Creation of a Low Bridge clearence POI ?
2 years
Looking for a US overview of bridges with challenges when driving a RV, I searched this forum and could understand that there previously was a file that was taken down.
Searching a little more, I found the NBI data set that comes from the National Bridge Inspection that has a dataset that is updated every year.
I downloaded the CSV file and created a small Jupyter notebook:
import pandas as pd
# Using Dictionary for mapping
road_type = {1:'Interstate highway',
2:'U.S. numbered highway',
3:'State highway',
4:'County highway',
5:'City street',
6:'Federal lands road',
7:'State lands road',
col_list = ["location_009","X","Y", "state_code_001","route_prefix_005b","min_vert_clr_010"]
data=pd.read_csv('NBI_Bridges.csv', usecols=col_list)
data = data[data['min_vert_clr_010']!=99.99]
updateSer = data['route_prefix_005b'].map(road_type)
data['route_prefix_005b'] = updateSer
updatemtr = data['min_vert_clr_010']*3.28084
data['min_vert_clr_010'] = updatemtr
What Data do we need to make this usefull ???
4,-9727361.1553,4138540.5208,1,State highway,ON WHEELER DAM,14.829396799999998
6,-9716879.2008,4016510.4812,1,County highway,1 MILE EAST HWY 195,14.993438800000002
7,-9724702.178,3997177.3295,1,County highway,1 MILE N OAKMAN HWY,13.188976799999999
Low Clearance POI file on this site
After POI Factory members geocoded and posted low clearence POIs, a company claimed copyright infringement. As a result, the file was taken down. I disagree with that, since the location of bridges is public knowledge. However, there is nothing we can do.
If you go to the trouble of editing your data into a useable POI file, it is only good for your use. Wherever it is posted on the internet, even in Denmark, the same company will again claim copyright infringement.
[Moderator Note]
See note from JM below. Using NBI would be okay.
low clearance not the only issue
Low clearance is not the only issue for RVs. All over the U.S., there are tunnels and certain bridges with rules about LP gas (propane). For some locations, you cannot cross the bridge and at others, only a certain route can be taken.
It may be wise to get a dedicated RV GPS where the dimensions of the rig can be entered. The low clearances are part of the map and would be updated by the manufacturer.
For this link, page down to New York to see the Hudson River crossings:
Using NBI data is okay
As dobs108 mentioned, we've had some issues with this type of content in the past. However, NBI is public data from the Federal Highway Administration and is clearly separate from the content that was previously in dispute.
POI Factory would be happy to host a POI file that's based on the NBI data set.
But also notice that dobs108 has some good points in his second post relating to the limitations of focusing on just bridges. His mention of getting a dedicated RV GPS is well worth considering.
Jonathan (aka JM)
low bridge clearance info
Haven't been on in years. At 76 with two new hips a Toy Poodle and 75 pound Standard Poodle puppy I'm gonna go full time. Who hooo. My new 5er is a little tall from the added Maxfan shroud so was looking for low clearance POI's and came here first. Boo on low (@'s in case they are monitoring us).
But look what I found. Free, and on a map. So great! And she started selling the poi's for just $5.00.
Haven't been on in years. At 76 with two new hips a Toy Poodle and 75 pound Standard Poodle puppy I'm gonna go full time. Who hooo. My new 5er is a little tall from the added Maxfan shroud so was looking for low clearance POI's and came here first. Boo on low (@'s in case they are monitoring us).
But look what I found. Free, and on a map. So great! And she started selling the poi's for just $5.00.
The problem with any poi database for low clearance locations is file maintenance. It seems new clearance locations pop up almost weekly.
When I pulled a trailer, I had very good luck with the clearance database used by Garmin in their RV series GPS units. In most cases, it's a free download for those with lifetime map updates. The map/data file is updated yearly though so currency is still a problem.
I agree with the advice
I agree with the advice above, Get either an RV Garmin or the Trucker Garmin. Also stop at a Truck Stop and purchase Rand McNally's Trucker's Atlas.
Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267
Wow ...
... Glad I grabbed that file when I did.
How long before someone lays 'copyright claim' to other types of POI files? Seems petty in a day where corporate interests can use 'copyrighted' music to advertise everything from iced tea to prescription drugs without payment to the original artists.
Come and get me ...
it's the dog's fault
Garmin DriveSmart 5 My other toys: IMac quad-core i3, Mac Mini M1. MacOS: Ventura 13.3.1 The dog's name is Ginger.