How many active 3 yrs or more


Just noticed today I have been a member for 4 years 4 weeks.Guess I must be a old timer.

Any one with 3 years or more please post.Just to see how many are still hanging around and for how long?

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
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time flys

5 years 25 weeks

Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.


Three years, 11 weeks.

I support the right to keep and arm bears.

As of now >>

5 years, 2 days

"You can't get there from here"

Going to be hard to beat >>


its been so long i dont remember lol

5 years and 3 have me by 19 days smile

"You can't get there from here"


TMK wrote:

its been so long i dont remember lol

5 years and 3 have me by 19 days smile

I went through the few profiles of members older than Robert, he's been active the longest (not counting the moderators). Congrats!

Streetpilot C340 Nuvi 2595 LMT

Great Site

Frequently entertaining, always informative. 3 years, 18 weeks for me.

Tuckahoe Mike - Nuvi 3490LMT, Nuvi 260W, iPhone X, Mazda MX-5 Nav

I think

I think that recognition should be given to those active members that reach the 5 year mark by just putting a "5" up with their award symbols along with the other "badges" of recognition !!!!!

MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !

Been here for ..

4 years 33 weeks

And love everyday of it!!

Bobkz - Garmin Nuvi 3597LMTHD/2455LMT/C530/C580- "Pain Is Fear Leaving The Body - Semper Fidelis"

a long time

3 years 39 weeks.

Old Timer


its been so long i dont remember lol

Did they have GPS on the Mayflower?

1490LMT 1450LMT 295w


3 years, 34 weeks here! smile

"For those who fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know."


spokybob wrote:

its been so long i dont remember lol

Did they have GPS on the Mayflower?

Now that hurts! laugh out loud laugh out loud laugh out loud laugh out loud

Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold

Long time


its been so long i dont remember lol

5 years 3 weeks Robert.WOW

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

3 years 26 weeks

What a great group of knowledgeable folks.


3 years and 14 weeks

It only seems like yesterday when I signed up!

“It’s their world. We’re just living in it.”

3 years 29 weeks

Still check the site daily!

What a great family!

Nuvi 2460, 680, DATUM Tymserve 2100, Trimble Thunderbolt, Ham radio, Macintosh, Linux, Windows

3 years, 19 weeks

POI-factory is one of the "Home Page" tabs that opens for me, giving me a window into the site two or three times a day. Joined a few months after picking up my Garmin 760 - that's still going strong by the way - and have learned a tremendous amount from the members here. Looking forward to the next three years!

4 years 2 weeks

4 years 2 weeks


3 years, 13 weeks for me. But I've on;ly been active on here since POIFRIEND went away.

Not Surprised

I guess I am not surprised that so many of the "old timers" are still here. That is proof that this site is a great one.
I have been here 4 yrs and two weeks.
Thanks for making this site informative and fun.

3 yrs, 35 weeks ...

... and counting.


it's the dog's fault

Garmin DriveSmart 5 My other toys: IMac quad-core i3, Mac Mini M1. MacOS: Ventura 13.3.1 The dog's name is Ginger.

Hey Rookie

charlesd45 wrote:

Just noticed today I have been a member for 4 years 4 weeks.Guess I must be a old timer.

You're just a rookie. Let this old man by at 4 years, 18 weeks. smile

Brent - DriveLuxe 51 LMT-S

Still having fun

4 years and 36 weeks or maybe 4 years and 36 1/2 weeks.


3yrs.18wks. enjoying everyday of this community. wink

garmin nuvi,750 ***3ʇǝʞɔɐɾpǝɹ*** garmin nuvi,855 garmin nuvi,1490t



its been so long i dont remember lol

Just between you and I it's been 5 yrs and 3 wks.

"It's not where you start, but where you end up." Where am I and what am I doing in this hand basket?

Just a noob at 2 years 12

Just a noob at 2 years 12 weeks

John B - Garmin 765T

Over 4 years

Four years and 29 weeks, here.

Wow. over 4 years

Didn't realize, 4 years and 33 weeks.

Nuvi 50LM Nuvi 2555LM

4 Years

Hi Charles,
Been a member here for 4 years. Seems like i started here yesterday:)


3 years, 8 weeks for me!

COWBOY CREED -- If it ain't right, don't do it....If it ain't true, don't say it....If it ain't yours, don't take it.

3.019 years

3 years 1 week.

4 years 39 weeks


"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."


renegade734 wrote:

it's the dog's fault



Wherever you go, there you are. -Garmin Nuvi 370

4 years 12 weeks here

Time sure does fly! Working on my 4th GPS



36 weeks to go

36 weeks to go

All the worlds indeed a stage and we are merely players. Rush

Member for 4 years 21 weeks

Member for
4 years 21 weeks

DriveSmart 50, DriveSmart 60, nuvi 2595, nuvi 3760,

long time

charlesd45 wrote:

Just noticed today I have been a member for 4 years 4 weeks.Guess I must be a old timer.

Any one with 3 years or more please post.Just to see how many are still hanging around and for how long?

I got the same as you charles, 4 yrs 4 wks. time goes by when your having fun. smile

Jerry...Jacksonville,Fl Nüvi1450,Nuvi650,Nuvi 2495 and Mapsource.

2 - 44

I read the posts everyday but I noticed I lost my active icon! don't like this!

Read Post

lemaneu wrote:

I read the posts everyday but I noticed I lost my active icon! don't like this!

You also need to post at least once a week to keep your windmill.

johnm405 660 & MSS&T

Active status

lemaneu wrote:

I read the posts everyday but I noticed I lost my active icon! don't like this!

To maintain active status you have to post something every twice in a while. Reading does not count.


Seems to be a lot of the old

Seems to be a lot of the old group still here.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

3 years 32 weeks

3 years 32 weeks

Just your average elder livin' the dream.

You calling us old?

You calling us old? grin

charlesd45 wrote:

Seems to be a lot of the old group still here.

Nuvi 2460LMT.

ahh charlie

pwohlrab wrote:

You calling us old? grin

charlesd45 wrote:

Seems to be a lot of the old group still here.

remembers when dirt was new.

Illiterate? Write for free help.

I am one

I have here 3years and 34 weeks.and plane on being around for awile

Southern CA Temp 76 and Sunny. Running around with my Nuvi 465T. Getting lost around the country and loving it.


Didn't realize how long I had been here until you brought it up. Still using my original Nuvi 350, although I'm due for a new battery as the old one won't hold its charge any more.

Membership Time

Seven years & 16 weeks! WOW!!.Time flies, Joined up with a Nuvi 760 from Best Buy and paid almost $700 for it back then! As time goes on it's becoming more and more difficult to contribute to this excellent site, few new things to say! Garmin has proven to be a quality purchase for me. Glad prices have come way down.

nuvi' 2450

And Just a year for me, why

And Just a year for me, why didn't I hear about this site sooner?

3 years and 26 weeks for me so far.

I think I've learned something from this site in every one of those weeks. Thanks, POI Factory!

Time spent fishing is NEVER wasted!
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