4 Years, 4 Hours and counting -



Member for
4 years 4 hours

That's what it says on my profile for today. It's my anniversary and I've loved every minute of it. Thank you Miss POI and John for starting this site. Thank you to each and every one of you great guys and gals for sharing bits and pieces of your lives with me and taking the time to answer questions before I knew I didn't know them.



Donn, congratulations on your fourth anniversary! I agree with your thoughts about the site!

dobs108 smile

good four years

Congratulations are in order. A fine site it is too.


dobs108 wrote:

Donn, congratulations on your fourth anniversary! I agree with your thoughts about the site!

dobs108 smile

We all will get there one day. smile

johnm405 660 & MSS&T

Congrats!!! It has been

Congrats!!! It has been great having you around.

Miss POI

Now about us all gathering some place ???

I know, would need LOADS of space for us all to fit, Best-partners included.

Still, the idea has some charm. I know a few neat places near Cannes, they'll soon be done with the Film Festival anyway. Is Sea Food OK with everyone ? There's this one spot for oysters and stuff, right next to the harbour...

Ain't nuthin' never just right to do the things you wanna do when you wanna do them, so you best just go ahead and do them anyway ! (Rancid Crabtree, from Pat F McManus fame)


....on your anniversary. It's truly amazing what you can find on this website.

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

Congrats! I love this site

Congrats! I love this site as well. Lot's of great people with good advice. Wish I had more free time to enjoy but I get on as much as I can.


Congradulation. I think this is the best site for GPS. I can't believe how much time has passed since I joined. It's been 3 years and 51 weeks. Next week I turn 4.

Larry - Nuvi 680, Nuvi 1690, Nuvi 2797LMT


ahsumtoy wrote:

Congradulation. I think this is the best site for GPS. I can't believe how much time has passed since I joined. It's been 3 years and 51 weeks. Next week I turn 4.

Congratulations are in order for you too. Are you sure we're not twins?

Congratulations Donn

You sure seem like a nice fellow. That is great! The world needs lots of nice fellows. Seems like we run short of them sometimes.
By the way, I have been a member for 3 yrs and 44 weeks so I am right behind you.
