Windows 8: Hands-on experiences
Mon, 11/12/2012 - 12:28pm
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![]() ![]() ![]() 13 years
This thread is for people who are actually using Windows 8 to post their impressions (both good and bad), share discoveries (also both good and bad), and offer tips they've found.
If you are not actually using Windows 8 then please refrain from posting unless you are making a direct response to a previous post or a specific comment on a feature that is new (or changed, or removed) in Windows 8. This is not the place for general comments like "I'm not going to use Windows 8 because every alternate release of Windows sucks". Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Like: Improved Task Manager
One of the first things I noticed was that the default Task Manager view is extremely minimalist, but clicking "More details" reveals a *much* improved Task Manager display. On the "Processes" tab each entry shows the CPU, Memory, Disk I/O, and Network utilization for that task. For the older-style process list click the "Details" tab. The "Performance" tab has also gotten a makeover, and there are a few other goodies in there as well.
I have been running windows 8 since February
I have been running windows 8 since February and from my experience I would say unless you have a touch screen monitor I have not found a compelling reason to update from windows 7. I still prefer windows 7 and find windows 8 to be less intuitive to use.
Be sure to run the Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant before buying it to determine what software and hardware that you are currently running will no longer be compatible with windows 8 and will require you to purchase updates to keep using them.
I found a lot of my current favorite software that I run in windows 7 would require me to purchase upgrades in order to keep using them in windows 8. Just was not worth all the expense.
Garmin Drive Smart 55 - Samsung Note 10 Smartphone with Google Maps & HERE Apps
I got a $14 upgrade
with the purchase of a new laptop. Had issues with windows 7 and one web site, but it corrected when I upgraded to windows 8. What is dislike most is the mail program. I cannot create folders to separate my mail. I can delete it or place it in a junk folder but that is it. Leaves a lot to be desired. Also do not like how the operating system jumps from one program to another, or with what they call split screen as it is 1/3 for one and 2/3 for another program. but you cannot grab files from one and drag it to another. Or at least I have not figured out how to do that as yet.
260, 295W, 1490T,2455LMT
Tip: Toggling to and from the Start Page
If mousing to one of the corners or repeatedly clicking on the "Desktop" tile is getting tedious, just tap the [Windows] key: that toggles between the Start Page and the Desktop. So, after you log in and land on the Start Page you click the "Desktop" tile to go to the Desktop the first time, then you can just tap the [Windows] key to jump back and forth.
Correction: Tapping the [Windows] key will toggle between the Start Page and the current app. If the current app is on the desktop then it will toggle between the Start Page and the desktop. If the current app is a "new UI" app then it will toggle between the Start Page and that app. (I discovered this while playing Solitaire.
On my desktop so far, not the laptop
My first impression was that I needed to add the Start8 Start button because I did not find that the Win 8 gave me the fastest access to all my programs using a mouse. It does look like it would work very well on a touch screen tablet though where one would probably have not quite as many installed programs. It seems that most of the new Win 8 type screens just run on top of the standard Win 7 type window environment. I do like the Win 8 browser completely full screen with no window bars anywhere.
I don't have a way to compare it but it seems much quicker all around. From bootup to logon, to programs starting. It just seems so much faster to me.
So far, with Start8 menu added, I like it. I haven't spent a lot of time at the new Win 8 store but there seems to be lots of free apps to solve some of the needs you may have. I'm not a real power user on this PC at home but compared to Win 7 I don't see it holding anyone back.
Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue
Re: No "Start" button
My first impression was that I needed to add the Start8 Start button because I did not find that the Win 8 gave me the fastest access to all my programs using a mouse.
Yeah, I really wondered how that was going to work out myself, but then I noticed:
1. When a program is installed it gets automatically added to the Start Page. You can always unpin it if it will just be cluttering up the works.
2. Right-clicking an empty space on the Start Page reveals the "All apps" button (bottom-right corner of the screen).
3. The [Windows-F] shortcut for "Find" lets you search for apps, files, and other "stuff" without using the mouse to do the touch-screen equivalent via the fly-out menu on the right.
