Bum steer by TomTom - almost lost in the woods


Last week I was exploring the area in NW lower Michigan near Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. I was cutting across Benzie County heading towards the shoreline & told my Tom Tom to simply direct me. The device told me to turn west from CR 669 to Fowler Rd., which was a switch from a paved road to a good gravel one. Wasn't surprising to see that & usually the gravel roads join up to paved ones in short order. This didn't happen here, the road simply got worse. There was a sign saying the road wouldn't be plowed in winter time, followed by a road saying the road was not longer maintained by the county, followed by a very steep slope & potholes indicating the road had turned into a 4WD trail. I backed out about 1/8 mile, reversed direction & went back to CR 669, looped S/W/N and back W again to the other end of Fowler Rd which emerged out of the woods to join CR610 which was also the western continuation of Fowler Rd. I'm glad I wasn't traveling in the dark or with a vehicle that was hard to reverse.
Point in question was N44.747186°, W85.914762° I checked with Street Atlas 2010 in the locale & it also directed me along this unsuitable stretch of road.
Anyone else have stories about being directed to an impassable road?


Maybe it was leading you to Uncle Tom's cabin?

But seriously goes to show you, TomTom makes mistakes just as Garmins do.

Nuvi 2797LMT, DriveSmart 50 LMT-HD, Using Windows 10. DashCam A108C with GPS.


Melaqueman wrote:

Maybe it was leading you to Uncle Tom's cabin?

But seriously goes to show you, TomTom makes mistakes just as Garmins do.

...they do. They are only as good as the programmers.

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

Impassable may be a matter of degree

artfd wrote:

Anyone else have stories about being directed to an impassable road?

Back in the pre GPS days I was using the official Maryland State map during a vacation in western Maryland. There was a minor road on the map that looked appropriate. (Since this was in the forested mountain region, the next alternative was noticeably further and marked as the same road type.) Being an old country boy, we really didn’t care if it was unpaved.

We exited the Interstate onto a nice 2-lane paved and line-painted road. Great. Within a half mile it dropped to one lane paved to gravel to one lane dirt – not a problem. Another half mile and we came to the ford. We concluded the water looked a little deep for the car and turned around to find the longer route.

You don’t really need a GPS to find those kinds of roads. The GPS just makes it easier.


zeaflal wrote:
artfd wrote:

Anyone else have stories about being directed to an impassable road?

Back in the pre GPS days I was using the official Maryland State map during a vacation in western Maryland. There was a minor road on the map that looked appropriate. (Since this was in the forested mountain region, the next alternative was noticeably further and marked as the same road type.) Being an old country boy, we really didn’t care if it was unpaved.

We exited the Interstate onto a nice 2-lane paved and line-painted road. Great. Within a half mile it dropped to one lane paved to gravel to one lane dirt – not a problem. Another half mile and we came to the ford. We concluded the water looked a little deep for the car and turned around to find the longer route.

You don’t really need a GPS to find those kinds of roads. The GPS just makes it easier.

This happen to me in New England one year. Got on a two lane paved road, turned into a one lane paved road and than a dirt road and than a narrow dirt road, I turned around and headed back to the interstate road.

3790LMT; 2595LMT; 3590LMT, 60LMTHD

I recently had a similar

I recently had a similar experience looking for a campground. The last right turn off of the already dirt road was a worse road (two tire tracks actually!) up a hill. Might have tried it if it was daylight and there wasn't a fallen tree just on the other side of the trickling creek.

As usual though, I'd been messing with nav preferences and had dirt roads selected as an option. Oops. Was much better after turning that off and not too far of a back-track. mrgreen

It's about the Line- If a line can be drawn between the powers granted and the rights retained, it would seem to be the same thing, whether the latter be secured by declaring that they shall not be abridged, or that the former shall not be extended.