Dallas police deploy license plate scanners

Nuvi 2460LMT


mmullins98 wrote:

Been discussed before but coming next month so I thought somebody here might like an update.


Not sure if this is good or bad but I guess if you did nothing, you should not have an issue with it. Again, they're checking on everyone so might as well stick a GPS on my ass and move on with it.


like all government uses of technology, this is being sold to the public on one line of reasoning, and the risk is that the government will abuse the public trust and use it for purposes not disclosed.

___________________ Garmin 2455, 855, Oregon 550t

They are using them on polics cars in s fla

They are already using these in a couple of areas here in sough florida on the police cars. One the first week they were using them they found 12 stolen cars and apprehended 2 wanted felons atr a major mall.

Then the technology works!

twfisher wrote:

They are already using these in a couple of areas here in sough florida on the police cars. One the first week they were using them they found 12 stolen cars and apprehended 2 wanted felons atr a major mall.

Then the technology works!

Politicians and Diapers must be changed often for the exact same reason...

No problem

There is no difference using a fast computer system than a police officer driving down a street entering a license plate on his computer to see if it is legal.
One can not expect privacy on a public street.
If one needs privacy then stay off public streets.

Big Brother

Big Brother is here, technology keeping an eye on people. Technology does not have tolerance, but those operators can manipulate to fit the occasion. What else is new. This is not that bad, but if you don`t have your plats in order you can start thinking in legalize it.