Pin to Start
Yep, an installing program shows up on as a tile on the Win 8 start page. You can also from all apps right click any program, or select any web page, etc and select Pin to Start. I just think that the start page can only handle so many tiles and if you are a real power user you may find the Win 7 start menu quicker.
I like setting up just a few live tiles. When there were too many live the start screen started to look too busy. But that is why you can customize it to your own desire.
Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue
Agree: Win7->Win8 not a "must have" upgrade
I found a lot of my current favorite software that I run in windows 7 would require me to purchase upgrades in order to keep using them in windows 8. Just was not worth all the expense.
I agree that Win8 does not appear to be a "must have" upgrade from Win7 for non-touch devices, especially if the Windows upgrade would require additional application upgrades. IOW, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
However, I would also advise people that they shouldn't do silly things like run out and buy a new computer now while they can still get Win7 (assuming that they still can...). IOW, "If your new computer comes with Windows 8 then it's not going to be the end of the world."
This site was for GPS user not computer programs.
3790LMT; 2595LMT; 3590LMT, 60LMTHD
This site is actually about POIs for the GPS. So we talk about the different GPSs, the POI files, the programs and the computers used in programming them.
We also talk about other thing. Open Talk.
Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue
This site was for GPS user not computer programs.
If you look at the top of this page, above "Windows 8: Hands-on experiences" it says "Home » Welcome / open talk"
Anything goes in here....hmm well not anything, but I think you get the drift
2 DriveSmart 65's - We do not live in Igloo's and do not all ride to work on snow mobiles.
Anybody using gps programs on win 8?
Anybody using Basecamp, Mapsource, Poiloader, etc on Win 8. I'm assuming all is ok but a little confirmation is a good thing.
Windows 8
Been using the new OS for 2 weeks now also got "windows 8 For Dummies" installed POI Loader and Garmin Update and encountered no problems(So Far)
OK So far
Anybody using Basecamp, Mapsource, Poiloader, etc on Win 8. I'm assuming all is ok but a little confirmation is a good thing.
I have opened all the programs (basecamp, MapSource, WebUpdater, POI Loader) and connected to 1 of my GPSs. I have not moved all my Custom POIs to the desktop yet because I do most of my POI work on the laptop in my recliner. No problems encountered with any of them.
Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue
Win 8 Mail App - Add New Folder
... What is dislike most is the mail program. I cannot create folders to separate my mail. I can delete it or place it in a junk folder but that is it. Leaves a lot to be desired. ...
The Win 8 mail app is only a copy of what is online at your online account. I created a new folder online and then when I returned to the mail app I clicked on "sync" and the new folder appeared.
Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue
Window 8 Search Shortcuts
3. The [Windows-F] shortcut for "Find" lets you search for apps, files, and other "stuff" without using the mouse to do the touch-screen equivalent via the fly-out menu on the right.
Pressing the Windows and Q keys will display apps that match what was typed and totals for matching apps, settings and files. [Shortcut: Pressing the Windows key by itself also produces the same result]
Pressing the Windows and W keys will display settings that match what was typed and totals for matching apps, settings and files.
Pressing the Windows and F keys will display files that match what was typed and totals for matching apps, settings and files. [Unlike the other two shortcuts, the Enter key must be pressed after typing]
Nüvi 2595LMT
Re: Windows 8 Search Shortcuts
Good to know, thanks!
As for myself, I have no intention of getting into ver.8
The cost of updating to touch screen laptops is just too great.
I own a 15" LCD screen laptop. A 17" LED and a 10.1" LED netbook.
Apparently there is some sort of adapter available, but that just means one more item using desk space.
Nuvi 2797LMT, DriveSmart 50 LMT-HD, Using Windows 10. DashCam A108C with GPS.
