Fed driver distraction guidelines make navigation unusable


Interesting Article

"My recommendation to NHTSA would be to spend its work hours drawing up a good driver training curriculum. Good, well-trained drivers are the best way to minimize the number of accidents."

This would probably be the best solution to solve our driving issues in the US, however I don't think people overall care too much about safe driving.

Personally, I don't see how a dynamic screen image is distracting. I don't watch my GPS as if it were a tv while driving, I only glance at it when I am getting close to my destination (after hearing the first warning of "in .x mile"). Any longer than a second or two and something is wrong. First priority should be concentrating on the road, not a gadget. I'd rather go 20 miles out of my way (happened a time or two) than to crash into someone by being distracted.

I can see our govt writing laws based on the article, however you can't legislate away distractions behind the wheel. Driver's need to take driving seriously, however no laws will correct the issue.

Streetpilot C340 Nuvi 2595 LMT


Government started on cell phones. So they came up with dash mounts and blue tooth. Why not look back to the 80's when there where no air bags and CB radios were the craze. I , myself think the most distraction are passengers. Especially children. That's it .... All children belong gagged in the trunk. : )

Well, well

I remember filping thru MapQuest print outs trying to follow directions to get to places. I wasn't distracted then, lol, I was only looking up every minute or two to see if I was still between the white lines

Agree with Shrifty's Comment

shrifty wrote:

"...(Y)ou can't legislate away distractions behind the wheel. Driver's need to take driving seriously, however no laws will correct the issue.

Have you looked inside a law enforcement vehicle recently? If the (1) police are not distracted as a result of all the radios, radars, computers, cameras, and other electronic stuff in their vehicles and (2) race car drivers are not distracted by all of the radios, cameras, gauges, and other electronic stuff in their vehicles, all of which these drivers must constantly monitor, I am not going to be distracted by an infrequent glance at the slow moving map on my GPS.

I believe a case can be made for the position that a vehicle filled with numersous electronic devices is safer overall than one that has been stripped of all such devices.

Garmin nüvi 3597LMTHD, 3760 LMT, & 255LMT, - "Those who wish for fairness without first protecting freedom will end up with neither freedom nor fairness." - Milton Friedman

Anarchy and firearms are a better>>>

solution to daily life than most of what the Government has done in the last...oh...210 years. Paying a bunch of people who, for the most part, we wouldn't let into our homes to tell us how we should live our lives is a silly notion if one really thinks it through.

Those distracted driver guidelines probably cost us millions and for what? Here's a thought...pay attention when you drive...learn it...live it! Okay, now we can disband NHTSA and save enough to buy everyone a slice and a coke on the 4th of July wink

"You can't get there from here"