Contributors of the week 2007-05-07
18 years
This week we are recognizing Bobkz and Msgreenf with an honorable mention going to Summermug.
Bobkz, the motivation and drive that you instilled in all of us this week with your new auto mechanic file was fabulous.
Msgreenf, you are a POI File producing machine;) You create files that are fun and exciting, great job.
Summermug, You blasted through that Hilton Hotel Chain Poi like a tornado ready to do some damage.
I have noticed that there is a desire within the community to be able to nominate the people that you feel are deserving of the weekly recognition. From now on there will be at least one person each week that is nominated by the community. So watch your peers throughout the week and nominations will happen on Saturday and Sunday. No you can't nominate yourself;)
Jon and I are also not up for nominations either, we take pride in what we have put together and you have helped us nurture into what it is today.
Another great week.
Miss Poi
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Thanks for the notice :) I
Thanks for the notice I have had a lot of time traveling for work...hence so many files....any other ideas and I can make the files!
Garmin C330 TomTom One Nuvi 250
Thank you
It was a good learning experience.
Let’s not forget P38nut. He was the driving force.
Computers are useless. They can only give you answers. - Pablo Picasso (Bob - Garmin c530, eTrex Vista HCx)
It was a good learning experience.
Let’s not forget P38nut. He was the driving force.
Summermug deserves this and I was going to send MsPOI an email to tell her that i thought he should be nominated, but I was too far behind the curve in keeping up with all that he's been sending me that I never got that chance.
Congratulations Summermug.
...and a good job done by ALL!
Good idea too, Miss POI!
Freedom isn't free...thank you veterans! Heard about the tests to detect PANCREATIC CANCER? There aren't any! In Memoriam: #77 NYPD-SCA/Seattle Mike/Joe S./Vinny D./RTC!
Congrats to all!
Congrats to all!
Well chosen
Congrats to all
This site is really becoming a participatory (new word?) community and you have all taken leadership rolls.
Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource
Great Job!
Way to go, Gang.
The caliber of people on this site continue to amaze me!
"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."
Contributors of the week.....
Well deserved, congrats!
bombos, Garmin nuvi 1450LMT
I send out congratulations to Bobkz, Msgreenf, and Summermug!
Good Work!
Garmin Nuvi 660