Pleased with it
I've used it since its public release. After adding a $4.99 Win7 start button, which boots directly to the desktop, I'm OK with it. If boot time is any measure of general speed, Win8 boots in about 1/4 the time Win7 did on the same machine. The only problem I have encountered which I haven't solved yet is when I'm reading a Powerpoint attachment on my desktop email (Thunderbird), and each time am asked which program to open it with, I browse and can't find the MS power point viewer I downloaded. The MS PP viewer appears on the Win8 start screen, and in my desktop start programs, but the shortcut path to PP viewer cannot be found by Thunderbird. If I save the email attachment to the desktop, then I can open it with PP viewer. It's like there are two different file explorers, or maybe it's just a quirk in Thunderbird. This is just a mental challenge for me, since I can get around it by designating my open office presentation program to view the attachment.
Nuvi 2595LMT Nuvi 2460LMT Nuvi 40LM
Anyone using it on a Touch Screen
Anyone using it on a touch screen device?
I'm curious how anyone would stack it against Android.
It's about the Line- If a line can be drawn between the powers granted and the rights retained, it would seem to be the same thing, whether the latter be secured by declaring that they shall not be abridged, or that the former shall not be extended.
One of the first things I noticed was that the default Task Manager view is extremely minimalist, but clicking "More details" reveals a *much* improved Task Manager display. On the "Processes" tab each entry shows the CPU, Memory, Disk I/O, and Network utilization for that task. For the older-style process list click the "Details" tab. The "Performance" tab has also gotten a makeover, and there are a few other goodies in there as well.
Task manager is definitely improved and more pleasant to look at. I'm still trying to get the hang of the rest of it. Switching between "Metro" UI and Desktop is a bit confusing but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it.
As a side note, POI Loader failed to install because it depends on .NET Framework 3.5 which isn't installed by default on Windows 8 Enterprise edition that I'm evaluating.
Trying Out
I installed 8 on one of my PCs (a little used one). The final verdict isn't in yet but so far I don't really care for the "Metro" start screen. This probably because it isn't a touch screen and using the mouse I find somewhat awkward.
Having said that, I'm finding it very stable even compared to Win 7. I think with more Win 8 apps it will be a good upgrade.
Bob: My toys: Nüvi 1390T, Droid X2, Nook Color (rooted), Motorola Xoom, Kindle 2, a Yo-Yo and a Slinky. Gotta have toys.
Tip: [Windows-X] keyboard shortcut
Quite by accident I discovered the [Windows-X] keyboard shortcut. It pops up a menu where the old Start menu used to appear, and the menu contains several very helpful shortcuts like
Programs and Features
Device Manager
Command Prompt (Admin)
Task Manager
Control Panel
...and quite a few more.
Aha! I've been looking
Aha! I've been looking around for the Start menu. Gotta try it when I get home tonight. Does it show a list of installed Apps (like Windows XP - All Programs)?
Thanks VersatileGuy.
Re: [Windows-X] pop-up menu
Does it show a list of installed Apps (like Windows XP - All Programs)?
Sorry, no. The quickest way I've found to get a list of all programs - so far, anyway - is to hit [Windows-Q] (as suggested by WAASup, above) and then hit [Esc] to dismiss the search bar on the right.
POI Loader
As a side note, POI Loader failed to install because it depends on .NET Framework 3.5 which isn't installed by default on Windows 8 Enterprise edition that I'm evaluating.
.NET 3.5 can be enabled in Control Panel. See here for how-to:
By default, only the .NET Framework 4.5 is included with Windows 8.
Nüvi 2595LMT
As a side note, POI Loader failed to install because it depends on .NET Framework 3.5 which isn't installed by default on Windows 8 Enterprise edition that I'm evaluating.
.NET 3.5 can be enabled in Control Panel. See here for how-to:
By default, only the .NET Framework 4.5 is included with Windows 8.
I already took care of that yesterday. It's actually easier. You don't have to know how to add .NET Framework 3.5 feature. POILoader setup automatically downloads/installs it.
I am not sure which version of .NET Framework POILoader requires. Garmin does not mention it. In Windows 8, adding .NET Framework 3.5 feature also includes .NET Framework 2.0 and 3.0.
I think Windows 7 has
I think Windows 7 has Windows Speech Recognition but I've never used it. Since it is tougher to locate things in Windows 8 without the Start button, speech recognition comes in handy.
