Should Consumer Use of Drones be Regulated or Banned in the U.S.?


As a hobbyist, I think these little gadgets are fun to play with but they are getting a lot of bad press lately.

There are already regulations in place that control the use of drones in certain areas but no practical way to enforce them.

I’m generally not a fan of government regulation but perhaps requiring all drones to carry an on board GPS enabled chip is all that is necessary. The chip could be programmed to disable the machine in certain areas or above certain altitudes. No, it won’t keep a terrorist from modifying one but an outright ban on drones won’t keep a terrorist from getting his hands on one either.

I have no strong opinion on this either way. I am curious though about the thoughts of others here at the Factory.

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phranc wrote:

Go to the pace that fires frozen chicken carcasses at plane windows to test them, and substitute drones for chickens.

Search the Mythbusters TV archives.

"all of the windshields broke because none of them were rated for bird impact".

johnnatash4 wrote:


Whenever something doesn't have any legitimate purpose (wanting to see the neighbor sunbathing is not legit, though understandable), it should be disallowed.

My legitimate is clearly your illegitimate. Who wins here?

My legitimate is aerial landscape videography and structure/tree inspection. Given that there is already a 30 mile radius ban on quadcopter flight around airports, and being in the center of 3 of them here in suburban MD/DC, I guess you agree with a fine or jail time for me to inspect the roof of my house, chimney, or my trees?

It's about the Line- If a line can be drawn between the powers granted and the rights retained, it would seem to be the same thing, whether the latter be secured by declaring that they shall not be abridged, or that the former shall not be extended.

Ban S. E. B. P.

johnnatash4 wrote:


Whenever something doesn't have any legitimate purpose (wanting to see the neighbor sunbathing is not legit, though understandable), it should be disallowed.

Hear hear!!! Let's ban Super Elastic Bubble Plastic! What legitimate purpose does it serve?!?!?!

If we can save ONE child by banning drones (and S. E. B. P.) I am all for it, just as I am all for Polychlorinated Bipheanols (sp?), lifetime welfare recipients, multi-hour religious sermons, burlap undergarments, and under-seasoned food.

Boo freedom. mrgreen

common sense

ericruby wrote:
johnnatash4 wrote:


Whenever something doesn't have any legitimate purpose (wanting to see the neighbor sunbathing is not legit, though understandable), it should be disallowed.

Hear hear!!! Let's ban Super Elastic Bubble Plastic! What legitimate purpose does it serve?!?!?!

If we can save ONE child by banning drones (and S. E. B. P.) I am all for it, just as I am all for Polychlorinated Bipheanols (sp?), lifetime welfare recipients, multi-hour religious sermons, burlap undergarments, and under-seasoned food.

Boo freedom. mrgreen

We have to use it sometimes. A li-ion battery can't even fly on a passenger plane by itself. That in no way is restrictive of freedom. There's a reason behind it, and legitimate.

This forum is interesting to say the least, the way it picks and chooses. Now if that's not freedom, what is?!

Things to come

If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. Ronald Reagan

Steve - 2 Nuvi 3597

damned right.

Considering that a British Air jet, just hit a drone, on its landing approach today. Fortunately, there were no injuriws and the jet landed safely.

Do we need to wait until one crashes through the windshield or gets sucked into the engine before these irresponsible drone operators figure out that these things can be dangerous. I wouldn't want it on my conscience that I was the one responsible for crashing a passenger jet.

DriveSmart 65, NUVI2555LMT, (NUVI350 is Now Retired)

Been flying RC planes for a

Been flying RC planes for a long long time. Now we are grouped into the class of drone users and have to register. Amazing, RC flyers were safe for the last 20+ years without registering but not today. Anyone can fly a drone, not everyone can fly and RC airplane and even with those differences we now are classified as a drone user. Ridiculous.


sunsetrunner wrote:

Been flying RC planes for a long long time. Now we are grouped into the class of drone users and have to register. Amazing, RC flyers were safe for the last 20+ years without registering but not today. Anyone can fly a drone, not everyone can fly and RC airplane and even with those differences we now are classified as a drone user. Ridiculous.

It is unfortunate that the responsible RC flyer's like you have been lumped with the irresponsible ones. Your group are the majority, but there seems to be no way to regulate only the irresponsible ones.

If someone takes down a passenger jet and kills a few hundred people, just think of the crack down, that will occur.

DriveSmart 65, NUVI2555LMT, (NUVI350 is Now Retired)

Just Consider

Terrorists have often used autos to blow whole blocks of people up. Should the government ban autos from urban areas? They're already banned from being driven in front of the White House.

I have a quadcopter, it is licensed. The license is taped to the body of the quadcopter. That's the law now. The quadcopter has soft that limits altitude to 400 feet and will automatically land if it is within 5 miles of an airport. They are now mechanically unable to fly within 15 miles of the White House. I have never flown it even remotely near an airport nor at high altitude. I believe I should be able to contuse to use my quadcopter.

It's not a good idea, in my estimation, to ban objects merely because they can possibly be used illegally to cause death and destruction.

Tuckahoe Mike - Nuvi 3490LMT, Nuvi 260W, iPhone X, Mazda MX-5 Nav

By the Way

There's no evidence that the plane actually hit a drone. The pilot didn't see one, there was no damage to the plane, and no drone parts were found. I think "Drone" was just a guess by the pilot.

Tuckahoe Mike - Nuvi 3490LMT, Nuvi 260W, iPhone X, Mazda MX-5 Nav

been doing it to Gun Owners for many years

"It's not a good idea, in my estimation, to ban objects merely because they can possibly be used illegally to cause death and destruction."

