What would you like to see integrated into a GPS in 2012?


Well, 2012 is almost here.

I'm sure that most of you would like to see some improvements or features to be in your next GPS.

Fortunately, the price of GPSs has dropped quite a bit from the early days and they continue to drop (so far).

The technology is improving, as far as the electronics is concerned. The internal circuitry is getting smaller and smaller, which makes for thinner and lighter units, while the screens are getting bigger and brighter.

I would like to see improvements with software/firmware testing. Maybe the manufacturers could enlist the use of "Beta" testers and get some real-world feedback. Spending some bucks up front would save a lot of money later on by reducing the number of calls to the support folks and would certainly help with "word of mouth" advertising.

Better coverage with Traffic. By that, I mean reception coverage. There are just too many "Dead Zones" between cities when traveling on our Interstate Highway system.

Improved responce time of traffic conditions would be nice, although that needs to be done by the system that distributes the info, not the GPS.

Weather alerts about rain or snow on the route you're taking could be helpful (although that may already be available).

Use a more "attention grabbing" method for "Alerts", such as the screen flashing, in addition to using a voice prompt and/or a dinky little icon (some of us like our music loud). grin

Automatic shutdown and lockout if your unit is stolen. This could be done by satellite or the traffic sytem, once the user logs into the manufacturers website and reports it stolen or lost. Or maybe a key fob transponder that won't allow the GPS to work unless the key fob is near (much like the microchip coded ignition keys work, except a replacement key for my truck is $50). This would certainly reduce the number of thefts if ALL GPS units had this.

Automatic "Sleep mode" if unit is left on battery and is stationary, after a certain amount of time. Automatic shutdown if left longer (Some vehicles turn off the power outlet and some don't). A GPS all lit up in a mall parking lot at night is a magnet for thieves.

Well, what would you like to see in 2012?

Metricman DriveSmart 76 Williamsburg, VA
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Nice features

1 auto zooming.
2 Map screen appears on boot-up.
3 Mute sound of keystrokes.

1490LMT 1450LMT 295w

Desirable Features

I really miss the MSN Direct feature that gives you the ability to send a GPS location to the GPS wirelessly so you don't have to connect your GPS to your computer. I also miss the weather alerts and real time gas prices.

As far as the user interface goes, I'm used to taking my normal routes. Right now, when it calculates a deviation from my normal route due to traffic conditions, it doesn't indicate this change in any way. Frequently I get caught in the left lane of the interstate taking my normal route when I get an unexpected instruction from the GPS to take the next exit (clearly a deviation from my normal route based on traffic). I'm too far to the left to safely comply, so I get stuck in the traffic anyway. It would be great when then GPS initially calculates the route including a traffic-driven deviation, if it would give you some kind of symbol or indication, then you could preview the route and see where and why it wants you to deviate.


Avoidances. This is needed for example, if the road is closed ahead and you want to route around it.

dobs108 smile

dear santa

metricman wrote:

Well, 2012 is almost here.

I'm sure that most of you would like to see some improvements or features to be in your next GPS.

Fortunately, the price of GPSs has dropped quite a bit from the early days and they continue to drop (so far).

The technology is improving, as far as the electronics is concerned. The internal circuitry is getting smaller and smaller, which makes for thinner and lighter units, while the screens are getting bigger and brighter.

I would like to see improvements with software/firmware testing. Maybe the manufacturers could enlist the use of "Beta" testers and get some real-world feedback. Spending some bucks up front would save a lot of money later on by reducing the number of calls to the support folks and would certainly help with "word of mouth" advertising.

Better coverage with Traffic. By that, I mean reception coverage. There are just too many "Dead Zones" between cities when traveling on our Interstate Highway system.

Improved responce time of traffic conditions would be nice, although that needs to be done by the system that distributes the info, not the GPS.

Weather alerts about rain or snow on the route you're taking could be helpful (although that may already be available).

Use a more "attention grabbing" method for "Alerts", such as the screen flashing, in addition to using a voice prompt and/or a dinky little icon (some of us like our music loud). grin

Automatic shutdown and lockout if your unit is stolen. This could be done by satellite or the traffic sytem, once the user logs into the manufacturers website and reports it stolen or lost. Or maybe a key fob transponder that won't allow the GPS to work unless the key fob is near (much like the microchip coded ignition keys work, except a replacement key for my truck is $50). This would certainly reduce the number of thefts if ALL GPS units had this.

