New LAW In INDIANA State (driving in left lane)
Wed, 06/03/2015 - 12:36am
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![]() 13 years
Starting JULY 1 2015 new Traffic regulation will be added for those driving in the left lane and under the Speed Limit..
Move over or face $500.00 fine
There must be a lot of folks that think they should always be in the left lane
Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!
That's a great law !
(2) Nuvi 1450LMT + 3597LMTHD + 2557LMT + DS61LMT-S Boston MA
But if the person in the left lane is going at least the speed limit they should not get a ticket. If I understand the new law correctly you can still get the ticket even if your driving the speed limit if you happen to clog up traffic in the left lane. Warning only should be given for those drivers.
Left Lane is for Passing
But if the person in the left lane is going at least the speed limit they should not get a ticket. If I understand the new law correctly you can still get the ticket even if your driving the speed limit if you happen to clog up traffic in the left lane. Warning only should be given for those drivers.
As the article indicates, enforcement of this law is highly discretionary. But complying with one law does not exempt you from complying with a different law!
If you're not passing slower vehicles you're supposed to be in the right lane. So technically, you are breaking the law if you're driving in the left lane just because you like it there.
But I am pretty sure a police officer is more concerned about speeders than a lone car in the left lane travelling at the speed limit.
blah blah balh
If you're not passing slower vehicles you're supposed to be in the right lane. So technically, you are breaking the law if you're driving in the left lane just because you like it there.
I don't know about Indiana, but many other states are as you describe.
Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!
it's called the 'passing lane', not the 'hanging out' lane.
Yeah, these rules are already on the books in many states in the USA. For whatever reason, there's been a lot more publicity on this issue over the past couple years.
I'm in MA and saw an interesting message on one of those rolling sign boards a couple weeks ago. It said something to the effect that you should not be in the left lane unless you are passing.
(2) Nuvi 1450LMT + 3597LMTHD + 2557LMT + DS61LMT-S Boston MA
I know in some states if your causing a back up of 5 vehicles or more on a two lane road going thru the passes you are supposed to pull over and let other cars pass. some cars pulling campers cant get over 30 mph going up hill! and can cause a long backup. on a hiway it makes sense to stay in the right lanes unless passing in some places trucks have to go 5 mph less then the limit for cars to keep them in the right lanes.
Every state already has a
Every state already has a law keeping you out of the left lane. Most say, "Slower Vehicles Keep Right", others have "Keep Right Except To Pass". Both of these signs are Bold black letters on a white background. Under Federal Standards, Black Text on a White Background constitute Force of Law. IOW, they can already ticket you for being in the left lane when not actively passing.
Black text on yellow background is considered a warning and and a suggestion, by Federal Standard and do not carry Force of Law.
Speed Limits are Black Text on a White Background.
Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267
poor poor passing lane
It's Called The 'Passing Lane', Not The 'Hanging Out' Lane.
WOW!!! When did it get its very own name?
Are the other lanes envious they don't have their own lane names too???
Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!
It's just a dream I had
If people in more states were encouraged to stay in the proper lane(s), perhaps they'd do such when they retire to Florida and drive below the speed limit!
New Law
They have had that law on the book in Maryland for more than 30 years.
It's a good law. Many feel that they can stay in the left lane even when they can see in their mirror that they have traffic backed up.
Lane names
It's Called The 'Passing Lane', Not The 'Hanging Out' Lane.
WOW!!! When did it get its very own name?
Are the other lanes envious they don't have their own lane names too???
It's always had that name. The others have too. The Granny Lane.
Passing lane only enforcement
Alas, a similar statute is not enforced in Pennsylvania. Most enforcement is concentrated on easy evidence violations (e.g., speed).
problem on I75
I experienced this a number of times on the I-75, on a trip to Florida and back in April. We had guys holding the left lane for 50-75 miles.
This happened in a few different states.
DriveSmart 65, NUVI2555LMT, (NUVI350 is Now Retired)
Virginia does not have a left lane law
Every state already has a law keeping you out of the left lane. Most say, "Slower Vehicles Keep Right", others have "Keep Right Except To Pass". Both of these signs are Bold black letters on a white background. Under Federal Standards, Black Text on a White Background constitute Force of Law. IOW, they can already ticket you for being in the left lane when not actively passing.
