Ontario Distracted Driving Penalties to increase


Ontario's distracted driving penalties are due to increase July 1,2018.

Max fines increase from $1000 to $2000 for second conviction and up to $3000 for third conviction.

Also 3 day license suspension for first conviction, 7 days for second and 30 days for third and subsequent convictions.

That doesn't include your insurance increases, or the possible impact on your job, if you lose license. 3 days might be tolerated, but employers won't be pleased with 30 days.

DriveSmart 65, NUVI2555LMT, (NUVI350 is Now Retired)


People are ignoring the present penalties. This should get their attention.

If not, it'll suck to be them.

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

Should be more severe

When I walk or drive around the city or neighbourhood I see at least 2-3 drivers still using handheld cellphones, either talking or texting.
Penalties should be far higher since "Distracted Driving" has surpassed drunks behind the wheel killing people.

I know if I use my cellphone in my car via Bluetooth and completely hands free part of my attention is drawn away from driving.

Nuvi 2797LMT, DriveSmart 50 LMT-HD, Using Windows 10. DashCam A108C with GPS.


Juggernaut wrote:

People are ignoring the present penalties. This should get their attention.

If not, it'll suck to be them.

Totally agree... you still see it a lot. Stiffer penalties are needed.

Thanks for the information.

Thanks for the information.

Iphone XR, Drivesmart 61,Nuvicam, Nuvi3597

Something needs to be done

to get people's attention to stop texting and driving ...

Will it work?

A couple of things come to mind here. Although we have fines for distracted drivers in B.C. Doesn't seem to stop the people who are supposed to enforce them. Its $165.00 for getting caught on your Cell phone, I've seen one RCMP officer on one at a stoplight. Cars all around but still he did it. School zone fines. Not sure what they are, but one section i travel has one of those speed advisory Cameras. Speed through here is 50km. I followed 2 different RCMP Cars and both were doing 70.

2 DriveSmart 65's - We do not live in Igloo's and do not all ride to work on snow mobiles.

Will it work.. no

In Alberta it seems that the distracted driving law has made things worse... Now we have people driving while looking down at their crotch.. the tint shops are having a surge in business as more and more cars seem to have tinted their windows so you can not see in.

There is very little enforcement that I can see.. one can not drive more than ~20 minutes in Edmonton without seeing several violations. The police would much rather sit behind a tree with photo radar than have to get out and confront a violator.

Lives in Edmonton AB A volunteer driver for Drive Happiness.ca and now (since June 20 2021) uses a DS65 to find his clients.

The law provides excemptions

Speed2 wrote:

I've seen one RCMP officer on one at a stoplight. Cars all around but still he did it.

There are times when the police use the cellphone for communication rather than the car radio, for that there is an excemption in the law!

Nuvi 2797LMT, DriveSmart 50 LMT-HD, Using Windows 10. DashCam A108C with GPS.

Edmonton Traffic Enforcement

Ralph6410 wrote:

There is very little enforcement that I can see.. one can not drive more than ~20 minutes in Edmonton without seeing several violations. The police would much rather sit behind a tree with photo radar than have to get out and confront a violator.

Actually, Edmonton Police Service have been handing out lots of distracted driving tickets. Here are quotes from a Global News article in May 2017:

In the first quarter of 2017, 2,455 distracted driving tickets were issued to drivers in Edmonton... Based on the number of tickets handed out last year, Edmonton police are on pace to write 13,334 distracted driving tickets this year. (2017)

By comparison, revenue from photo radar in Edmonton is DOWN by $3,000,000 because people are slowing down - reports a CBC article from September 2017.

Perhaps focused enforcement is working in Edmonton!

Global News?

DanielT wrote:
Ralph6410 wrote:

There is very little enforcement that I can see.. one can not drive more than ~20 minutes in Edmonton without seeing several violations. The police would much rather sit behind a tree with photo radar than have to get out and confront a violator.

Actually, Edmonton Police Service have been handing out lots of distracted driving tickets. Here are quotes from a Global News article in May 2017:

In the first quarter of 2017, 2,455 distracted driving tickets were issued to drivers in Edmonton... Based on the number of tickets handed out last year, Edmonton police are on pace to write 13,334 distracted driving tickets this year. (2017)

By comparison, revenue from photo radar in Edmonton is DOWN by $3,000,000 because people are slowing down - reports a CBC article from September 2017.

Perhaps focused enforcement is working in Edmonton!

Seems a lot of people see what we all see......NO enforcement!!
News reports are like polls, no one ever asks you but polls still come out saying the majority said this. Never met some one who has been asked. So where did all this info really come from?
I say its the police trying to say they did this and they did that and this is what happened and the news just reported it like usual, didn't bother to check if it was true or not. I spend time in Edmonton and Calgary every years because we have relatives there. Never saw one this year when we went up. Oh...i know why....it was -24 to -30 when we were up there after the 26th of December. We stayed for 8 days, and yes we were out and about...lol.

2 DriveSmart 65's - We do not live in Igloo's and do not all ride to work on snow mobiles.

Photo Radar to increase revenue soon

Edmonton has recently decided to include playgrounds to the school zone reduced speed zones.. I am sure the revenue source will be back up in 2018.

Having a 30 km/Hr zone along a green space.. at 0700 or 2045 in the winter when not a creature is stirring.. in the dark.. is nothing but a gold mine to be exploited.

Lives in Edmonton AB A volunteer driver for Drive Happiness.ca and now (since June 20 2021) uses a DS65 to find his clients.