Atomic Test Sites POI Discussion Forum


Greetings Everyone!

This discussion group is for the Atomic Test Sites (CSV Format) POI project file. Please report any coordinate/address corrections and or updates, closings, etc. Also, feel free to provide comments about the POI. You may also email any changes directly to the Project Lead (which currently is me).

Thanks for your help!


POI Files

Vince Nuvi 350


I get a

You are not authorized to access this page.

when clicking your POI file link. Is your file a CSV of the GPX POI page that Rocknicehunter maintains or are the locations completely different?

I have that file uploaded

I have that file uploaded and linked to the CSV format page.

Miss POI


miss poi wrote:

I have that file uploaded and linked to the CSV format page.

Miss POI

Thanks, I see it now.

My file is US only

Hey CraigW

I have not yet looked at this new file yet, but I'm guessing it'll be for the entire world. I created my file in part because atomic tourists like myself can travel to the sites in the United States on their own. I didn't think there would be many tourists to the sites in other countries so I did not include them.

Of course there is also the file for the Trinity Site that jclombardi built and I expanded to include all of the historic locations that visitors see when they visit that site.

Drivesmart 66, Nuvi 2595LMT (Died), Nuvi 1490T (Died), Nuvi 260 (Died), GPSMAP 195

Interesting topic

This is an interesting topic for me and brings back some old memories.

F84F aircraft of the squadron I was in during the 1950s were used in Operation Teapot shortly before I joined the squadron. I got an email from one of the pilots a while back with a picture of the plane he flew in the test.

Later, I worked at Sandia Laboratories in Albuquerque and was involved equipment associated with the underground tests at the Tonopah test range although I never went there. My brother designed instrumentation for the tests and was there several times.

You're probably right

rocknicehunter wrote:

Hey CraigW...Of course there is also the file for the Trinity Site that jclombardi built and I expanded to include all of the historic locations that visitors see when they visit that site.

I toured Trinity in the spring about a decade ago. Everything from entering the base to test site and the McDonald Ranch gave me a pretty eerie feeling. As a retired nuclear pharmacist I'm still pleased that I got to see the historic site.

New file

Thank you Evert for your service.
Your post reminded me of a file I wanted to build, but put it on hold and have never gotten to it.

I thought a complimentary file to the others already available would be helpful to Atomic Tourists. One that contained other important atomic locations, but weren't test sites. Sandia, Los Alamos, Oak Ridge, The National Atomic Museums, The Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas, National Museum of Nuclear Science & History in Albuquerque, The Titan Missile Museum here in Tucson, etc, etc.

I'd still like to build such a file, but I have a number of others in the queue ahead of it and personal time is limited. If someone else wants to build such a file, please do as it'll be a while before I have a chance to get to it.

Drivesmart 66, Nuvi 2595LMT (Died), Nuvi 1490T (Died), Nuvi 260 (Died), GPSMAP 195