School Bus Cameras


I found this article in my research today.

I understand this topic was brought up for discussion a couple of times a few years ago. I am curious if any action has been taken in any of your areas since.
Do any of you have school bus cameras currently active in your communities? If so, what are your thoughts?


Bus Cams in Montgomery County, MD

A quick search indicates the school bus cams are active on "some" school buses in Montgomery County, MD. If a vehicle is caught passing a bus loading/unloading children by a police officer, the fine is $1000 with three points awarded to the driver. If caught on camera, the fine is only $250, and no points since it cannot be determined who the driver is.
IMHO, that is too lenient. Drivers should be required to forfeit their driving licence for no less than three months for that kind of violation. Montgomery County is an affluent area, and a $250 fine or even a $1000 fine is a sting that violators will get over in a few days and go back to bad habits. Taking their driving privilege away for a significant amount of time is the kind of penalty needed to get these self-centered citizens to pay attention when they drive.

We got em...

Nuvi 2460LMT

Polk County, Florida

There has been talk of putting cameras on the school buses here in Polk County, Florida. Right now they are looking at feasibility studies and such.

A reporter and I worked on this story about a month ago.

Here's the link:

School Bus Cameras

GlobeTurtle wrote:

I found this article in my research today.

I understand this topic was brought up for discussion a couple of times a few years ago. I am curious if any action has been taken in any of your areas since.
Do any of you have school bus cameras currently active in your communities? If so, what are your thoughts?


I'm all for the school bus cameras, after reading this article, I had a flash back to my childhood, back in the early 1980's, my bus has stopped, with stop lights on, I was preparing to exit the bus, one step away from the ground, then a car passes on the right side of the bus on the gravel shoulder, I was within seconds of getting hit by the car, I remember the bus driver yelling, honking the horn, but unable to get a license number, the car was going to fast. From that day on, when I exited the bus, I stopped and looked out the door to check to see if it was safe to exit the bus since I was the only person at this bus stop.

That's scary. Thankfully

That's scary. Thankfully you were safe. Unfortunately there are drivers like that out there. I always tell my child...we all learn from our mistakes as we go through life but some mistakes we don't get a 2nd chance.