I need some help and advice (selling GPS units)
![]() 16 years
I need some help and advice I am 83 years old and have a 3597 and a 2640 Garmin, I would like to sell these both together they are in excellent condition with current map updates 2020.30 red light cameras and rest stops have not been updated for a while. Both units are always kept in a case and Inside never left in the car when it was real hot or cold. I read Aland Post the other day about the GPS store having a sale and the Garmin drive deluxe 51 for $99 so I ordered one ,I don't sign in to POI very often but I read the forums every other day the knowledge that is on this website amazes me about GPS. I always enjoy reading the posts from Aland,Jim,Craig,Prance,Sussamb,Boxcar,an all the rest of the regulars. My price for the 3597 is $100 and for the 2640 is $50 I think these prices are fair.
so I was wondering if any members of the POI would be interested in these two units and if someon
was interested how I would get in touch with them or them with me since the website is not secure. Again I would like to thank you all the maintainers and all the help I have received from you all. Take care, and happy Thanksgiving to all and stay safe.Nimrag1 P S. I can send pictures of units if someone wishes!
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Interested parties can contact you through your profile and send you a message. Once you make contact with each other, you will be corresponding via email.
Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267
I am not aware of a nuvi 2640 model. Do you mean nuvi 2460 LMT?
Also, you might want to wait until you have had a chance to use the DriveLuxe 51 a while before you let the 3597LMTHD go. They are both great devices, but if I was going to give one up, I would probably keep the 3597 over the DriveLuxe.
One thing to be aware of is that the DriveLuxe 51 does not come with the GTM-60 power supply/traffic receiver. That is not a problem for me because I use Smartphone Link for traffic rather than the receiver. But if you are used to using the HD traffic on your 3597, you may want to keep the GTM-60 power supply (which will work with the DriveLuxe), and that may affect the price you can get out of the 3597.
Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon
Interested parties can
Thank you very much for your information phranc,I appreciate it nimreg1
Yes that should’ve been 2460 LMT I forgot to add the exact name of unit, I also use the Garmin app with my phone was not aware of the cord being different thank you.nimrag1
Yes that should’ve been 2460 LMT I forgot to add the exact name of unit, I also use the Garmin app with my phone was not aware of the cord being different thank you.nimrag1
In your original post, you indicate you ordered a Driveluxe 51 LMT —S, however, your profile shows you already one of these units. Is this an additional unit that you want as a backup?
Nuvi 2460LMT 2 Units
Drive deluxe 51
Drive deluxe 51 Just added this to my profile this afternoon when I was updating my email address I received the drive deluxe about three days ago from the GPS store figured I better update it now while I was at the site,at 83 yrs old if I don’t do it now it may never get done,thanks for checking on me though,take care.
Always Time
I'm 83 on Cemo.
The prices you are asking for the 3597 and 2460 are reasonable. 3597's are selling for between $i00 and $200 on eBay and the 2460 between $30 and $50 depending on accessories & condition.
There is a bit of a learning curve associated with selling on eBay but if you have the time, it might be an option to explore. You might also have other items around that are sell-able.
Like Alandb, I have both the 3597 & Driveluxe 51 and much prefer the 3597. I bought the 51 for it's ability to work with the BC30 and BC40 rear view cameras which the 3597 does not. Otherwise, the features of the two units are quite similar.
Thanks for the information about eBay prices compared to mine. Yes I don't see much difference between the 3597and the deluxe I like the fact you can just plug it in and download your Maps what is it that you prefer in the 3597 versus the deluxe thanks for all your information.
Always on time
thank you, I will remember u in my prayers:
Thanks for the information about eBay prices compared to mine. Yes I don't see much difference between the 3597and the deluxe I like the fact you can just plug it in and download your Maps what is it that you prefer in the 3597 versus the deluxe thanks for all your information.
The display on the 3597 is more pleasing to the eye IMO. The green shading used to denote topography is a handy feature which the 51 lacks.
The magnetic mount on the 3597 is easier to seat properly than the one used for the 51.
The WiFi connectivity can be handy on the 51 but I will use it maybe once a year for map updates. I still have to use a USB cable to up and download POI files.
There will probably be more differences to note after I get more familiar with the 51.
Speaker in mount.
Adding to the differences stated by bdhfsz6 …
The 3597 has a speaker in the mount and the DriveLuxe doesn't. This gives the 3597 more volume and better sound quality IMO. But as I said in an earlier post, both are excellent units and I can be happy using either one as my daily driver.
As far as the WiFi capability on the DriveLuxe 51, it is OK to have but not a significant advantage for me. When doing a map update, you still have to be plugged into a USB charging device, so it is just as easy to plug into a computer and use Garmin Express for the map update. And, since I have multiple devices to update, using Garmin Express instead of WiFi cuts down on the amount of data that needs to download after updating the first unit.
Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon
hang on to both
I would hang on to both the 51 and the 3597. I have both of them. They are the best road GPSs Garmin has ever built, and there is no indication Garmin will ever build similar units again.