Automatic "Sleep mode" if unit is left on battery and is stationary, after a certain amount of time. Automatic shutdown if left longer (Some vehicles turn off the power outlet and some don't). A GPS all lit up in a mall parking lot at night is a magnet for thieves.

Well, what would you like to see in 2012?

Dear Santa, I want all that metricman requested plus a stock market forecaster and a lotto picker, all in one unit and the price no more than $100

Garmin 38 - Magellan Gold - Garmin Yellow eTrex - Nuvi 260 - Nuvi 2460LMT - Google Nexus 7 - Toyota Entune NAV

my has it

dobs108 wrote:

Avoidances. This is needed for example, if the road is closed ahead and you want to route around it.

dobs108 smile

The 2460LMT has that

Garmin 38 - Magellan Gold - Garmin Yellow eTrex - Nuvi 260 - Nuvi 2460LMT - Google Nexus 7 - Toyota Entune NAV

Speed Zone Change

I would like my GPS to ding, beep or some sound when you go into a different speed zone. It would be nice around town just to let me know, mostly when I go to a lower speed zone. Sent this idea to Garmin a year or so ago, they reply thanking me for suggestion but still am waiting.


metricman wrote:

Well, 2012 is almost here.

I'm sure that most of you would like to see some improvements or features to be in your next GPS.

I would like to see improvements with software/firmware testing. Maybe the manufacturers could enlist the use of "Beta" testers and get some real-world feedback.

There are at least two GPS manufacturers who use Beta Testers. However, as with other products that use beta testers, the testers agree that they will not talk about the pre-production units.

metricman wrote:

Better coverage with Traffic. By that, I mean reception coverage. There are just too many "Dead Zones" between cities when traveling on our Interstate Highway system.

I believe that all of the "standard" (non-subscription) traffic information picked up by a GPS unit comes from data broadcast on FM radio by the local government. If the government does not broadcast the data, no GPS will pick it up. The "premium" (paid subscription) traffic info is another matter. That data is broadcast by the GPS manufacturer or a vendor contracted to them, typically using additional sources for the data. The paid subscription data is relatively new and is improving as we speak, but the marketplace will determine how well it meets your desires in the future.

metricman wrote:

Improved responce time of traffic conditions would be nice, although that needs to be done by the system that distributes the info, not the GPS.

That is available today from at least one GPS manufacturer as a paid subscription service. The issue is that the free traffic info comes from government sources that update (at least in my area) every 15 minutes. The newer LIVE units from TomTom use additional sources that permit TomTom to update more frequently. (I *believe* that it is about every 2 minutes.)

metricman wrote:

Weather alerts about rain or snow on the route you're taking could be helpful (although that may already be available).

I believe that this is already available on some units, although I think that it is a paid subscription service.

metricman wrote:

Automatic "Sleep mode" if unit is left on battery and is stationary, after a certain amount of time. Automatic shutdown if left longer (Some vehicles turn off the power outlet and some don't). A GPS all lit up in a mall parking lot at night is a magnet for thieves.

I *believe* that some units from at least one manufacturer have had this capability for some time, but this is second-hand information, so it may be in error.

With best wishes,
- Tom -

XXL540, GO LIVE 1535, GO 620

Hoursly, or better, radar

Hoursly, or better, radar maps that would be superposed over the route taken at your option so you could see what weather was in store for you along your path of travel.


I would like the ability for

I would like the ability for stand alone units to access maps from either the web like google or run from the internal memory

Would like severe weather alerts

my wish list

includes such things as:
Traffic receiver built into the unit rather than the cord
Ability to receive weather alerts from NOAA broadcasts

Illiterate? Write for free help.

+1 >>>

FZbar wrote:

Hoursly, or better, radar maps that would be superposed over the route taken at your option so you could see what weather was in store for you along your path of travel.


very handy to have!

"You can't get there from here"

Show what destination you have selected

What I would like to see is something that would show what you have selected as the destination. On several occasions I have traveled on a route to find I was going to a different location than what I selected, somehow a location that had a number assigned to it by default.


wireless (bluetooth) downloads

I'd like to be able to send new favorites - POI - routes to my GPS wirelessly, such as over bluetooth. That way I can look things up on the computer (iphone, or whatever) and send the results to the GPS without having to hook it up, or even drag it out of the car.