Black text on yellow background is considered a warning and and a suggestion, by Federal Standard and do not carry Force of Law.
Speed Limits are Black Text on a White Background.
There used to be a left lane law in VA, but when the speed limit dropped for all vehicles to 55 (Was 70 for autos and 65 for trucks), somehow someone managed to get it repealed. The reason was "they're all doing the same speed now, it's not needed". And the "Keep Right" signs were all removed.
When the speed limits started creeping back up, drivers did not start moving to the right lane when not passing. It took a few years for the signs to re-appear, but still no law.
Just yesterday, I was stuck in a large pack of cars and trucks on I-64 in the rain. After the rain let up some, I figured that the pack would dissipate - not so! Finally after everyone worked their way up to the front, there's this guy doing 25 MPH in the left lane with the 4-ways on (speed limit was 70). The problem comes with the vehicles directly behind them trying to merge to the right to get around the slow vehicle and nobody wants to be nice, they don't believe in "Alternate Merge" at all.
The other thing to consider are the safety factors. On a 4-lane interstate or limited access (2 lanes each way) there is usually no "Safety Lane" on the left. Therefore, if you have a blowout and veer to the left, more than likely you will wind up in the median. If you are in the right lane, you have the left lane and the safety lane to regain control and pull over. Want to change a tire in the dirt after a rain - not a safe thing to do.
Also, having a mechanical failure requiring a quick stop is not easy getting from the left lane to the safety lane on the right.
Plus, it's hard to build up speed to merge back into traffic from a dirt median. There are also slopes and guard rails that sometimes interfere with the maneuver. Wreckers hate a left shoulder scenario, unless there is someone to re-direct traffic to the right lane.
And then there are the folks who think they are keeping people from speeding. IT'S NOT YOUR JOB, let the police enforce the speed limit laws. If you are holding everybody back to the speed limit, then the police have no customers!
I'm now off the soap box.
Metricman DriveSmart 76 Williamsburg, VA
Drive Right
I drive in the right most lane, it is typically the fastest as the left and middle lanes are backed up with everyone else.
Streetpilot C340 Nuvi 2595 LMT
Sure. Why not? I hear
Sure. Why not? I hear Americans are notorious for not following the "slower traffic keep right" rule.
Okay, aside from my rant, I have noticed that some locales are better at following this rule than others. And some stretches of highways are better than others.
But wherever I go, the worst offenders seem to be those with hand-held cell phones, especially ones taking notes. That's a subject for another forum topic.
nüvi 750 & 760
Not for Californians
By the posts here I see that not to many have driven from Phoenix to LA or Las Vegas to LA both ways.
You will be passing cars on the right most of the time.
Trucks Driver
Are the worst when they drive side by side for miles with out passing each others..Like they are going for a Sunday driving
What I hate
What I hate is the driver that really doesn’t want to be passed. They are driving too slowly so you go to pass them. When they see you out the side window, they speed up. Pretty soon I am going far faster than I want with them right beside me, so I slow down to pull in behind them. But of course they slow down also. That causes all the cars behind them to bunch up, so I cannot merge right. So I end up looking like the bad guy, because the car on the right is just matching my speed.
Left Lane = Head On Crash...!!
One of my main reasons for staying out of the far left lane (except for passing), is the higher probability of a wrong way driver in the far left lane, compared to that same wrong way driver in what is either your center or far right lane.
Think about it.
How many times do we see on TV or read in the newspaper about a wrong way driver crashing head on into someone in the center or far right lane (very, very seldom) compared to the same thing happening in the far left lane of the traffic heading in the opposite direction (almost always).
Usually it's either the drunk driver or older confused Sr. citizen that does this. Once in awhile it's a "BG" (after committing a crime) that's trying to elude the police.
I'm not really lost.... just temporarily misplaced!
Here's how the New Jersey
Here's how the New Jersey State Police handle left lane hogs ....
(turn the volume down there's a few colorful words uttered)
. 2 Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Nuvi 2689, 2 Nuvi 2460, Zumo 550, Zumo 450, Uniden R3 radar detector with GPS built in, includes RLC info. Uconnect 430N Garmin based, built into my Jeep. .
stupid cop
Here's how the New Jersey State Police handle left lane hogs ....
