Garmin Express on a Windows 7 PC
Wed, 12/25/2019 - 7:51pm
7 years
I have been losing 'Free Space' on my PC SSD and discovered that one of the main culprits was that Garmin was backing up each map(2GB+ apiece) after every update. 12 updates has resulted in ~24 GB of lost free space.
The limited settings menu in GE has no choices for saving/deleting map updates.
I found the bulk of the old map volume buried deep under the Garmin directories. I am afraid to just start deleting and ripping files out which could corrupt other settings.
Should I just uninstall GE, hope for full erasure and reload a new GE?
Any suggestions appreciated.
I have the latest GE update.
Check here
This recent thread:
should help, especially the reply by jfossy who wrote:
On my Windows 10, Garmin Express leaves a copy of the map in this location:
I just keep the most recent version.
Your Windows 7 should be the same.
Deleting and reinstalling Garmin Express won't be of any help removing the backed up map files.
And this
In the same thread mentioned above, GPSgeek offers:
I use to Control Panel-Programs, then Garmin City Navigator NT 2020.20, in your case and uninstall. Do the same for any other previous map versions that you have.
Safest way.
That won't delete the files in core service downloads though. That requires manual intervention as explained in the other thread.
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