Sequence Route in Garmin


I need to create a sequence route for daily travels. It may include 20+ points. I need to be able to plan this route and put it in a sequence from closest to the most distant. I need to be able to keep stops zoned in an area so that I do not travel all over the place. Is there software or a way to do this with a Garmin 1450LMT? Thank you in advance for your information.

Streets & Trips

panama wrote:

I need to create a sequence route for daily travels. It may include 20+ points. I need to be able to plan this route and put it in a sequence from closest to the most distant. I need to be able to keep stops zoned in an area so that I do not travel all over the place. Is there software or a way to do this with a Garmin 1450LMT? Thank you in advance for your information.

Streets and trips will optimize a route leaving the first and last locations as you specified them. It will not reorder the beginning and end but will put the others into an efficient order. From there you can output the file as a GPX and transfer it to the unit but your unit doesn't do routes. Before sending the file to your unit, if you rename the stops by adding a number, you can load them to Favorites and then do the stops in sequence. Of course you could also print the route and follow it that way as well using the GPS to find the next address from your current location.

The problem you are having with using waypoints in your other thread may be operator error in that you are telling the unit to resume the current route from the beginning rather from your current location.

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