Which Nuvi to buy?
Mon, 07/09/2007 - 3:50pm
![]() 17 years
I've got an opportunity to sell my C550 for about as much as I paid for it to a friend. I'm debating as to what I'll replace it with...another C550, a Nuvi 360, a Nuvi 660? Generally, I like the C550 but I find its form factor to be bulky. So I've got some questions about the Nuvi series. Maybe someone can chime in with an opinion.
Is the Nuvi 660's display really that much better than the 360? I'm assuming the 360 has the same LCD as the C550, which I found to be OK but not great.
Is the Nuvi sound level adequate? I read that it puts out something like 250 mW compared to the C550's 1.5 W. I also heard you can boost the volume with a software hack.
Thanks for your help.
My $.02
I have both a 360 and a 660. It's just my opinion, but the screen size and presentation on the 660 is much nicer than the 360. It's hard to believe the difference that inch makes. The sound quality on the 660 seems to be better and I like the layout of the files. The 660 we picked up also came with the Fodors travel guide, and for the first time my wife has actually spent some time toying arpund with the unit. We kept our 360 for my car which rarely gets used and we have the new unit in her avalanche. Either way you won't go wrong, and again these are just my opinions. Good luck.
By the way, the sun glare on
By the way, the sun glare on the 660 is less of an issue than on the 360.
I upgraded from a Nuvi 350 to 660
And I'll concur that the extra real-estate for the screen is indescribably better.
Sound...the 660 does have3 an FM transmitter, but it pretty much sucks - so I run mine from the headphone port into my vehicle's audio system - and that works great; the software hack is to get more volume out of the voice file, which is nice, but, the 660 has separate audio controls - one for navigation, and one for MP3/Audio books, so you can get a good balance that I could not get with a 350 without the hack.
Get a 660. You'll be glad you did.
I wish I got a commission from Garmin...
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
Which Nuvi To Buy?
I've used both the Nuvi 660 and Nuvi 680. My buddy has the Nuvi 350 and I've noticed that both of the 600 series I have used had a much brighter screen than the 300 series. It was also nice to have a larger screen to view.
You can walk a horse to water, but a pencil has to be led.
Nuvi newbie
I upgraded from Nuvi 360 to Nuvi 660, and having the wider screen on the 660 provides a visual detail that is panoramic and more informative. Also, the sound output is marginally louder on the 660.
Either way, you can't go wrong; both units perform exceptionally well and accurate. It generally boils down to your cost/benefit (features) ratio.
Here's a link that provides a quick comparison of Garmin's Nuvi models. http://www.navigadget.com/index.php/2007/05/26/which-nuvi-to...
Or, visit Garmin's website for detailed specs. Might I also suggest that you visit your local Best Buy or Circuit City store to personally touch, see, and hear the demo models.
Which One?
I just got the 680 and the FM transmitter works great so far..sure a little static etc...but I am ok with it so far..so I would assume this would be the same as the 660. Do what I did as I was torn between two models I went to the web site and did a 'compare' and then called Garmin up and asked the real hard questions such as the ones your asking about volume etc...
Good luck!
It's those changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes nothing remains quite the same. With all of our running and all of our cunning, If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane.
The Nuvi's growing in me...
I'm debating as to what I'll replace it with...another C550, a Nuvi 360, a Nuvi 660? ...
Is the Nuvi sound level adequate? I read that it puts out something like 250 mW compared to the C550's 1.5 W. I also heard you can boost the volume with a software hack.
I have the Nüvi 310 and Streetpilot C510. Comparing them side-by-side I was initially struck by two shortcomings in the Nüvi.
1) The lack of volume (those power output measurements are mine - the Nüvi's is subject to some educated guesswork)
2) The awkwardness of trying to use the Nüvi in its other role - as a handheld device.
Three months on - I think the Nüvi has won the argument...purely through the convenience of being able to put it in my pocket when I get out of the car.
The audio output was insufficient for my needs, so I acquired a cheapo powered-speaker unit (intended for an iPod) and mounted it under the dash. It just means that you still have a wire to connect, when you install the Nüvi in its cradle.
Regarding the hand-held mode, I have a tiny piece of plastic that I insert in the back of the Nüvi's power connector. This just stops the antenna/aerial unit from closing properly and so stops it from going into simulation mode. This seems to have no impact at all on sensitivity and makes it much easier to handle. (Even if you can live with the awkward shape, every time you fold it up and then re-open it, it has to go through the 'acquiring satellites' phase - which I thought was a major nuisance.)
Re: the Nüvi 6xx series - I saw one in the flesh recently for the first time, and I was surprised how much bigger they are than the 3xx series.
I'd be interested to know if their owners feel that is an issue...
------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ---------------------- http://GeePeeEx.com - Garmin POI Creation made easy »
software hack
the software hack is to get more volume out of the voice file, which is nice,

Do you know where can I download this sofware? thanks
It's not a download
You need to be comfortable in opening a file in a hex editor.
To modify the VPM file, first make a back-up copy of it...the voice files on the Nuvi are in the 'Garmin' folder on your unit, in s sub-folder 'Voice'...open the file you wish to modify in a hex editor, and search for:
then, change the number to something higher than it is...when I did it I used 95...than save the file, and you should have a louder voice. Of course you have to select in the preferences the particular TTS voice for the file that you just modified.
Disclaimer: before messing around with anything, make a back up first...actually, making a complete back-up of your entire Nuvi is not a bad idea...
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
Thanks to all for the help. I'll probably get the Nuvi 660. Now I need to start looking for a good price. Any leads? (Best Buy took me to the cleaners with my C550...$530 with MI tax last month...ouch!)
Shop around
Pricegrabber has the Nuvi 600 at a range of $549.00 - $869.95
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*