Nuvi 2460, 680, DATUM Tymserve 2100, Trimble Thunderbolt, Ham radio, Macintosh, Linux, Windows

Speaking of BT...

I'll add to that request, and say it would be great to pair a BT headset with the nuvi. That would be handy.

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

traffic that really works

While I live in a pretty low congestion city that doesn't need traffic adjusted navigation very much (Albuquerque New Mexico) I think over all that traffic adjusted navigation that really works well would be the single most important improvement.

In order for it to work really well it needs high fidelity data that is very frequently updated, which for real-world conditions I think is only available by crowd sourcing movement information provided by the huge number of cell phones which have a pretty good idea of where they are.

Then the high fidelity information has to actually get to your particular unit, which implies a transmission means which is persistently available almost everywhere. Unless somebody builds a new system that truly blankets the planet, that probably means cell phone network-based reception. Lastly that traffic information needs to be smoothly integrated on one's own GPS receiver with one's own expressed destination desires to give good routing information that is clearly expressed (including the issue raised by previous poster of helping people realize they are being directed to do something different from their normal route on an interstate).

If done really well, I think in high congestion cities that traffic aware navigation is the true killer app. From what I read here and elsewhere, it doesn't seem to be being done really very well on GPS receivers yet. Sadly, I think it may get better sooner on Google Android cell phones than it will for us, what with the advantages of crowd sourcing for the basic data and other general characteristics of Google.

personal GPS user since 1992

built in stand

I would like a fold up feature that enables the unit to stand by itself w/o suction cups or bean bag platforms. Good luck!


Better routing algorithms are on my wish list. Seems like the newer Garmin models are absolutely horrible at routing me. It takes me off freeways to city streets to go back onto the freeway (yes I have checked my routing preferences and avoidances).

Weather -Counties

If you listen to local radio stations or NOAA weather during a storm they always give storm paths by county (or parish). It would be nice to have an option to turn on county names and borders (in addition to weather overlays).

+1 here!

brucem641 wrote:

If you listen to local radio stations or NOAA weather during a storm they always give storm paths by county (or parish). It would be nice to have an option to turn on county names and borders (in addition to weather overlays).

Striving to make the NYC Metro area project the best.

Dear Santa I forgot

How about a dash cam on the back of the GPSr just like they have in the police cruisers to document accidents.

I still want it under $100

Garmin 38 - Magellan Gold - Garmin Yellow eTrex - Nuvi 260 - Nuvi 2460LMT - Google Nexus 7 - Toyota Entune NAV

GPS in 2012

Companies like Garmin giving current users the ability to add on new items i.e. HD Traffic, selectability as to what to boot up.
It is too bad that once you buy their product you can get some things (maps, clear channel traffic, etc.) but not newly developed items that are available only on newer models.


Well, in addition to all the great ideas already given, a high-quality radar detector would be nice. One less additional thing to lug along and hang on the windshield.

Nuvi 765T, Nuvi 2350LMT

can't do that in some areas

redvino1963 wrote:

Well, in addition to all the great ideas already given, a high-quality radar detector would be nice. One less additional thing to lug along and hang on the windshield.

It's illegal to use a radar detector in some areas (including 2 near me) so that wouldn't necessarily be a good add.

Illiterate? Write for free help.


And the price would get very expensive, very quickly. Plus, it would be bulky.

People would complain about both those things... wink

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK


DiQuest wrote:

I really miss the MSN Direct feature that gives you the ability to send a GPS location to the GPS wirelessly so you don't have to connect your GPS to your computer. I also miss the weather alerts and real time gas prices.

MSN Direct features:
- send to GPS
- gas prices - without having to shell more money for that
- weather integrated into the main screen without having to wade through layers of menu to reach it

Escort Passport IQ

redvino1963 wrote:

Well, in addition to all the great ideas already given, a high-quality radar detector would be nice. One less additional thing to lug along and hang on the windshield.

About $650. I have no experience with it, not sure how good the radar or GPS would be on it.


Streetpilot C340 Nuvi 2595 LMT

Better voice recognition

Voice recognition could learn the users pronunciation of saved places. Also allowing voice commands to control more fuctions such as access to the Trip computer or Exit Services that are only accessable from the main menu on Garmin devices.