While I don't condone lane hogs
I also don't condone the cops actions either.. Especially if the guy the coo lit up was doing the legal limit.
If anything, the cop should be cited for wreckless driving by following to close.
Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!
Kansas left lane law
Kansas passed a left lane law a few years ago. It says you can only use the left lane to pass but it only applies when you are not in the designated "city limits" of a town. Right now there are some folks that are trying to pass a law that says you can go 5 or 10 MPH over the speed limit if passing on a two lane road wince folks have been pulled over for speeding while passing.
speed limit
I thought that it was a speed -limit-. I guess that n=mans that -anyone- in the left lane can be ticketed - either for clogging or speeding.
Speed Vigilantes
Well said - my experience was in WA state, where many self-appointed speed nazis will purposefully park themselves in the left lane of an interstate just below the speed limit to "teach" other drivers the merits of slow travel. These are the same folks that shake their fists and mutter obscenities to any other driver committing the slightest driving imperfection.
We're all human - if we all lightened up and focused on our own driving, traffic would flow and less accidents would occur.
Are the worst when they drive side by side for miles with out passing each others..Like they are going for a Sunday driving
Or trucks that tailgate you in the right or center lane (3 lanes) because they cannot use the left lane. I have a (?) friend, a truck driver, that says he seldom sees the car in front of him, he drives that close. Would you give him a job???????. Thankfully he has been unemployed for the last year so I have felt a lot safer, but how many more of "him" out there?????.
GREAT LAW, now enforce it.
so let me understand this...
Kansas passed a left lane law a few years ago. It says you can only use the left lane to pass but it only applies when you are not in the designated "city limits" of a town. Right now there are some folks that are trying to pass a law that says you can go 5 or 10 MPH over the speed limit if passing on a two lane road wince folks have been pulled over for speeding while passing.
Someone is driving along at or within a few digits of the speed limit... And some fool wants to be allowed to exceed the limit to pass, potentially jepordize those in the vehicle already at or near the speed limit...
Most of the time, speed limits are set for conditions such as visibility, population, driveway density, pedestrian traffic, cross streets, road conditions...
So as it is now, if someone speeds to pass you and causes you to have an accident, the passing vehicle can be cited, charged and maybe found criminally and or civially (financially) responsible for their actions.
Sounds like the folks wanting the "execption" rule want to be allowed to endanger others and not be held accountable for their actions
Sounds like a bad idea to me.
Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!
Here's how the New Jersey State Police handle left lane hogs ....
While I don't condone lane hogs
I also don't condone the cops actions either.. Especially if the guy the coo lit up was doing the legal limit.
If anything, the cop should be cited for wreckless driving by following to close.
Living in nearby Pennsylvania and I find myself in New Jersey from time to time, I can totally see the NJSP doing this, it's rare, and I mean extremely rare, that I see a NJSP car doing the speed limit when the left lane is open. Only time a NJSP trooper is doing the limit is when he's stuck behind other vehicles doing it.
You see it in PA too, but not quite as obvious. I recall one of the TV news shows doing a bit on police speeding and found it pretty common for highway cops.
On topic, I've seen signs on the PA turnpike "Keep Right, Pass Left" or something similar to that, but the rule applies to all limited access roads:
Subchapter A - General Provisions.
§ 3313. Restrictions on use of limited access highways.
(d) Driving in right lane.--
1. Except as provided in paragraph (2) and unless otherwise posted, upon all limited access highways having two or more lanes for traffic moving in the same direction, all vehicles shall be driven in the right-hand lanes when available for traffic except when any of the following conditions exist:
i. When overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction,
ii. When traveling at a speed greater than the traffic flow.
iii. When moving left to allow traffic to merge.
iv. When preparing for a left turn at an intersection, exit or into a private road or driveway when such left turn is legally permitted.
. 2 Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Nuvi 2689, 2 Nuvi 2460, Zumo 550, Zumo 450, Uniden R3 radar detector with GPS built in, includes RLC info. Uconnect 430N Garmin based, built into my Jeep. .
That was a thing of beauty!
Here's how the New Jersey State Police handle left lane hogs ....
(turn the volume down there's a few colorful words uttered)
I've driven over a million miles in my lifetime, in 45 states...without a doubt, the worst drivers in America are in NJ. If the left lane law was strictly enforced, I bet road rage would drop by 70%, maybe more...nothing is more infuriating, on an otherwise open road, than having an a$$h0le in the left lane pacing a car in the right see it all the time on the NJ Tpk and I195...
