Do You Like Daylight Savings Time?


I do enough travel across time zones every year that I easily adjust to the new time. That said, I personally would rather not change.

What is your opinion about Daylight Savings Time (for those who have to change)?

Shooter N32 39 W97 25 VIA 1535TM, Lexus built-in, TomTom Go
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Val - Nuvi 785t and Streetpilot C340


I hate Daylight Saving Time


I also vote no on DST.

dst needs to go

this is just a waste of time


I don't care... long as I have my smartphone to answer my questions, you can call it whatever you like.

I recently read an article suggesting the whole world go on GMT. I think someone above referred to military Zulu time.

We could base our day, year around, on local sunrise which would automatically be calculated with GPS. Local time differentials could be easily managed with our phones.

Time is so much more flexible since I retired...


Ted - Garmin Nuvi 1450 LM

Do you like daylight savings time

Love it ,makes spring coming so much nicer and more time to do things in the evening .Winter is depressing enough with dark to work and dark coming home .



I wish they would live the dam thing the way it is now..and that a BIG 10/4

I like DST

It confuses all the clocks that have to be manually set 2 time a year.

I never learned when it was spring or fall so the lymeric doesn't work for me!

I have to wait till it happens, then I look at my cell and get the time from it and set every freakin' clock using my cell as a reference.

Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!

No. I much prefer not having

No. I much prefer not having to change clocks twice a year. I live in California and don't understand the benefits. Not all states are following the practice so unless there is a real need for it I am not for it.

DST doesn't really bother me

DST doesn't really bother me too much but it can be an annoyance. I have never been one of the few that it has shifted and messed with my schedule where I would come in late for work or such. smile

How else would you know when to change your smoke alarm battery?

Not to mention all the daylight savings sales you would miss out on without it.



It's fundamentally useless, annoying, and even in Arizona where we don't practice it, it disturbs me in many ways.

Blame it on Ben....

..Franklin, that is. He was the first one to think of DST during his sojourn as an American delegate in Paris in 1784. So; I guess, we can put the blame on ole' Ben. rolleyes

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

DST saves energy, that is

DST saves energy, that is why DST is 8 months and standard time 4. So if you are going to pick, DST is a better choice to me.

Do You Like Daylight Savings Time?

Yes. Would like to see it implemented all year

Not funny, Ben

maddog67 wrote:

So; I guess, we can put the blame on ole' Ben. rolleyes

He was making a joke at Parisians' expense when he wrote his essay, but when politicians get involved, the joke's on all of us. Personally, I'm still exhausted from trying to get the kids acclimated to a radical schedule shift.

Paraphrasing an oft-repeated quote, it's like trying to make a blanket longer by cutting a foot off the top and sewing it to the bottom.

I'd like to see a direct comparison of the estimated fuel savings against the actuarial analysis of the increase in automobile and industrial accidents, including injuries and fatalities.

It the early 1900s, but now?

sunsetrunner wrote:

DST saves energy, that is why DST is 8 months and standard time 4. So if you are going to pick, DST is a better choice to me.

DST may well not save energy and may even increase usage according to many. Search on Google, read, then decide.

Tourist and recreation industry.

The tourist and recreation industries like DST for the most part. There was an initiative in our state legislature this spring to eliminate DST, but the governor, certain business interests and many constituents were opposed, so it has been dropped (for now anyway ... probably will come up again next year).

I don't like the spring change as it is hard for my old bones to adjust to ... sort of like jet lag when traveling east. In general though I like having more afternoon/evening daylight in the summer, so I am in favor of keeping it the way it is.

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon

Stop the madness!

Call it whatever and stop changing clocks back and forth twice a year.



In A Few More Years!

thurst461 wrote:


Time is so much more flexible since I retired...


Shooter N32 39 W97 25 VIA 1535TM, Lexus built-in, TomTom Go

No change

Doesn't seem to benefit me switching between standard and daylight savings time.

Steve - 2 Nuvi 3597
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