How About a tissue holder?

OK. I'm being silly now.

1490LMT 1450LMT 295w


spokybob wrote:

OK. I'm being silly now.

Don't tell me the people who posted before you were being serious?

If they integrate the whole wish list in one unit there is no space left on the dashboard to mount that sucker.

Garmin 38 - Magellan Gold - Garmin Yellow eTrex - Nuvi 260 - Nuvi 2460LMT - Google Nexus 7 - Toyota Entune NAV

Tissue holder

flaco wrote:
spokybob wrote:

OK. I'm being silly now.

Don't tell me the people who posted before you were being serious?

If they integrate the whole wish list in one unit there is no space left on the dashboard to mount that sucker.

I guess that's the reason for the tissue holder.

Reliability, that's all I want. That would be a major break through.

Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue

GPS with Augmented Reality Navigation + Better Developers

flaco wrote:

How about a dash cam on the back of the GPSr just like they have in the police cruisers to document accidents.

I still want it under $100

I'd love to see two things:

1) A development team that is good! I found the old Streetpilot Series Garmin's to be pretty solid upon release whereas the Nuvi series has been released with several bugs taking 6 months or more to iron out with firmware updates. When they finally get it right, they discontinue it and start all over with another buggy model.

2) A great idea to eliminate all those JCV files would be like what they're doing in Japan with the in-dash Pioneer units. Have a camera on the back of the unit (or in their case the windshield) to shoot live pictures of what's in front of the car and then display that live picture on the GPS with the guidance as an overlay. Have a look:



Garmin: GPSIII / StreetPilot / StreetPilot Color Map / StreetPilot III / StreetPilot 2610 / GPSMAP 60CSx / Nuvi 770 / Nuvi 765T / Nuvi 3490LMT / Drivesmart 55 / GPSMAP 66st * Pioneer: AVIC-80 / N3 / X950BH / W8600NEX

Avoid Redlight cams

Is there a way (if not there should be) to set the GPS to route around a Redlight cam?

-Bruce (Garmin nüvi 1450LMT)


Set a waypoint for the RLC, then hit detour... rolleyes

I have to say, that suggestion would not be a feature I want, nor need. Ever.

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

Don't You

theschwag wrote:

Is there a way (if not there should be) to set the GPS to route around a Redlight cam?

Don't you already have things that will eliminate any problem with a Red Light Camera - there called eyes to see the color of the light and a foot to press on the brake pedal. rolleyes

Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.


t923347 wrote:
theschwag wrote:

Is there a way (if not there should be) to set the GPS to route around a Redlight cam?

Don't you already have things that will eliminate any problem with a Red Light Camera - there called eyes to see the color of the light and a foot to press on the brake pedal. rolleyes

If someone is colorblind, this could be an issue. Especially here:

N 43° 02.810 W 076° 11.135

Streetpilot C340 Nuvi 2595 LMT

I don't want anything new, Just make what we have work better.

I would just like what we have already to work correctly, on my 3760 the trip planer has some small problems, the speed limits do some strange things like when I come into a 70km speed limit the GPS tells me it's still a 100 km area. There are a few other small problems which they are slowly fixing.

From where I sit a feature isn't a feature if isn't working correctly. The reason I keep with Garmin products is the ease of entering data such as POI, addresses, etc. I like the big keys on the touch screen, they suit my fat fingers. Although I have problems with my nuvi, but when I look at the other manufacturers there many things that Garmin have and the others don't.

Today is a gift, that's why they call it the present...

MSN Direct

These were good things but Garmin and MSN didn't see that. It was very handy to plot a map and send it to your GPS, and the weather was a very good feature as was the gasoline. Maybe they can come to terms and re-instate these features.


It's not that MSN and Garmin had a parting

legatzke wrote:

These were good things but Garmin and MSN didn't see that. It was very handy to plot a map and send it to your GPS, and the weather was a very good feature as was the gasoline. Maybe they can come to terms and re-instate these features.

MSN discontinued the service. Garmin had nothing to do with it other than stopping the shipment of compatible units and traffic receivers.

Illiterate? Write for free help.


There is an implication in an earlier post that the Traffic you pay for is different from the lifetime free traffic with adds. I have both and there is no difference in the traffic information. I think the free is provided by NavTeq and the one I bought is Clear Channel so that is a little different but both receivers receive both signals. So if I wanted to pay for ClearChannel on the NavTeq receiver I have, I have that option. Both are getting FM broadcasts provided by these companies. I bought clear channel because they have coverage where I live - and NavTeq doesn't.

