Chit Chat Thread For The Week Of January 20, 2014
Mon, 01/20/2014 - 11:17am
13 years
This is the place to talk about things that are not gps related.
Have fun...
This thread will be closed on Monday and a new one will be opened.
More snow to shovel and the dream !!!!!!
Another storm in the NE
Well folks we're being blasted again in the North East with another snow storm and very low temperatures. Thankfully the super bowl isn't this week....
Worked outside in the cold
Worked outside in the cold most of the day, boy was it cold.
two more work days this week.
Jeff...... Nuvi 2460, Nuvi 2595
windmill post
windmill post
Lost my windmill. Has it been that long?
NUVI40 Kingsport TN
It's 18 degrees outside with a wind chill of -5.
back in the deep freeze here in Montreal
Are we there yet?
Stay warm all.
Stay warm all.
Are we there yet ?????????????
I'm just wishing for Spring and the open road. Sigh...
Ready for Spring
Wind chill is really bad
Wind chill in Watertown NY is a nippy -45 degrees. Stay warm and dress correctly. hats and gloves for everyone.
Nuvi 2460LMT.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
Very,Very Cold Today
Very,Very Cold Today
We need rain in california
much as I hate wet weather.
very cold this morning
Have a great week
everybody, be alert, stay safe!
Garmin Nuvi 650, Garmin eTrexLegend, Magellan 360
hmmmm still kinda cool
cant wait until the darn rain slows down cant get much done outside
Have a good day
Have a good Week Everyone
Have a good Week Everyone
Hump day...
2 days till the weekend!
poi files for hiking trail
anyone know of a source for pois on hiking trails?
Cold night.
It is a very cold night in Georgia, I'll be glad when the weather gets back to normal! Where did the warm sunshine go??
good evening everyone
good evening everyone
Google Earth is your friend
anyone know of a source for pois on hiking trails?
If you are hiking then I am sure you are aware of "waypoints" for handhelds GPS units. Depending on where the trails, Google earth has a number of hiking trail features such as Wikiloc, Trimble outdoor trips, US National Parks trails. Load enough of those into your hand held & your biggest problem will be to "prune" these waypoint collections.
1.5 Days to Go
...and then the weekend is here for me.
It is a very cold night in Georgia, I'll be glad when the weather gets back to normal! Where did the warm sunshine go??
It must have gone to Arizona, 72 degrees and Sunny today.
"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."
Still in the high 70 degrees here in So Cal. Sure is a nice winter!
Snow and bitter cold is back on the northeast!
Subject says it all... 9 below actual temp, feels like - 35 in Cedar Rapids, IA. Can't wait to bask in the sun when we reach our high of - 2.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
colder than a well diggers
colder than a well diggers buttocks in the klondike
Another day of cold with a
Another day of cold with a chance of afternoon flurries. Alberta clipper train away!
Have A Great Week
Have A Great Week
Kids Loving This
Monday was a school holiday. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday saw schools closed for inclement weather in West Virginia's Eastern Panhandle. And tomorrow, Friday, is a 2-hour delay. Short school week!
--- Tim
Great weather in San Francisco Bay area
Scary. We need rain.
Stuck indoors with the flu,
Stuck indoors with the flu, hope everyone else is feeling better than me!
Roleplaying Canuck Gamer with: Nuvi 760 & 2595 LMT (Map Ver.: 2019.30) 2012 RAM 1500 4x4 Big Horn Quad
Good Grief, It's Cold!
I'm glad they make long flannel undies, I hear my friend in Michigan is freezing his buns off. Hopefully it warms up for him in the near future and they can turn the heat down a bit. Meanwhile in California, the fire warning red flag is flapping in the gentle breeze and there is no rain in sight. Records being broken all over the state. Reservoirs are running dry and the water table is dropping. Not a pretty picture.
Hope all had a good week and are looking forward to the week end. Chinese New Years Eve next Thursday (1/30) with Friday the 31st the beginning of the Year of the Horse. Early Happy New Year to all.
Have a great rest of the week and week end and, please, take care of each other.
yep, it's cold
2F in CT this AM
non-native nutmegger
Cold Snow
Another cold snowy week in Cincinnati. Be safe!
Go Devils
Go Devils
of extreme cold!
TomTom built in and Garmin Nuvi 1490T. Eastern Iowa, formerly Southern California "You can check out any time you like...but you can never leave."
Good morning.
Good morning.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
Go Blackhawks
Go Blackhawks
Go Blackhawks
chit chat
Too Cold..
watch out for slippery roads
Hope everyone had a nice week
Hope everyone had a nice week
Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.