From Metro UI (Microsoft doesn't call it Metro UI any longer), type "speech" without the quotes. Click Windows Speech Recognition icon to run the app. You'll have to click through the wizard the first time you run it.
When configured, click the microphone button or say "start listening" and say "open control panel", "open calculator" or "open Internet Explorer" etc. As long as you remember the name of the application, just say it and watch it pops up. Kinda fun
I think Apps in the store are too expensive. The average price for apps is about $4.99. How can Microsoft beat Apple apps price (most cost only $0.99)?
Just read your post and it works. thanks again
260, 295W, 1490T,2455LMT
Upgraded to Win 8 and glad I did
I upgraded from Win 7 to 8 a few days ago. I went from XP to Win 7 last July. I saw a short tutorial on how to navigate using the mouse then checked a list of shortcuts and started using a half dozen.
I will not be installing a "start button". It takes a while to find everything but it's been not much more difficult than going from XP to Win 7.
How do you navigate from a
How do you navigate from one photo to other photos using Photos App (full screen Metro style app)? When I open a photo off of a (USB or SD card) flash drive, I can't browse through the rest of photos in that drive.
You'd think you can scroll through easily like using Windows 7 Photo Viewer. No, Photos App doesn't allow you to browse photos in the external flash devices. This is a bad design. The workaround is to right click the photo, choose other programs and select the good old "Windows Photo Viewer" which then takes you to Windows 8 desktop to view photos.
"Photos" app
Like you, I found the new "Photos" app rather annoying so I just told Windows to use "Windows Photo Viewer".
However, a quick look at the "Photos" help
indicates that the app will display photos that are in the Library (along with Facebook, Flickr, and so on). So I guess we're supposed to import our photos from other devices into the Library, and then Photos will display them. For photos already elsewhere on the hard drive we can add folders to the Library like this
but I don't think I'll bother....
VersatileGuy,Yes indeed it
Yes indeed it only works for photos that are in the Pictures library. That's it. Logically thinking... when someone opens a photo in a flash drive, he/she should be able to browse to next/previous photos without having to import or copy the photos to the library.
I've also read that adding removable drives to Pictures library isn't always successful:
Thanks for the links. I'm not going to bother at this time either but they may come in handy some day, if I decide to use Windows 8 (or if I am forced to use Windows 8 on my next computer upgrade).
seeing a lot of updates
on windows 8. or the same one that stalls at 12%. has repeated 5 or more days in a row. Hope it worked last time, but would not make a bet on a favorable occurrence.
260, 295W, 1490T,2455LMT
I am glad to see this thread -
I installed on 10/27 - so far my experiencece has been a good one on my standard HP dv6t laptop (no touch screen).
I found that using the scroll wheel will move the metro screen left and right when using the metro mode. I have the logitech M505 mouse.
Ifound foung that thIEw ie10 browser in both full and metro will correct spelling in text boxes - very helpful for me
After using it a while - I found that there really is no need for a start button - everything I need can be accessed by right clicking in the bottom left corner of the screen or through the control panel interface.
I have not had any issues with the Win7 64bit drivers with my migration - it was smooth.
JRoz -- DriveSmart 55 & Traffic
on windows 8. or the same one that stalls at 12%. has repeated 5 or more days in a row. Hope it worked last time, but would not make a bet on a favorable occurrence.
Not sure what going on but I have seen 10 times more updates on my Win7 laptop than I have on the Win 8 desktop. In the last few weeks every time I go to shutdown Win 7 I have to wait for it to finish installing the updates.
Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue
Re: Win7 updates
Not sure what going on but I have seen 10 times more updates on my Win7 laptop than I have on the Win 8 desktop. In the last few weeks every time I go to shutdown Win 7 I have to wait for it to finish installing the updates.
I haven't noticed anything like that with my Win7 machines. The last updates I received were 10 days ago (Nov 14). I wonder if you have an update that is failing during the shutdown/startup phase and is repeatedly trying to finish. You might want to look at your Windows Update history or the Event Logs to see if they offer any clues.
