how to get back all of data when i formated nuvi drive.
Sun, 12/11/2011 - 3:41pm
13 years
Please tell me how to get back all datas of garmin nuvi 680 when i accidentally format the nuvi drive. Now, my nuvi empty . I hope you guys can help me .
Thanks .
Use your backup
Please tell me how to get back all datas of garmin nuvi 680 when i accidentally format the nuvi drive. Now, my nuvi empty . I hope you guys can help me .
Thanks .
Sorry - but I had to say that.
Since you are asking the question, you probably do not have one.
Go get a copy of Recuva from
Maybe it will help.
EVERYONE ELSE - when was your last backup??
30 days ago!
30 days ago!
Nuvi 2460LMT.
What's a Backup? We need that?
EVERYONE ELSE - when was your last backup??
Only when there's a map update or software update.
Poi's I have no need for them to get backed up. Favorites don't change much so they normally get backed up with map and software updates.
2 DriveSmart 65's - We do not live in Igloo's and do not all ride to work on snow mobiles.
I ain't got no backup.
I don't need no backup.
I don't have to show you no stinkin backup!
(Apologies to Gold Hat)
Whenever Any Change Is Made
I back up whenever any change I make to the unit.
I only backup the change, not all the files.
Today I backed up the Trips Folder on the 2460 since I added two routes to it.
By keeping everything up to date, should the unit fail in any way, I have every file current so there's no guess work involved.
Nuvi 2460LMT 2 Units
Last Backup
I did my last backup just before I updated the maps to 2012.30, just in case disaster struck. I always update my backup BEFORE I make any change... just in case.
Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold
Just did it.
Nuvi 765T
off topic?
After the first reply this post went off track, intead of preaching (bragging) to each other how often we backup the unit nobody had the cojones to tell longtieu his chances of recover are slim and none, he now has a Garmin brand paper weight, then again I maybe wrong after all Jesus rose on the third day.
Garmin 38 - Magellan Gold - Garmin Yellow eTrex - Nuvi 260 - Nuvi 2460LMT - Google Nexus 7 - Toyota Entune NAV
Curious, how did you format
Curious, how did you format the Nuvi? - red light cameras do not work
Must have been through
Must have been through Windows Explorer.
I backup whenever I update a map.
Why would you re-format ?
Unfortunately you now how have a memorable paper weight and a story how it came to be.
Your right. Time for another backup
Sorry - but I had to say that.
Since you are asking the question, you probably do not have one.
Go get a copy of Recuva from
Maybe it will help.
EVERYONE ELSE - when was your last backup??
Thanks for the reminder. I'm due for another backup.
Are we there yet?
Was it a quick format, or
Was it a quick format, or full? If quick then the files are probably recoverable by programs like Recuva recommended above. A full format is a bit more problematical, and probably not worth the recovery effort. The OS is downloadable, if you didn't get a map CD then I guess you're going to have to be nice to Garmin on the phone.
Restore your NUVI
Please tell me how to get back all datas of garmin nuvi 680 when i accidentally format the nuvi drive. Now, my nuvi empty . I hope you guys can help me .
Thanks .
Go to
and download the firmware your Nuvi needs. If your computer sees the Nuvi, install the firmware and that should get your Nuvi back from the dead. You will need to install a map so reinstall your last map update or buy a new map and install it.
Not much you can do about your personal info except to recreate it.
Good luck
initial backup
backup as soon as purchased the unit.
you can't format the space where firmware is stored. why you need to re-install firmware?
I always
I always view these "I accidently formated my NUVI" posts with a jaundiced eye.
I mean, come on, we all know how and why this happens ... particularly if the original poster is a recently registered POI FACTORY user ...
Dimes to donuts they bought a LOCKED gps and are formatting the drive in an attempt to rebuild it.
Hard to imagine any other reason for an "accidental" format.
"Ah, I was trying to format my C: drive and accidently formatted my e: Garmin drive."
Yeah, right.
To format any drive requires a user to type in FORMAT X:\ with x being the Nuvi drive. Then answer "Y" when prompted by a "are you really sure you want to format drive x ... all files on drive x will be deleted."
Now, there is a real syndrome called "expert user syndrome" where you are flying around your computer and GPS files, selecting, copying, etc, and accidently selecting a group of files and deleting them without even thinking. (I call this the "oh sh**" syndrome.)
And the exert user syndrome is why everyone should back up their GPS files on a regular basis. You are bound to delete an important file now and then and have to recover it ... or revert to an older map set.
But for someone to register for online access to POI FACTORY on the same day they accidently FORMAT their GPS.
Yup, they bought a locked gps. No doubt.
Garmin 205, 260W, 1450LMT, 2460LMT, HEREwego for iPhone ... all still mapping strong.
Refresh my memory
How do you make all the invisible files visible so you can back up everything to a Mac?
NUVI 660, Late 2012 iMac, Macbook 2.1 Fall 2008, iPhone6 , Nuvi 3790, iPad2
geez... bought a locked gps...
I should have had my gps locked before it was stolen.
Maybe True
Yup, they bought a locked gps. No doubt.
Buying a locked GPS is a distinct possibility, or even worse, helped themselves to someone elses unit.
Although the evidence indicates otherwise, an accidental format can occur if a user is distracted or under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Since the OP has not responded, I'm inclined to believe the locked GPS was the cause of the format.
Nuvi 2460LMT 2 Units
Darn. Now I wished I told
Darn. Now I wished I told him the recover command was:
Echo Y | Format C:
To format any drive requires a user to type in FORMAT X:\ with x being the Nuvi drive. Then answer "Y" when prompted by a "are you really sure you want to format drive x ... all files on drive x will be deleted."
While I agree with your statement and the sentiment behind it, I have to point out that Windows does dumb down this process to a few clicks rather than a DOS command.
"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." --Douglas Adams
Some of us have more than 1
Some of us have more than 1 drive in a computer and more than 1 partition. It is easy to pick the wrong one.
Nuvi 2460LMT.
Not that hard to format wrong drive
I have to point out that Windows does dumb down this process to a few clicks rather than a DOS command.
Tis true and it would not be all that hard for a novice to format the wrong drive when meaning format a SD card inserted in a Nuvi.
Please tell me how to get back all datas of garmin nuvi 680 when i accidentally format the nuvi drive. Now, my nuvi empty . I hope you guys can help me .
Thanks .
Sorry - but I had to say that.
Since you are asking the question, you probably do not have one.
Go get a copy of Recuva from
Maybe it will help.
EVERYONE ELSE - when was your last backup??
Recuva would be my suggestion also. just make sure you don't write anything to the drive until you try Recuva, if you do you'll never get it back.
Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.
SD Card Formatting
I have to point out that Windows does dumb down this process to a few clicks rather than a DOS command.
Tis true and it would not be all that hard for a novice to format the wrong drive when meaning format a SD card inserted in a Nuvi.
That was kind of my first thought. I can see someone formatting the nüvi when actually attempting to format the SD card. Of course the other possibility does exist.........
GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S
Please tell me how to get back all datas of garmin nuvi 680 when i accidentally format the nuvi drive. Now, my nuvi empty . I hope you guys can help me .
Thanks .
Go buy a new unit is probably the best ones comparable to the 680 are relatively inexpensive.
Bobby....Garmin 2450LM