"You can't get there from here"
+1 and
Are the worst when they drive side by side for miles with out passing each others..Like they are going for a Sunday driving
"You can't get there from here"
Is it actually all that bad?
Are the worst when they drive side by side for miles with out passing each others..Like they are going for a Sunday driving
I agree, it can be very frustrating to wait until the trucks do their thing, but what is the actual cost in one's travel time?
Let's see, using an average Interstate speed at 70mph, Truck passing another at 60 miles an hour, for at most 5 minutes per event. That results in a loss of 10 miles distance for every 12 events, and at 70mph average that's a loss of 8.6 minutes ETA. It would take 84 such events for one to lose an hour on their ETA. Doesn't seem to be a big deal to me…
What do you think?
Tuckahoe Mike - Nuvi 3490LMT, Nuvi 260W, iPhone X, Mazda MX-5 Nav
but.. but... but...
I agree, it can be very frustrating to wait until the trucks do their thing, but what is the actual cost in one's travel time?
Let's see, using an average Interstate speed at 70mph, Truck passing another at 60 miles an hour, for at most 5 minutes per event. That results in a loss of 10 miles distance for every 12 events, and at 70mph average that's a loss of 8.6 minutes ETA. It would take 84 such events for one to lose an hour on their ETA. Doesn't seem to be a big deal to me…
What do you think?
But, but get caught up in one of those 4+ hour car crashes that's not all that in common these days and your example seems insignificant by comparison... But that's my view.
Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!
I think it's rude
[quote=TuckahoemikeDoesn't seem to be a big deal to me…
What do you think?
I think it's extremely rude. It shouldn't take more than a minute or 2 to pass another vehicle. Any longer and you probably didn't need to pass or should wait. I have had WAY too many instances of a truck pulling out in the left lane to pass, making me slow or hit the brakes, and then proceed to pass at about 1/4 mile per hour faster than the other vehicle. By the time they are done, there are about 15 cars backed up in the left lane.
Slow driver
On my way home from upper GA on I75 Traffic was moving good. Around 70-75 and in the right lane seen a trooper and he was not in a big hurry. In the far left lane a car moving around 70 or so.. and had several cars in back of it. Then all the sudden on come the blue's and the trooper went from the right lane to the left lane and fell in behind the one holding up traffic.. I am thinking that being the Slower driver wasn't relly doing anything wrong that he was going to get a ticket or warning about being in the left lane.
Jerry...Jacksonville,Fl Nüvi1450,Nuvi650,Nuvi 2495 and Mapsource.
GA Law
GA now has a slow poke law. It states that if a faster vehicle is coming up behind you you MUST pull over even if you are doing the speed limit. Too many crazy drivers weaving in and out to get around the slower traffic
Happy to hear it, remains to
Happy to hear it, remains to be seen if it is enforced.
Thank you
This should be the rule in ALL states
Garmin Nuvi 765T, Garmin Drive 60LM
Thats a very
interesting law.
agreed !
This should be the rule in ALL states
It seems that some still naïvely believe that slower is safer in every instance
Generally, left hand slow driving on interstates/divided highways should be punishable as equal to reckless driving!
If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem quickly resembles a nail. (Maslow's Hammer)
This should be the rule in ALL states
It seems that some still naïvely believe that slower is safer in every instance
Generally, left hand slow driving on interstates/divided highways should be punishable as equal to reckless driving!
I would think a cop would prefer to cite someone exccding the limit as it's almost always a slam dunk..
Maybe not so if the sap is doing the legal limit.
Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!
Whether you are going over
Whether you are going over or under the speed limit is not the question. It's whether or not you constitute a safety hazard. Goin the speed limit while the flow of traffic around you is moving 10 mph faster creates a major safety hazard. If you can't keep up with the flow, get off the highway.
Every state has an "Impeding the Flow of Traffic" law, and it ignores the speed limits. And there's one for you bikers. It's called a parade without a permit. Or even convoying. These ignore the speed limit also.
Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267
Truck drivers...
They should pass a law as well with the truck driver purposely double blocking the lanes. Since they're in the mood to pass laws.
