April Fools day is here


Well, here it is April 1, 2012 and nobody has brought up April Fools day.

A local radio station (WNOR-FM), used to always do something, that is until they got into trouble with the FCC. They announced on air that an Armored Truck was involved in an accident on Virginia Beach Blvd, at an intersection that didn't exist, and thousands of dollars were blowing all over the place. Well, a lot of people fell for it and the police department was swamped by calls asking where the non-existant intersection was. Plus there were a lot of people driving recklessly up and down VA Bch. Blvd. looking for something that they could never find. It was a lot of laughs at the time.

Here's a story about the 5 greatest April Fools Day jokes played on the public.


I think we have all had a gullible moment, but these "Take the cake"!

What's your favorite April Fools Day joke?

Metricman DriveSmart 76 Williamsburg, VA

Not bad

Not bad.


Google Maps 8-bit for NES


Just because I still have my working NES system. razz



GlobeTurtle wrote:


Just because I still have my working NES system. razz


Can't wait for the Sega Genesis 32x version.... grin

Streetpilot C340 Nuvi 2595 LMT

Some kind of weird April Fool's joke

I was working security at a local hospital last night. We have a computer that shows when people use thier card to get into a room (green name for access/white name access denied). At 2:00am the names started showning up in white. I knew alot of these people were allowed acces to those rooms. So I looked up their name and the access code was gone. This was for the whole hospital roster. Whatever name I clocked on the code was gone (even my own)..I had to manually add the codes back into the people I knew the code for.

Mike TOMTOM XL335 and VIA 1535

wow a bit too far...

wow a bit too far...


And this one

All the worlds indeed a stage and we are merely players. Rush


That goes overboard for a joke.

navycop wrote:

I was working security at a local hospital last night. We have a computer that shows when people use thier card to get into a room (green name for access/white name access denied). At 2:00am the names started showning up in white. I knew alot of these people were allowed acces to those rooms. So I looked up their name and the access code was gone. This was for the whole hospital roster. Whatever name I clocked on the code was gone (even my own)..I had to manually add the codes back into the people I knew the code for.

Nuvi 2460LMT.

Didn't here even one Aprils

Didn't here even one Aprils fool day joke.

Here's one for the techies

Meet NOITALS. It enables the Commission to see what's going on in each and every individual computer, nationwide, without tipping off the computer's user.


Illiterate? Write for free help.

17 Years Ago

I got married.

Mars invades Earth

I guess it wasn't actually on April 1st, but it was a good "joke" on the public when the radio played a "breaking news" story about Mars invading the earth. I believe it was Orson Wells in 1938.

I have seen the future and it is now!

Great spoofs

Those are some very funny spoofs posted.

The blog post about the FCC is kinda scary in an Owellian sort of way.

Metricman DriveSmart 76 Williamsburg, VA

Spaghetti Harvest

"Big Blue" Spew

In 1980,the Channel 7 news in Boston ended with a special bulletin announcing that a 635-foot hill in Milton, Massachusetts, known as the Great Blue Hill, had erupted, and that lava and ash were raining down on nearby homes.

Footage was shown of lava pouring down a hillside. The announcer explained that the eruption had been triggered by a geological chain reaction set off by the recent eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington. An audio tape was played in which President Carter and the Governor of Massachusetts were heard declaring the eruption to be a "serious situation."

At the end of the segment, the reporter held up a sign that read "April Fool." However, by that time local authorities had already been flooded with frantic phone calls from Milton residents. One man, believing that his house would soon be engulfed by lava, had carried his sick wife outside in order to escape. The Milton police continued to receive worried phone calls well into the night.

Channel 7 was so embarrassed by the panicked reaction that they apologized for the confusion later that night, and Homer Cilley, the executive producer responsible for the prank, was fired.

It's amazing

It's amazing how gullible people can be. By the way - the word "gullible" does not appear in any credible dictionary, it's not a real word.

Dave - Garmin Nuvi 1390LMT.


djohns18 wrote:

By the way - the word "gullible" does not appear in any credible dictionary,

Yes, it does.

djohns18 wrote:

it's not a real word.

Yes, it is.

Are you sure?

VersatileGuy wrote:
djohns18 wrote:

By the way - the word "gullible" does not appear in any credible dictionary,

Yes, it does.

djohns18 wrote:

it's not a real word.

Yes, it is.

Are you sure? did you check?

Dave - Garmin Nuvi 1390LMT.

i'm not

djohns18 wrote:
VersatileGuy wrote:
djohns18 wrote:

By the way - the word "gullible" does not appear in any credible dictionary,

Yes, it does.

djohns18 wrote:

it's not a real word.

Yes, it is.

Are you sure? did you check?

that gullible!

Illiterate? Write for free help.

April Fools

Box Car wrote:

that gullible!

A day late I know. grin

Dave - Garmin Nuvi 1390LMT.

Don't you....

navycop wrote:

I was working security at a local hospital last night. We have a computer that shows when people use thier card to get into a room (green name for access/white name access denied). At 2:00am the names started showning up in white. I knew alot of these people were allowed acces to those rooms. So I looked up their name and the access code was gone. This was for the whole hospital roster. Whatever name I clocked on the code was gone (even my own)..I had to manually add the codes back into the people I knew the code for.

.....just love computers. Especially when the access codes take a hike.

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022