update individual States?


Hello again, folks. I'm wondering if it's possible to update an individual state rather than entire US, as this would greatly lessen the size of the download. I didn't find an answer on the Garmin help site, so I imagine that's not possible. What say you? Thanks. Ed


pOI files are text files

POI files are text files, whether they are csv or gpx files. Even over the entire US, they take up little space. Many members have tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of POIs in their GPS.

In order to load one state, you would open a csv file in Excel and edit the locations. This is a tedious process. What about files that would be updated frequently? It becomes impractical.

dobs108 smile

POIs or Garmin's map updates?

Which update are you asking about?


CraigW wrote:

Which update are you asking about?

Sounds to me Mred44 means instead of North America 22.10 maybe something like Pennsylvania 22.10.

. 2 Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Nuvi 2689, 2 Nuvi 2460, Zumo 550, Zumo 450, Uniden R3 radar detector with GPS built in, includes RLC info. Uconnect 430N Garmin based, built into my Jeep. .

That’s what it sounds like to me

soberbyker wrote:
CraigW wrote:

Which update are you asking about?

Sounds to me Mred44 means instead of North America 22.10 maybe something like Pennsylvania 22.10.

And, I don’t think that there is any way to break down the states within the mapset.

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

MicroSD card

If space is such a concern, get yourself a MicroSD card. Most GPS's can accept a 16GB card and should run you less than $10.

I load any map updates to the MicroSD card. POI's and everything else go on the main units memory.

Garmin Nuvi 2450

I'll just leave things alone

No problem..I'll leave things as is. I didn't think it was possible, anyway. smile

BTW, yes, I've learned about the SD cards that can be inserted for extra capacity. That'll be good since I'm up to capacity now.



Mred44 wrote:

No problem..I'll leave things as is. I didn't think it was possible, anyway. smile

BTW, yes, I've learned about the SD cards that can be inserted for extra capacity. That'll be good since I'm up to capacity now.

If you are referring to map updates and not custom POIs, you can install just regions of North America:


Unintended Results

Mred44 wrote:

Hello again, folks. I'm wondering if it's possible to update an individual state rather than entire US, as this would greatly lessen the size of the download. I didn't find an answer on the Garmin help site, so I imagine that's not possible. What say you? Thanks. Ed

I think Mred44 is, indeed, asking about Garmin updating only "state" map information (which comports with the "lessen the size of the download" observation.

Let's consider what this would mean for a subdivision that is built on the boundary of two states. For a map user, how would they know that two states needed to be downloaded if they wanted to visit a friend who lived in this cross-state subdivision?

What about vacations? How do you pick states to download? Doing them individually might take much more time an effort that a simple North American download.

What technique would a person use to decide when states should be updated; they would soon be a real mishmash of new and old data.

Finally, consider how onerous this would be on Garmin concerning how to notify user when new data was available.


All points you folks have made are well taken. No more discussion necessary here. Ed
