call. With your unit you will to choose between Lower 48 and Canada although you can reload if you need the other.

Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource

Those products which are

Those products which are eligible for a free map update are as follows:
nüvi® 200 StreetPilot 7xxx series nüvi 250 StreetPilot 2720 nüvi 6xx series StreetPilot 28xx series nüvi 3xx series GPSMAP® 478 StreetPilot® c340 GPSMAP 496 StreetPilot c550 Zumo® series StreetPilot c580 iQue® 3200 StreetPilot III iQue 3600 GPS V iQue M5 StreetPilot 2610 GPS 18 StreetPilot 2650 GPS 10BT StreetPilot 2620 MapSource® City Navigator North America StreetPilot 2660 MapSource City Navigator North America NT (when used with a qualifying compatible Quest® Garmin handheld GPS unit)
The below Garmin products are not eligible for a free map update:
StreetPilot i2 StreetPilot 2730 StreetPilot i3 Quest 2 StreetPilot i5 iQue 3000 StreetPilot c320 iQue M3 StreetPilot c330 iQue M4 StreetPilot c530
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NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT


nickjr wrote:

The below Garmin products are not eligible for a free map update:
StreetPilot i2 StreetPilot 2730 StreetPilot i3 Quest 2 StreetPilot i5 iQue 3000 StreetPilot c320 iQue M3 StreetPilot c330 iQue M4 StreetPilot c530
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I don't know where this came from, however, I got the update for my c330 and it was FREE! I purchased it on 5/22/07. Admittedly it took a couple of e-mails to Garmin Tech Support, but it was sent, installed and working just fine (except, of course, Canada is loaded separately if wanted). The documentation with the DVD I got said that the c330 WAS INCLUDED in the update. Not trying to start a war here, just wanted those who are interested that persistance does pay off, keep trying...

Hi mkahn. I bought my C330

Hi mkahn. I bought my C330 July 28-07.I even told the Garmin tech when I bought it.
I would like to see from Garmin a written statement that I can't get a free update being that some of you are getting the free update,and some not.I spent about 45mins
waiting on the phone to get the tech James,I wrote his name down in case I try again.Thanks.

I received that info from a

I received that info from a tech bulletin from Garmin.

NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT

Thanks nickjr

nickjr wrote:

I received that info from a tech bulletin from Garmin.

Thanks NickJr, seems that Garmin is not consistant in several areas of this update. Me thinks that the policy is evolving as time progresses. Guess that explains all the confusion on this site about updates. Best of luck to all those who are trying for the update, I'm going fishing....

I would try again.

rcca wrote:

Hi mkahn. I bought my C330 July 28-07.I even told the Garmin tech when I bought it.
I would like to see from Garmin a written statement that I can't get a free update being that some of you are getting the free update,and some not.I spent about 45mins
waiting on the phone to get the tech James,I wrote his name down in case I try again.Thanks.

It might take several calls. I would emphasize that you just purchased the unit a few days ago and expected it to have the latest maps.
Good luck.
As for me, I purchased my unit in October and just purchased the map upgrade.

Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource

it seems that because Garmin

it seems that because Garmin is not manufacturing the C330 and C530 with the new mapping they are not updating the mapping on these units for free. it seems logical, if you aren't putting something on a new gps, why give it out?

if i am making an automobile and do not sell it with a sunroof, why should i give out sunroofs for free? the customer has the responsibility of researching the vehicle

it is up to the individual customer to do the research and pick the GPS, or any other product, that suits them best. it is also up to the customer to put their big boy or girl pants on and come to terms with the fact that they should research a product thoroughly instead of buying something without knowing anything about it.

Choosing GPS model

isaacjd wrote:

it is up to the individual customer to do the research and pick the GPS, or any other product, that suits them best. it is also up to the customer to put their big boy or girl pants on and come to terms with the fact that they should research a product thoroughly instead of buying something without knowing anything about it.

A year ago, when I chose the c530, the choice was between getting TTS and bluetooth or not needing them. The c530 offerred better screen quality and sound (still does) than the Nuvi. There was no mention that it had less disk space and wouldn't hold the next release of maps.
On the other hand, it really doesn't matter to me as I loaded the full maps using the SD card. I am very happy with my unit.

Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource

Free Upgrade

I call support today 10-29-07 for a free upgrade. No problem and it's on the way. You have to have purchased your c330 on May 1, 2007 or later. Support could not have been better. I purchased my Garmin on May 21, 2007. I talked to Paul Robbins at Garmin. May 1 2007 is the cut off date.

Just got my upgrade FREE!!!

I bought my c330 (a "Low End Unit") on "Black Friday" for a great deal...$139 at Wal-Mart. Of course, like all other owners, I realized right away that the maps were out-of-date. After reading all of these posts and almost giving up hope, I gave customer service a call. 800-800-1020. I was on hold for about 10 minutes.

