Chrysler | Installing custom POIs onto Media Center 430N
Submitted by treaves on Thu, 04/04/2013 - 10:34pm.
I went to load POI's onto my Ram 2500's radio, which is the 430N. This is not a Garmin GPS, but, it does use Garmin's software. Custom POI's are supported, but, the instructions on how to do so are a bit lacking, specifically with regards to naming & POI file selection. So I'm writing this.
- Create a folder on your computer to hold POI & related files. (Using 'Poi' as the folder name is highly recommended.)
- Download and save POI files to this folder.
- Insert USB drive (FAT32 formatted) into computer.
- On USB drive, create 'Garmin' folder
- Inside of Garmin folder, create 'Poi' folder.
- Start Garmin POI Loader application (I use a Mac, but, windows will be the similar).
- Select to 'Load new custom POI'
- Click 'Continue'
- Select the folder from step 1. Do NOT select an individual POI file.
- Click 'Continue'
- The Destination should have your USB device selected. If not, select it.
- The file name of the file to write MUST be Poi.gpi. If you name the folder from step 1 Poi, this will be the default name already.
- Click 'Continue'
- The program should write to your USB, and show a confirmation dialog with the total number of POI's written (not POI files, but individual POI's).
- Eject USB.
- In your vehicle, turn on to accessory.
- Once the startup screen goes away, insert USB into the USB port on face of radio (the second USB port in the glove box - if so equipped - does not work for this).
- After a bit, you will see a popup saying that new custom POI's are available to install.
- Click the install button, and confirm to over-write installed POI's (installing new POI's always overwrites existing ones).
- After a bit, you will see a dialog showing the install.
- You will see a popup on the radio stating the install was successful.
- The Garmin app will restart.
- Remove USB.
I have installed eight custom POI files this way.
I'm going to test alerts, sounds, and custom icons next. I'll update this once I do.
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