Factory Tours POIs?


As I was out in PA recently, I hooked up with my sister, her son and his fiancee. We decided to do something a little different and headed to Herr's potato chips factory for a tour. We really enjoyed it, and the next day they said they'd like to visit Sturgis Pretzels. Personally, as a kid, I remember tours of Hershey candies and the Philadelphia Bulletin newspaper. They are always interesting, often free and sometimes you end up with samples to take with you (boy, brewery tours are really fun wink). It got me thinking that there may be general interest in a factory tours POI file. I checked to see if such a file already existed. I did not find a dedicated file. If there is interest, I thought it might be fun to start such a file. A starting point could be collecting entries initially from a site such as www.factorytoursusa.com and then collect any additions from users here. Any thoughts as to whether this is a worthwhile project to consider? It would be a spare time project for me, so if anyone would like to help, let me know.

Actually there is one

"There's no substitute for local knowledge" nüvi 750, nüvi 3597


Fantastic! Just what I was looking for. grin