When they finally picked up, I acted a little naive and asked simple questions to butter him up. I expressed how very excited I was to have my new Garmin, but disappointed in having the older maps. Customer service was helpful and patient...offered to send me a FREE DVD! They are on back order and mine will arrive in 2-3 weeks.

Good luck getting your free update. I hope you have the same success I did!

$139....does that include

$139....does that include tax or something....they were 128.88.....guess I need to e-mail them again, they turned me down once.


No update for me

I also purchased the c330 from wallyworld on black friday. I called customer support multiple times on Monday and every time they refused to give me the updated map for free.

What pisses me off is that I did do some research and I was led to believe that owners could get a free update if they purchased the unit after 5/1. I guess the rules changed.

By the time I add in the cost of the unit and the map update, I probably could have purchased a newer, smaller, and supported model.

Oh well

Well, the mapset (v.8) isn't

Well, the mapset (v.8) isn't THAT out of date. I never had any problems with it except for in DC it would get confused for a few minutes but never got me totally lost!

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

you're right

$128.88 is the price I paid. After the blur that was Black Friday, it's hard to keep all those purchases straight. Still an unbeatable deal!

Got turned down before I registered it

I got Turned down for my free upgrade a few months ago until I registered it at My the next time I called it was in the mail..
and Yes if you got one for $128 you got a great unit with great maps ( there is little different) Remember last Christmas, this same unit was over $500

Dave_ Nuvi 660 , 760,1490LMT Wooster, Ohio

DVD is free. But activation code is not

pinzopong wrote:

I bought my c330 (a "Low End Unit") on "Black Friday" for a great deal...$139 at Wal-Mart. Of course, like all other owners, I realized right away that the maps were out-of-date. After reading all of these posts and almost giving up hope, I gave customer service a call. 800-800-1020. I was on hold for about 10 minutes.

When they finally picked up, I acted a little naive and asked simple questions to butter him up. I expressed how very excited I was to have my new Garmin, but disappointed in having the older maps. Customer service was helpful and patient...offered to send me a FREE DVD! They are on back order and mine will arrive in 2-3 weeks.

Good luck getting your free update. I hope you have the same success I did!

Just got my Garmin C330.

Sent an email stating that I loved the unit, but found out that the maps are old. They are sending me my new maps in the mail. They said it could take 4-6 weeks to recieve thought.

I'm getting upgrade, that is.

I got my c330 at Walmart on Black Friday. It came with CN v8, which isn't bad, but after checking out different boards, I figured that hey, if I could get a free upgrade, I'd go for it and not be disappointed if I didn't get one. So, I registered OL, was NOT offered the upgrade and sent a nice "I'm a Ditzy Girl who Gets Lost A Lot" email. Then I came here (to POI) and saw that a lot of people mentioned that they were sending in faxes of their receipts. So I sent another message to techsupport with a scan of my receipt, more 'gee I'm so naive' and got this message back today (less than 24 hours after I sent it):

Dear *********,

Thank you for contacting Garmin International. As a gesture of goodwill, I have ordered you a one-time complimentary map update for City Navigator North America NT 2008 for your Streetpilot c330. For your reference, your confirmation order number is 5598870.

When loading the 2008 NT map update, your unit will only accept one of two regions. This is because there is not enough memory on your Gps unit to fit the entire City Navigator North America NT 2008. You device can accept either the lower 48 United States including Hawaii and Puerto Rico *OR* Canada and Alaska including the States that border Canada.

Unfortunately it is not possible to take the other part of the map update you didn?t load and load it to an SD card. However, you can switch back to the other region from the DVD that you didn?t load, but cannot put it on an SD card or have both regions loaded to your device at the same time.

Garmin does offer a preloaded SD card for City Navigator Canada NT for $79.99. I have provided a link to this map accessory below.

With Best Regards,

Amanda L
Product Support Specialist
2nd Shift Automotive Team
Garmin International
913-397-8282 (fax) Att: Amanda L

Yay for me! And since I am a Florida gal, I don't see that I will need Canada/Alaska in the near future, so I'm good to go.

Thanks for everyone's posts. This is a great website for us GPS Newbies.

they are not updating the

they are not updating the C330's because the stock is going to be depleted. wal mart is selling the last of them. they aren't even being manufactured with the mapping. the v8 works fine for the usual person.

actually it's not logical at all

a sunroof on a car is an "option" or an "extra" and it is advertised that way... you have the knowledge before hand that your car will not come with sunroof unless you pay extra for it.... the garmin c330 does not advertise or place anywhere on the box that you are buying a GPS with an old map and it may require an additional purchase to update. When you buy a brand new GPS if it does not come with the latest map offered then you should get the latest update for free. After all, what you are buying in a GPS is a pre-installed electronic map so if it's brand new it should have the latest map, otherwise it is not really brand new and should be advertised as such. Now, after you have the gps for "X" amount of time, then you should have to purchase an updated map because it is not new anymore. That my friends, is what logic is all about.