If you think registration was bad .....

If this Senate Bill passes, there will be more requirements concerning my RC planes than my M-1 Carbine firearm!

Quoted from the AMA's newsletter:
"One of the provisions would require all UAS, including model aircraft, to meet new FAA design and production standards and impose unnecessary regulation on hobbyists who often build their own models at home. This legislation also puts new requirements on model aircraft operations within 5 miles of airports, potentially jeopardizing hundreds of existing flying sites that have operated safely and harmoniously within our communities for decades. And finally, the bill creates an unnecessary and unsubstantiated requirement for AMA members ages 13 and above to take an online FAA safety test and carry proof of passing the test when flying."

In the end, do they really think the drug runners, crooks, and idiots will follow these ridiculous regulations?


"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."

of course

retiredtechnician wrote:

In the end, do they really think the drug runners, crooks, and idiots will follow these ridiculous regulations?


Of course they do. Just like they expect everyone to work at least 8 hours every day, pay their taxes, oppose gun ownership, embrace the requirements of the Affordable Care Act and any other asinine requirements the nannies in DC come up with.

Illiterate? Write for free help.

New inventions out

retiredtechnician wrote:

If this Senate Bill passes, there will be more requirements concerning my RC planes than my M-1 Carbine firearm!

Quoted from the AMA's newsletter:
"One of the provisions would require all UAS, including model aircraft, to meet new FAA design and production standards and impose unnecessary regulation on hobbyists who often build their own models at home. This legislation also puts new requirements on model aircraft operations within 5 miles of airports, potentially jeopardizing hundreds of existing flying sites that have operated safely and harmoniously within our communities for decades. And finally, the bill creates an unnecessary and unsubstantiated requirement for AMA members ages 13 and above to take an online FAA safety test and carry proof of passing the test when flying."

In the end, do they really think the drug runners, crooks, and idiots will follow these ridiculous regulations?


Unfortunately, this kind of coverall restrictions will also make new inventions and progress a lot slower.


Guns are bad, mmmmmkay? So are drones. mrgreen


nothing in itself is bad , its the nut cases , "dumb" I didn't mean it to happen ,evil people that cause grief . most people with a little common sense don't cause the problems but because of others they suffer from restrictions the most !

Where Does it End?

retiredtechnician wrote:

If this Senate Bill passes, there will be more requirements concerning my RC planes than my M-1 Carbine firearm!

Quoted from the AMA's newsletter:
"One of the provisions would require all UAS, including model aircraft, to meet new FAA design and production standards and impose unnecessary regulation on hobbyists who often build their own models at home. This legislation also puts new requirements on model aircraft operations within 5 miles of airports, potentially jeopardizing hundreds of existing flying sites that have operated safely and harmoniously within our communities for decades. And finally, the bill creates an unnecessary and unsubstantiated requirement for AMA members ages 13 and above to take an online FAA safety test and carry proof of passing the test when flying."

In the end, do they really think the drug runners, crooks, and idiots will follow these ridiculous regulations?


No matter who or what is regulated or banned, there will always be those who figure out new ways to harm or kill innocent people.

Julius Caesar, Act 3. Scene II

geo334 wrote:

nothing in itself is bad , its the nut cases , "dumb" I didn't mean it to happen, evil people that cause grief . most people with a little common sense don't cause the problems but because of others they suffer from restrictions the most !

The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones;

The government should have

The government should have the technology to jam these from flying in restrictive airspace.

not a good idea

cherman77 wrote:

The government should have the technology to jam these from flying in restrictive airspace.

Maybe a program within the software to land it, but jamming would possible send it out of range/control of the RC Pilot!

Agree with Tuckahoemike

Agree with you. If it was a good idea, then why not ban vehicle use because they cause the highest death rates of all time and continue to do so but on the same token I don't agree with video cameras being able to take video of my house or land without permission or knowing that it is being done. I say ban the camera use and let the drones fly where they may. The cameras are the real issue here, not the drones.

Hamlet's soliloquy act 3 scene 1

ericruby wrote:
geo334 wrote:

nothing in itself is bad , its the nut cases , "dumb" I didn't mean it to happen, evil people that cause grief . most people with a little common sense don't cause the problems but because of others they suffer from restrictions the most !

The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones;

I learned that as a child and committed to memory, thanks to SNL.

Betya most of the folks here weren't even born at that time! I observe people taking positions on both sides of the fence, as it suits them.

Samurai ......

johnnatash4 wrote:
ericruby wrote:
geo334 wrote:

nothing in itself is bad , its the nut cases , "dumb" I didn't mean it to happen, evil people that cause grief . most people with a little common sense don't cause the problems but because of others they suffer from restrictions the most !

The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones;

I learned that as a child and committed to memory, thanks to SNL.

Betya most of the folks here weren't even born at that time! I observe people taking positions on both sides of the fence, as it suits them.

Samurai Hotel, er; Samurai Shakespeare, er; Samurai Drone Operator. grin


I see where the Dutch National Police are training Eagles to take down unwanted drones.

Like one news article said "No matter how many regulations are put in place, drones are cheap enough now that frequent misuse is becoming the norm." Go Eagles!


"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."

Should Consumer Use Of Drones Be Regulated Or Banned In The U.S.


The g'ment should put a bounty on those that are idiots with these things.

You know, they think flying their toys in airports as an example.

Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!
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