Anyone ran into problem with
Anyone ran into problem with window updates? Getting message after updates loaded and computer re-starts. Configuring windows updates 12 % complete. Do not turn off your computer. Stuck on 12% and after a while computer re-starts and again stays at 12%.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
Re: Windows Update stuck at 12%
Anyone ran into problem with window updates? Getting message after updates loaded and computer re-starts. Configuring windows updates 12 % complete. Do not turn off your computer. Stuck on 12% and after a while computer re-starts and again stays at 12%.
kkkelleher reported the same issue a week ago. Discussions on indicate that if you just leave the machine alone then it will roll back the troublesome update after it has failed and restarted three times (or so). There are also some discussions suggesting that the update can succeed if you uninstall your sound drivers, run the update, and then let Windows re-install those drivers.
@ VersatileGuy
Thanks will give that a try when I get back from running some errands.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
Power Point
i rarely use power point but use thunderbird daily ...did you go to t-bird's options and "manage add-ons...should be a place to tell it what programs to use for different files. also i think control panel has a place to tell it which programs to use to open files. forgive me if somebody already answeared this.
Remove sound drivers was right.
Anyone ran into problem with window updates? Getting message after updates loaded and computer re-starts. Configuring windows updates 12 % complete. Do not turn off your computer. Stuck on 12% and after a while computer re-starts and again stays at 12%.
kkkelleher reported the same issue a week ago. Discussions on indicate that if you just leave the machine alone then it will roll back the troublesome update after it has failed and restarted three times (or so). There are also some discussions suggesting that the update can succeed if you uninstall your sound drivers, run the update, and then let Windows re-install those drivers.
Letting it run didn't work.The trick was to unistall the sound drivers.That worked the first time.
The Windows 8 does have a learning curb based on other windows.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
Like: Windows Explorer ribbon
Despite what some people thought would be "utter chaos", I find the ribbon interface in Explorer windows to be quite usable and sometimes very handy. I certainly didn't find it obtrusive, in fact I didn't really notice it a first, it just looked very similar my other Microsoft applications (e.g., Office 2010).
Start button.
If anyone needs to install the start button here is something I found for free and you can select the classic mode .You can add to it.I put windows updates on the list by its self.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
Anyone using the Chrome
Anyone using the Chrome Browser having any problems? My email and back button seems to act of some time.IE and Firefox work ok. Trying to stay with Chrome because of the sync to my tablet .
Another tip I found on the internet to bypass the startup screen sign in.
Windows 8 runs a tight ship by throwing up a lock screen and a log-in screen before you can dive in. But you can easily bypass those screens so you don't have to type your password every time. Here's how:
1.From the Start screen, type netplwiz. The command for netplwiz, aka the User Accounts Control Panel, appears in the search results in the left pane. Click that command.
2.In the User Accounts Control Panel, select the account you wish to use to log in automatically.
3.Click off the check-box above the account that says "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer." Click OK.
4.Enter your password once and then a second time to confirm it. Click OK.
5.Restart Windows. Windows now bypasses the lock screen and the log-in screen to automatically take you to the Start screen.
6.Change your mind? To re-enable the log-in screen, simply return to the User Accounts Control Panel using the steps above and click on the check-box for the "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer" option.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
File History
Has anyone tried the file history utility yet? I found that it works very well - I back up to my network drive. I also found an alternate to the Refresh utility called RecImg. It will only back up the OS and applications. Check it out.
JRoz -- DriveSmart 55 & Traffic
Hidden files
By accident found easy way to show hidden files and extensions . Google it to get official instructions. See 1 and 2 to just select view on screen and put check mark in file name
extensions and hidden files.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
Windows 8 Start Button
I went to stardock site and spent the $4.99 and have a start button that works well.
Uograde from windows Vista to 8
is it possoble to upgrade froM vISTA TO WINDOWS 8?
andi if so will it run adobe programs?
Vista did not run most Adobe peprograms and Adobe did not have`any pathes available I have "pagemaker,audittion and photoshop, & publisher (None`W9ork`with windows Vista
Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things!
I got
I went to stardock site and spent the $4.99 and have a start button that works well.
I got a free one called Start Menu 8 from that works really well also.
Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.