No Free Update On Garmin C330

They sent 2 FREE map updates to me within the last 30 days, for my c330...Challenge them, and they'll back just have to go after them a little

The Irish 1


Just got my approval for FREE update today. Remind them of your value as a customer.



C340 and updated map

I just bought a C340 last week at Best Buy and it already had CN North America NT 2008 installed ( It shows ALL, and not just 48 states). Apparently they have more current stock.

I agree with the original

I agree with the original post. I bought a C330 one day and took it back the next after getting the thumbs down from Garmin support for map updates. Yes I could have persisted and maybe gotten the update but why? I should not have to beg for an update to a new unit. After that I went to great lengths not to buy a Garmin and settled on the Maestro 3200. A better unit than the Garmin for a lower price. So everything worked out for the best in the end any way. The sad thing for Garmin is that they're losing customers for life over an upgrade that would cost them nothing to provide. Poor business decision in my opinion.

At Least Garmin Does Update

You might want to do a search of the forums here about Magellans lack of updates and terrible customer service, there are plenty of posts about both.

Some info on installing 2008 on c330

I called garmin today with a 35 min wait time (day after Christmas - I can accept the wait time) I was told by a tech that the update was NOT a free up date and he had an interesting explaination as to why it was not shipped on new units. The tech stated that the unit was advertised to contain maps for all of North America including Canada. The 2008 update software is to large to include both Us and Canada at the same time. They did state that if you loaded the new software on the unit you would have a choice of US or Canada but could not load both. For this reason it is not shipping on the new c330 units. I told him personally i didnt travel to Canada since i live in Tennessee. He stated that since it was a new unit he would send me a copy of 2008 after i logged onto garmin and registered my unit. I was told that the cd was on backorder and that i would have one within 4 weeks. You dont have to be rude to them to get the cd--just let them know you dont approve of the policy and they will get it to you. Not bad for ditching the Canadian map AYE. Maybe by dropping Canada itll leave more space for custom POIs.

2008 update

just received my FREE update by ups today. This is for a c330 bought at wally world on black friday. I just e-mailed garmim and they replied with a positive note that the upgrade would be sent..


how can you tell which version, i have bought new in last few weeks, i have a c330


Wrench/Settings > Map > Map Info

City Navigator v2008 is the latest version.

City Navigator v8 was the previous version.

how can you tell which version

Go to settings on your gps.The wrench at the bottom of the screen.Then to map then at bottom of the screen touch map info to get information.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.


I received a C330 for Christmas and wasn't happy with it. I went back to the store and almosts bought a TomTom, but decided to go with the nuvi 200w for just a few dollars more and not disappointed. The 200w has more features and also has the 2008 map.

I know your right!

bnimble wrote:

a sunroof on a car is an "option" or an "extra" and it is advertised that way... you have the knowledge before hand that your car will not come with sunroof unless you pay extra for it.... the garmin c330 does not advertise or place anywhere on the box that you are buying a GPS with an old map and it may require an additional purchase to update. When you buy a brand new GPS if it does not come with the latest map offered then you should get the latest update for free. After all, what you are buying in a GPS is a pre-installed electronic map so if it's brand new it should have the latest map, otherwise it is not really brand new and should be advertised as such. Now, after you have the gps for "X" amount of time, then you should have to purchase an updated map because it is not new anymore. That my friends, is what logic is all about.

You got it brother! That's exactly right. I just bought 2 and am going to be hacked if I have to pay full price for updating both! And I did research them for months and never saw discontinued untill after my purchases. I understand info is money and love my units. BUT, I'M with you- I spent my hard earned money on a NEW product and got old information. AND INFORMATION IS WHAT I WAS PAYING FOR!!!!! Speaking of hacked- I wasn't going to mess with my units for warranty purposes and out of a personal moral desicion- but if I can't get at leaste an discount on the $140 it would take to buy the same info. twice and get the new units up to date (that doesn't even sound right does it?), maybe its time to back data up and see if I can't go on and get free tts and traffic info, and whatever else I can get, or just send them both back since I just bought them- just because you make a great product doesn't mean that I'll give you my hard earned money without you letting me know it isn't even current and not say "Here's your stuff back, I'll go elsewhere." I got where I needed to go before gps.

c330/530 "Hurry up and wait." "If you can read this, thank a teacher. And since it`s in English, thank a soldier."


Take a deep breath. Now, calmly call Garmin during their normal hours and calmly explain your situation and ask nicely for the update. Most people have been able to get it for free even though the 330 is on "officially not eligible for a free update" list. If the representative resists, calmly end the call and call back and speak to someone else.

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