Thanks for pointing those differences out from you and the two other members I was wondering the importance of the Galileo satellites which the 3597 doesn't have. Thanks for all the comments so very helpful thank you.
Galileo satellites.
In most driving situations, I don't think the Galileo satellites would make much difference in a road navigation device, as they use the "snap to road" feature to keep the vehicle positioned on the nearest road. I suppose in difficult reception areas like the urban canyons in Manhattan, the Galileo satellites could make a difference. I don't drive in areas like that, so I don't really know if there is any appreciable improvement.
Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon
urban canyons
I have driven with the 51 and the 3597 in Manhattan, New York City, and they always had a good fix. There is no need for Galileo or GLONASS satellites. Garmin has a top-quality GPS receiver.
Thanks dobs108 … there is nothing like first hand experience
Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon
Decision made for me for keeping the deluxe 51 or 3597
Decision made for me for keeping the deluxe 51 or 3597, Been having trouble with the deluxe 51 turning on and off plugged it into the lighter receptacle and it did not automatically turn on and then tried to start it manually and it wouldn’t turn on, figured I would keep trying to use It an c if would it do it again,when turning off completely off ,an not putting in sleep mode u have to hold power button way longer than the 3597. Will be returning unit and not asking for a replacement, thanks for all your help and knowledge.
charge it first
It could be that the only thing wrong is that the battery is not fully charged. You should have a wall charger. Get a Garmin wall charger. Charge it for 4-5 hours and then try again. The same charger is used for the 51 and the 3597.
No when I first got the unit I charged it for about three or four hours and then I’ve been driving around with it Charging in my vehicle everyday.
If it were me, I'd just donate or give the units to someone who doesn't have a phone.
Assuming you're retired, enjoy, and congrats! I know it can be a dual edged sword so I say enjoy!
GPS in the Garman form is obsolete. And I may not have it right, so YMMV.
Say this weekend, 3.5 hr trips in the Northeast became 8 hours on Saturday, to avoid the storm. everyone got on the road at the same time.
A phone with google maps or waze knows the above, a gps, unless connected to a phone, does not.
taking this parkway or that expressway can save 1-2 hours.
I find that even going to my kid's school 3 miles away, the GPS can no longer handle such an easy task, and the consequences can be 15-25 min.
We paid for that cyclops subscription and they still have cams showing in NJ. NJ got rid of cams 5 years ago. Imagine paying for Cyclops and it's that out of date. my .02
Decision made for me for keeping the deluxe 51 or 3597, Been having trouble with the deluxe 51 turning on and off plugged it into the lighter receptacle and it did not automatically turn on and then tried to start it manually and it wouldn’t turn on, figured I would keep trying to use It an c if would it do it again,when turning off completely off ,an not putting in sleep mode u have to hold power button way longer than the 3597. Will be returning unit and not asking for a replacement, thanks for all your help and knowledge.
It does appear you have a defective Driveluxe 51. Both Alan and myself received defective units on our first try. We had much better luck with our replacements. For the price, it was worth the hassle IMO.
If you only need / use one GPS, I agree with your decision to return the 51 and keep the 3597. Were it me, I would do the same.
In my case, I frequently run two GPSr's side by side on long trips. That way, I can make side routes with one while keeping my main route displayed on the other. I can also use north up display orientation on one and track up on the other. The backup camera capable 51 makes it a good companion for the 3597.
DriveSmart 55
Decision made for me for keeping the deluxe 51 or 3597, Been having trouble with the deluxe 51 turning on and off plugged it into the lighter receptacle and it did not automatically turn on and then tried to start it manually and it wouldn’t turn on, figured I would keep trying to use It an c if would it do it again,when turning off completely off ,an not putting in sleep mode u have to hold power button way longer than the 3597. Will be returning unit and not asking for a replacement, thanks for all your help and knowledge.
It does appear you have a defective Driveluxe 51. Both Alan and myself received defective units on our first try. We had much better luck with our replacements. For the price, it was worth the hassle IMO.
If you only need / use one GPS, I agree with your decision to return the 51 and keep the 3597. Were it me, I would do the same.
In my case, I frequently run two GPSr's side by side on long trips. That way, I can make side routes with one while keeping my main route displayed on the other. I can also use north up display orientation on one and track up on the other. The backup camera capable 51 makes it a good companion for the 3597.
I have a 3597 and bought the DriveSmart 61. Didn't like it, so I gave it to my son and caught a DriveSmart 55 on sale. It is so much like the 3597, yet better. The Drive App is much more reliable for connecting by Bluetooth and still gives all the Traffic, weather, and other info, seamlessly and accurately.
If you can catch the DS 55 on sale, you would be money ahead.
Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267
Drive smart 55
I am taking your advice Phranc, found a drive smart 55 on eBay with a seller that has a 99.7 rating six years as a seller with eBay brand new in a box $119 and free shipping. Spoke with the GPS store this morning and they were very helpful they wanted to send me a replacement but I told them I would rather have a credit to my account, I do I have to pay the shipping for returning their product. Hope making this purchase from eBay works out OK thanks very much for your help,Phranc.