Poi's Not deleting
Thu, 02/23/2012 - 10:05am
![]() 16 years
I have a 560 Dezl and have loaded Poi,s many a time but this has me baffled. I go into the poi file and removed the previous.gpi folder leaving the NTTS file which is the truck info. Reload my new file and the old info is still there. Can't see any other .gpi files anywhere must be hidden anyone have suggestions?? Dennis
SD card
I have a 560 Dezl and have loaded Poi,s many a time but this has me baffled. I go into the poi file and removed the previous.gpi folder leaving the NTTS file which is the truck info. Reload my new file and the old info is still there. Can't see any other .gpi files anywhere must be hidden anyone have suggestions?? Dennis
If this model has a SD card then check there.
Nuvi 2460LMT
Poi's not Deleting
I checked that but no SD card installed Strange to me Contacted Garmin. Baffled the guy i talked to.
Will have to try again.
Me too
I have a very similar problem. I once loaded poi files with European "safety" cameras and then removed them (erased the files from the unit). There is no csv/gpi file left in the unit (as I can check when usb connected) and I removed the sd card as well, but the pois are still there in the extras.
Have you tried
using Garmin's POI loader to delete the file? That is what I use and it works like a charm.
Just Wondering
I have a very similar problem. I once loaded poi files with European "safety" cameras and then removed them (erased the files from the unit). There is no csv/gpi file left in the unit (as I can check when usb connected) and I removed the sd card as well, but the pois are still there in the extras.
You say there is no csv/gpi file in the unit (and I assume you mean [Garmin Nuvi]:\Garmin\POI\). I have a file placed there by Garmin called "006D135900.gpi" which I have left even when deleting .gpi files I put there with POILoader.
When you do a Where To > (down arrow) > Extras > Custom POIs, what shows up on the next screen?
It sounds like you are seeing some name for the "safety" camera (and perhaps an "All Categories" entry).
When you select whatever is there, do you see entries?
Got Garmin baffled sending
Got Garmin baffled sending unit back. Deleted Poi folder and it still showes Custom Poi's Thanks for all your input
I'm curious to know if they will actually repair yours and send it back or send you a refurbished one they have in stock. From what I've read they usually send a refurbished one to spare the owner waiting time. Yours may be a simple software fix.
Nuvi 2460LMT 2 Units
Very puzzling that you have deleted the folder and yet the POIs still appear. Sounds as though they are being stored elsewhere somehow. I guess we'll never know though. It seems unlikely that Garmin will provide you with any details after the fact.
Deleting files
Got Garmin baffled sending unit back. Deleted Poi folder and it still showes Custom Poi's Thanks for all your input
Look at this old thread.If you have a mac computer about the trash bin. http://www.poi-factory.com/node/6747
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
perhaps a complete reboot?
Perhaps a complete reboot of the garmin will help?
When a computer isn't acting right - it is something to try. Though it usually does not help the probem at hand.
Custom POI's not deleting in NUVI255
I can't get the POI LOader to delete my entries on the Custom POI's. I am able to get "Favorites" out, but, not "Custom" or as shown on NUVI 255 screen as "extras". I used to be able to do this, but, seems to have lost that capability.
Can you go into My Computer
Can you go into My Computer and find the POI Folder and open it and delete from there?
POIs could still be on the PC
It just may be that all of you are successfully deleting the unwanted custom POIs from the nuvi, but they still remain in the folders in the PC.
Every time you run POI Loader you browse to a top folder containing your POIs with or without subfolders. All POIs inside all these folders will be loaded. If you have forgotten to delete or move unwanted POI files from these folders the POIs will be loaded again and again.
Wondering too
I have a very similar problem. I once loaded poi files with European "safety" cameras and then removed them (erased the files from the unit). There is no csv/gpi file left in the unit (as I can check when usb connected) and I removed the sd card as well, but the pois are still there in the extras.
You say there is no csv/gpi file in the unit (and I assume you mean [Garmin Nuvi]:\Garmin\POI\). I have a file placed there by Garmin called "006D135900.gpi" which I have left even when deleting .gpi files I put there with POILoader.
When you do a Where To > (down arrow) > Extras > Custom POIs, what shows up on the next screen?
It sounds like you are seeing some name for the "safety" camera (and perhaps an "All Categories" entry).
When you select whatever is there, do you see entries?
Sorry it took so long to check it and to respond, and thank you jgermann for your input. Here are the answers to your questions:
1. Yes the Garmin Nuvi connected to my computer shows the folder \Garmin\Poi as empty. Again, the SD card is removed as well so this data is not coming from there.
2. The next screen after Where To > (down arrow) > Extras > Custom POIs shows:
All Cateogries
A Blitzer fest 100 kmh
Each one of these up-to and including Tunnel when selected show a bunch of POI 1000's miles away from here in the USA (of course). However, the A Blitzer fest.... series show "No Matches Found".
So indeed, it appears this data is hidden somewhere on the unit. The mystery is: Where?
Check all the folders. Garmin doesn't always use the \poi folder. They put files in \GPX and others, so it doesn't hurt to check them all.
Illiterate? Write for free help.
Jale, are you by any chance using a Mac?
@Box Car
Check all the folders. Garmin doesn't always use the \poi folder. They put files in \GPX and others, so it doesn't hurt to check them all.
Thank you for trying to help. The GPX folder contains five files:
I checked them all, they relate to the favorites and non contain these cameras I see under "Extras"
There is no other gpx or gpi file anywhere else on the device that I can see.
Win XP
Jale, are you by any chance using a Mac?
No Mac, I'm running Windows XP
Empty the Trash/recycle bin
That action removes the old files from the device ... works every time.
it's the dog's fault
Garmin DriveSmart 5 My other toys: IMac quad-core i3, Mac Mini M1. MacOS: Sequoia 15.1.1 The dog's name is Ginger.
Recycle bin
That action removes the old files from the device ... works every time.
it's the dog's fault
Done of course. That's not the issue.
I assume you have done a hard reset to take the unit back to factory defaults. The only other thing i can think of off the top of my head is to look for hidden files.
Illiterate? Write for free help.
I always use that feature
I always use that feature and since I'v e had my GPS's it has worked perfect every time
NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT