Canadian federal elections again


Our 4th election in 8 years with an estimated cost of 300 million $

If the conservatives get re-elected with a minority governement we'll be back to square one and no further advanced confused

Nüvi 255WT with nüMaps Lifetime North America born on 602117815 / Nüvi 3597LMTHD born on 805972514 / I love Friday’s except when I’m on holidays ~ canuk

One step forward, two steps back?

I'm tired of the Fed Tories, and the Provincial Liberals (BC). Both are selling Canada off as fast as they can, and costs us citizens more for our own resources. But, their buddies are happy as a pig in manure...

I don't trust a damn one of them in any party anymore! It's time for all of us to grab back our countries. The middle east seems to have hit the breaking point, and I think we're next!

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK


canuk wrote:

Our 4th election in 8 years with an estimated cost of 300 million $

If the conservatives get re-elected with a minority governement we'll be back to square one and no further advanced confused

I'm so happy that I've started listening to CBC 1 (the Inuvik station so I can always say someone else's weather is worse than mine in snowy northern AZ) and am so happy to be listening to As It Happens, etc. again.

I knew I could listen via the PC, but getting a wireless Internet Radio and connecting it to my home stereo makes it simple enough that I listen much more often. CBC rules!

Good luck with the election wink Just remember that we can always top you--imagine Donald Trump running in your election--we could see him running in 2012!


canuk wrote:

Our 4th election in 8 years with an estimated cost of 300 million $

If the conservatives get re-elected with a minority governement we'll be back to square one and no further advanced confused

Soon we'll be doing this crap once a year

All the worlds indeed a stage and we are merely players. Rush


d-moo70 wrote:

Soon we'll be doing this crap once a year

At least you folks get to have an election when it was needed. We are stuck in the two-year/four-year/six-year cycle forever. Clinton would have been dumped in 1995 if we had "No Confidence" votes as well as GWB in 2007 after the Democrats took over.

Our fixed terms give our "representatives" a breathing period to do as much harm as they want before they are held accountable.

I support the right to keep and arm bears.

Canadian election

Time to give Mr. Harper a majority. His handling of the economy is proof enough that he deserves a chance to govern without the self interested interference of the liberals and the Bloc.


gadler wrote:

Time to give Mr. Harper a majority. His handling of the economy is proof enough that he deserves a chance to govern without the self interested interference of the liberals and the Bloc.

Question you have to ask your self is: When have you ever known any of them to tell the truth? Harper didn't either, told you what you want to hear and then did something else. Not that we have a choice, some one has to do it. Close your eyes and put the X.

2 DriveSmart 65's - We do not live in Igloo's and do not all ride to work on snow mobiles.