There already are laws to
There already are laws to that effect. See post before yours.
Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267
Then there are the left lane
Then there are the left lane people going slow with their turn indicator on for miles...are they pulling back in? Turning off the hwy? Or just plain idjits?
Then there are the left lane people going slow with their turn indicator on for miles...are they pulling back in? Turning off the hwy? Or just plain idjits?

If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem quickly resembles a nail. (Maslow's Hammer)
What do I think?
Are the worst when they drive side by side for miles with out passing each others..Like they are going for a Sunday driving
I agree, it can be very frustrating to wait until the trucks do their thing, but what is the actual cost in one's travel time?
Let's see, using an average Interstate speed at 70mph, Truck passing another at 60 miles an hour, for at most 5 minutes per event. That results in a loss of 10 miles distance for every 12 events, and at 70mph average that's a loss of 8.6 minutes ETA. It would take 84 such events for one to lose an hour on their ETA. Doesn't seem to be a big deal to me…
What do you think?
I think if you cannot pull out and pass in a matter of seconds versus five minutes you shouldn't pull out to pass. I think that most truckers do it on purpose. I think that if I was a cop I'd ticket every driver I saw loafing in the left lane or impeding traffic flow by executing blocking "passes"...I think photon torpedoes may be an answer.
"You can't get there from here"
Don't see it that often
Are the worst when they drive side by side for miles with out passing each others..Like they are going for a Sunday driving
I agree, it can be very frustrating to wait until the trucks do their thing, but what is the actual cost in one's travel time?
Let's see, using an average Interstate speed at 70mph, Truck passing another at 60 miles an hour, for at most 5 minutes per event. That results in a loss of 10 miles distance for every 12 events, and at 70mph average that's a loss of 8.6 minutes ETA. It would take 84 such events for one to lose an hour on their ETA. Doesn't seem to be a big deal to me…
What do you think?
I think if you cannot pull out and pass in a matter of seconds versus five minutes you shouldn't pull out to pass. I think that most truckers do it on purpose. I think that if I was a cop I'd ticket every driver I saw loafing in the left lane or impeding traffic flow by executing blocking "passes"...I think photon torpedoes may be an answer.
The times I've seen trucks (semis) in the passing lane are to pass another truck, or sometimes several trucks at once. I was giving the example to show the extreme case, when, for example, a loaded truck is passing several others on a hilly section of the interstate. Because different trucks have different max speeds going uphill and downhill, any given two will gain or lose some position depending on how they're matched. And when there is a difference of only several miles per hour it takes more than "a matter of seconds" to pass. At a 3mph average difference in speed, it takes one truck about 100 seconds to pull out, pass another, and pull back in. If it is passing three other trucks, it would take about 300 seconds, or 5 minutes.
I have never driven a semi, and don't know anyone personally who does, but I believe professional truck drivers who intentionally block traffic are very rare indeed. Maybe folks driving on the interstate might benefit by chilling out a bit.
Tuckahoe Mike - Nuvi 3490LMT, Nuvi 260W, iPhone X, Mazda MX-5 Nav
I have driven. You have
I have driven. You have several sets of trucks. The slowest are going to be the largest fleets. You have a set that is held to 68 mph. There is another set for 65. Then Swift and USA Truck are 62. Then there is the little guys, ones who own 1 to 5 trucks and usually they are unlimited, although most have learned that governing them to 70 or less saves a tremendous amount of fuel.
Two trucks both governed for 68 mph will not run exactly the same speed. One will run maybe 68.5 the other 68. So when the 68.5 truck comes up behind the 68er, do you really think the other truck is going to drop his cruise control 1 mph? Heck no. They will cut his balls off and take away his manly trucker card. So he pulls out in front of that line of traffic coming up on his left at 70+mph. He doesn't care. He's been dealing with d**khead cars all day. They can just wait on him. In the mean time, before he can get up alongside the 68 truck, he has run up on a 65er. So out in the left lane he comes and the whole left lane slows down to 65 or less, and now it's going to take 5 or 6 minutes for them to get past and get back over.
Truckers don't care about cars.The Interstate is their livelihood.
Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267
Anyone who has driven on the Autobahn,
where they take this seriously, knows how well this system can work. Everyone moves over to the right lanes to let the folks zip by on the left.
So much more civilized and efficient.