Chit Chat Thread For The Week Of December 02, 2019


This is the place to talk about things that are not GPS related.

This thread will be closed on Monday and a new one will be opened.


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Feels Like . . .

. . . Holiday weather.

Too Soon .......

Looks like another season has been absorbed by winter. So now, it seems we have two official seasons ....winter 9 mths and summer 3 mths.


If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem quickly resembles a nail. (Maslow's Hammer)

cold and wet....

cold and wet....

N.E. Ohio, Garmin 2598 Garmin Drivesmart 65

Great Week

Have a good one all.

Are we there yet?

Winter's here

Getting cold. Not like North, but it's even cold in central FL

Keep warm, all.

NUVI 2595 & 2599


Holy smokes. Where did the year go?


Hi Everyone.

Nuvi 760


NE: Take care when you drive in the snow.

Mid West: Show 'em how to do it.

Mountain States: You are experts.

Gary Hayman

Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Prev.GPSs: Drive61 LM, nuvi 3790LMT, 755T & 650, GPSIII+, SP 2610, 250W; Magellan 2200T; Originator of GARMIN NUVI TRICKS, TIPS, WORKAROUNDS, HINTS, SECRETS & IDEAS

Colder this week.

Colder this week.



Good morning.

Good morning.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

Good Day

Be safe out there, it's a cold one.

A good week

and safe travels to all

Have a great week

Have a great week

John B - Garmin 765T

Great Thanksgiving!

Family together, big turkey, bottle of wine, pumpkin pie. What more could one ask? Anyone with magic formula for losing several pounds??

Tuckahoe Mike - Nuvi 3490LMT, Nuvi 260W, iPhone X, Mazda MX-5 Nav

Enjoy your week!

Enjoy your week!


Happy Tuesday!!

Hope you all are having a great Tuesday!!


Have a great week, everyone.


Getting later every day for mail delivery now days. Use to be 11:30 to 12:30 now were lucky if we get it before 5 pm.

johnm405 660 & MSS&T

Snow and Rain

California was just inundated with snow and rain lately.

Glad the weather is nicer

Should be a good week on the road.

I missed Monday again

I will have to look closer next week. I'm sure that everyone is full of Thanksgiving food. Now to starve until Christmas.
Drive safe.

nuvi 1390 LT, nuvi 1450 LMT, Win 10

Have a good


Good morning.

Good morning.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.


Having a delayed thanksgiving dinner today, Got snowed in last week with enough snow to keep us off the roads,

johnm405 660 & MSS&T

Hope everyone is having a

Hope everyone is having a nice week

let it

snow? we didn't get any as they said we would.

happy wednesday ...

At least there's no snow on the roads.


it's the dog's fault

Garmin DriveSmart 5 My other toys: IMac quad-core i3, Mac Mini M1. MacOS: Ventura 13.3.1 The dog's name is Ginger.

Have a nice Week everybody

Have a nice Week everybody


Hi everyone

Hi everyone enjoy your December month


Recovering from Thanksgiving

...and looking ahead towards Christmas/New Year. Where did this year go?

Chit Chat

Just did the leaves and gutters. Whew. Ready for winter, I think. Well maybe not!!!



have a great week.

It's Wed time for

UVA Basketball.


I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving dinner, soon it will be Christmas. Everyone have a good safe week.


I hate it,

The old country has passed 40c where it will stay for 4 months
Its passed 0c here going the wrong way and it will stay for 4 months
I don't b-word about too hot any morw

the title of my autiobiography "Mistakes have been made"




Just checkin in.

Have a great day.

Have a great day.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

Have a great day!

Have a great day!


Have a great day.

Have a great week everyone.




Good morning.

Good morning.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.



No trips

Well, no trips this week. Maybe next week.

Metricman DriveSmart 76 Williamsburg, VA


seems getting dark earlier makes the dogs and me want to go to bed earlier the cold damp days don't help ether

New High Definition 4K HDR Monitor

For one of my computers. Getting ready for our annual 12 hour (one way) trip for out granddaughters birthday. Looks, like our car will be overloaded with Birthday/Christmas presents this year.

Garmin Nuvi650 - Morehead City, NC


for that KC whistle to blow!

Shopping, Shopping, Shopping...

Lots of On-Line shopping going on this year, brick and mortar appear to be loosing to on-line. Too bad, we like touching and playing with things before we buy them.

Have a great week end and, please, take care of each other.

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