garmin nuvi 670 POI loader does not transfer custom POI
Tue, 07/03/2007 - 4:47pm
17 years
When loading POI from this site using the Garmin POI laoser I get an error stating there was a problem transferring your custom POI`S. Please try running POI loader again.
I have tried again but I get the same problem.
Any ideas?
I assume you are using Windows XP with the Nuvi connected to the usb port and the poi ".csv" files are downloaded to your computer and stored in a folder. If the downloaded files are in ".gpx" format, download a utility called poiedit to convert the files to ".csv" format.
Look under My computer to determine where the Nuvi is connected OR if using an SD card, note where it is connected, and click on the drive to display the folders (quick way to ensure connectivity). Then ensure poiloader attempts to load to the proper "drive", from the poi folder where the ".csv" files are stored.
Note: If loading poi's to an SD card, place a "new" folder called Garmin on the SD card. Poiloader looks for this folder either on the SD card or the Nuvi, and places custom poi's in a folder called poi within the Garmin folder.
I believe a link to poiedit can be found:
Good luck!
POI Loader will load GPX files so there's no need to convert them for that reason.
As to the POI Loader error, first be sure that your firmware is updated to the most recent version.
Then verify that your PC is recognizing your GPSr as a USB Mass Storage device. (Look for the GARMIN drive in My Computer.)
If all this checks out, try uninstalling POI Loader and reinstalling it.
Left out an assumption
I assumed most people would want to edit their poi files and/or possibly merge or combine them. I keep them in a single "like" format for this purpose. One can either edit them with poiedit or excel as is their preference, but I prefer the .csv format.
I am also conservative in regards to installing and re-installing programs due to the adverse effect on the Windows registry...unless all other means fail.
Try clearing up POILoader's temporary files.
When loading POI from this site using the Garmin POI laoser I get an error stating there was a problem transferring your custom POI`S. Please try running POI loader again.
If you look in your 'temporary files' directory, you may find a sub-directory called POI LOADER. If this subdirectory contains any files, then delete them (they are just workfiles-they are safe to delete. POIloader normally tidies the whole directory away). You can also manually delete POI.GPI from the \Garmin\Poi directory on the Nüvi - between them, these two actions can sometimes get POILoader back into line. (Maybe rename POI.GPI instead of deleting it - then you can always re-instate it, if you can't get POI Loader working).
Your temporary files directory, is where ever your 'TEMP' variable points: See Settings|Control Panel|System|Advanced|Environment Variables.
(TEMP probably points to C:\Documents and Settings\yourName\Local Settings\Temp. Whatever it is set to, double-check the directory actually exists. If/when you locate that POI Loader sub-directory, you can watch POI Loader build the .GPI in there - it then copies it to the Nüvi when it is complete.)
If that doesn't do the trick - have a look in the registry at HKey_current_user\Software\Garmin\PoiLoader\Settings
See if the value LastDevice is pointing to a device you recognise. It might be wise to wait for further guidance before changing it though
As you may have gathered - I've been in this particular tangle myself
------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ---------------------- - Garmin POI Creation made easy »
Error Cause
You will get this error if you have the Garmin folder open while POI loader is doing its thing. I had the same problem. I deleted the gpi files in the Garmin folder and closed that window before running POI loader and the error has not recurred.
><> Glenn <>< Garmin nüvi 2598