Perhaps the OP was trying to refer to the newer traffic I have seen advertised but have no experience with. I think one source calls it 3D traffic or something like that. It might be different, I don't know.

MSD Direct, which I used to have, worked about the same as the Clear Channel and NavTeq I have now. All three will warn you about things if they've been there long enough and will continue to warn you for a half hour or so after they've gone away. I agree with the comments that more timely data would be great. Maybe if there was technology you could enable to let the bluetooth connection to your phone serve as a link back to Garmin or a third party so the car could tell them it is slowed and that could be fed to others? I don't usually use my minutes up anyway nor my data allotment. If it didn't chew up resources too fast I would probably do this.


Is Anyone Sharing this Feedback with Manufacturers?

I hope that some of the manufacturers are monitoring this website and this thread. In the event they are not, is anyone sharing this thread/info with the manufacturers?

Faster Processor

I have an older unit, but really don't need much. However, it woud be nice if the GPS had a faster, more capable processor, and more memory, so I could upgrade my map and still maintain the whole US in memory. I guess most all the newer models satisfy these wishes.

Tuckahoe Mike - Nuvi 3490LMT, Nuvi 260W, iPhone X, Mazda MX-5 Nav

started smoking again

An ash tray please...

Garmin 38 - Magellan Gold - Garmin Yellow eTrex - Nuvi 260 - Nuvi 2460LMT - Google Nexus 7 - Toyota Entune NAV

Route Preferences

A option for "Scenic" under "Route Preferences"


Tuckahoemike wrote:

However, it woud be nice if the GPS had a faster, more capable processor...

Yep, that would be great. My old 775 has a 333MhZ if I'm not mistaken, but I don't know what the 3790 has for a processor. Heck, even a cheap cell phone has 5-600MhZ or better these days.

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

Other thoughts...

I use a Garmin Nuvi 5000 in part because of its ability to use a backup camera -- no current mainline models offer this. But that's kind of a throwback wish.

What I would really like to see in a future model GPS would be smart phone integration through bluetooth. This would open the door to an ever-evolving list of possibilities. For example, your GPS could upload your speed info which, when combined with many other users' information, could indicate slow or blocked traffic. Users could also upload specific traffic info for inclusion in traffic info that would download through the cell phone to all users.

Of course, gas prices, google map info integration, essentially the whole of the internet would be available to be distilled and displayed on the GPS.

I know a lot of this can be done on the smart phone, and some people do use phones as GPS devices, but a dedicated GPS is still superior for driving because it is less of a distraction than a phone and you don't lose its primary function when some other application decides it needs to interrupt or a call comes in.

Afraid of getting rear-ended

Yes, I have eyes and feet, but I'm concerned about the person behind me accelerating when they see the yellow light...

-Bruce (Garmin nüvi 1450LMT)

Mainscreen shortcut to a commonly used POI

I would like to have a way of creating a shortcut on the main map screen, linking to a commonly used POI, setting, or whatever the user wants as a shortcut. For me, I would like to have a shortcut to Rest Stops Combined!

Unless you are the lead sled dog, the view never changes. I is retard... every day is Saturday! I still use the Garmin 3590 LMT even tho I upgraded to the Garmin 61 LMT. Bigger screen is not always better in my opinion.

should have asked santa for one

groundhog wrote:

I would like to have a way of creating a shortcut on the main map screen, linking to a commonly used POI, setting, or whatever the user wants as a shortcut. For me, I would like to have a shortcut to Rest Stops Combined!

Get a new unit, the 2460 and most of the newer units have customizable main menu

Garmin 38 - Magellan Gold - Garmin Yellow eTrex - Nuvi 260 - Nuvi 2460LMT - Google Nexus 7 - Toyota Entune NAV

My wish...

Would be for Garmin to make units that work right without all the problems every new unit has. Just read all the posts on this site and it is very depressing. Problem after problem with every model. They can never seem to get it right. A fix usually includes new problems..

Bobby....Garmin 2450LM

none GPS

It would be nice if they would take all of the none GPS garbage out of at least one model and put all of the GPS related features back that Garmin has eliminated over the years.

Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.
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