Itineraries on newer TomToms
14 years
I am so happy that I was able to customize my Start 55TM to be able to use itineraries!
Now I can create itineraries with Tyre and use them in my TomTom!!!
If you simply download the zip file and copy the folder in it to the root directory of your TomTom and it will mofify the default directory. You simply delete the directory or the contents if you don't like it.
The "Options" task in the first menu is the default one that comes with your device.
You can customize the menus however you like or add more pages. Google "tomtom custom menu" and you should find plenty of information about which items are available. Or you can check out this page:
I installed this solution on a Start 55 and the person that gave me most of the code (genci88, on tomtomforums) installed it on an XXL 550 (which may be identical to the Start 55).
This is a major capability for me to be able to modify the menus and to be able to add the itinerary function to my new TomTom Start 55TM! If there are tasks that I use frequently I can add them or move them to the first page.
One other thing that I would like is for it to be easier to update the map. I frequently keep an eye on the speed limit and update it if there is a discrepancy. The way it is now it takes me 16 clicks (not including entering the numbers) to make the change and get back to the map.
Too Bad
...about the map updates. That drives me crazy on my GO930 as well. I had hoped that TT would have improved that function by now.
Shooter N32 39 W97 25 VIA 1535TM, Lexus built-in, TomTom Go
As a word of caution
I am so happy that I was able to customize my Start 55TM to be able to use itineraries!
Now I can create itineraries with Tyre and use them in my TomTom!!!
If you simply download the zip file and copy the folder in it to the root directory of your TomTom and it will modify the default directory. You simply delete the directory or the contents if you don't like it.
Unfortunately, this cannot be done with most of the newer models from TomTom. Thanks to the lawsuit by Microsoft, TomTom has removed the capability of accessing the directory system of the GPS from most of the newer models. Your Start 55 is one of the rare exceptions for some reason.
The ability to access the directory of the GPS - and the resulting ability to use TYRE - is one of the reasons that I consider my older model XXL540 to be a better overall choice than my newer GO LIVE 1535, even though I really, really like the HD Traffic capability of the GO LIVE 1535.
With best wishes,
- Tom -
XXL540, GO LIVE 1535, GO 620
I am so happy that I was able to customize my Start 55TM to be able to use itineraries!
Now I can create itineraries with Tyre and use them in my TomTom!!!
If you simply download the zip file and copy the folder in it to the root directory of your TomTom and it will modify the default directory. You simply delete the directory or the contents if you don't like it.
Unfortunately, this cannot be done with most of the newer models from TomTom. Thanks to the lawsuit by Microsoft, TomTom has removed the capability of accessing the directory system of the GPS from most of the newer models. Your Start 55 is one of the rare exceptions for some reason.
The ability to access the directory of the GPS - and the resulting ability to use TYRE - is one of the reasons that I consider my older model XXL540 to be a better overall choice than my newer GO LIVE 1535, even though I really, really like the HD Traffic capability of the GO LIVE 1535.
With best wishes,
- Tom -
While there are several features on the newer TTs I'd like to have (HD traffic being one), I don't want to give up the flexibility I have with my GO930.
Shooter N32 39 W97 25 VIA 1535TM, Lexus built-in, TomTom Go
New Units
While there are several features on the newer TTs I'd like to have (HD traffic being one), I don't want to give up the flexibility I have with my GO930.
Ditto!! I'll go to my grave clutching my 720!!
Still loving the custom menus and itineraries on my Start55TM
I am loving the custom menu I was able to create for my TomTom Start55TM! I am able to put the features I use most on the first page to reduce the number of clicks. I also love that the itinerary function is now available on a model where it wasn't available out of the box.
I purhased and returned two newer TomTom models before I purchased the Start55TM. I am so glad I didn't keep the newer model (neither would power up right out of the box) which cannot be modified!
I love that I can create an itinerary using tyre software and load it to my TomTom.
It sounds like there were legal issues with MicoSoft being able to access the TomTom files, but I wonder if there will be another GPS unit that you will be able to tinker with and customize.
Jim F.
Tyre Itn creator...
just D/L the free copy.....looks good!! I had just created an itn using "Motor Cycle Route Planner" that is an on-line route planner that looks to be riding on Google maps. This util looks good because it doesn't look like it has to talk to mother as it builds or changes the route online.
Tyre util appears to have all the maintenance/loading tools that are needed after an itn is created.
Will advise if I have any problems U/L itns etc to my TomTom
Itineraries On Newer TomToms
link is not working anymore. Can it be fixed. Need it for my xxl550
link is not working anymore. Can it be fixed. Need it for my xxl550
That link is to another web site.
Accordingly, the kind people who run this web site have no ability to make changes on the other web site. If you can figure out who runs (ran?) that other web site, you might be able to contact them and ask them to address the issue.
- Tom -
XXL540, GO LIVE 1535, GO 620