Traveling with DC Metro? Get a lawyer
16 years
Short time ago there was topic about TSA at airports. And some users advice was to use other means of transportation to avoid checks. In light of this I'd like to say that you can't use DC Metro as well. Because Last Thursday, DC Metro officials announced that "anti-terrorism teams" will immediately begin conducting random bag searches.
My favorite part of this new "security" measure is this:
"Can I carry my pocketknife?" an Alexandria resident asked, "and what if I'm returning from the supermarket with lighter fluid for my grill?" Owners of "contraband" will be "subject to prosecution," Taborn replied: "If you are unsure of whether a particular item is contraband, you should seek legal advice."
Mind that we are talking about public city transport here. So if you buy said lighter fluid or big kitchen knife you probably have to take cab or use your own car. Or walk. Until they start searching those thinks too. Then probably this contraband will have to travel in armored vehicles from Brinks, after of course you get permission from local DHS office to buy such terrorist's equipment.
Is this still a free country?
Won't be for long at the rate things like this keep happening... then there's the FCC & the "Net Neutrality' - that is a Pandora's box that when opened, is going to make this seem like Sunday Brunch.
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
Terrorist's Equipment????
The list of prohibited items on planes is almost endless. Most of which isn't dangerous to anyone and can't be used to hurt anything. The people who hijacked the planes on 9/11 used box knifes. For crying out loud, why didn't anyone on those planes have enough bxxls to attack the hijackers and stop them. Yep, someone might get hurt but isn't that better than everyone getting dead?
If the DHS was serious about this terrorist crap they would place a table at each boarding gate. On the table would be a pile of loaded guns with a sign over it that reads "If you brought your own, thanks. If you didn't please use one of ours. If you use ours then turn it in at your destination". Who is going to try to hijack a plane full of armed people?
The list of prohibited items on planes is almost endless. Most of which isn't dangerous to anyone and can't be used to hurt anything. The people who hijacked the planes on 9/11 used box knifes. For crying out loud, why didn't anyone on those planes have enough bxxls to attack the hijackers and stop them. Yep, someone might get hurt but isn't that better than everyone getting dead?
If the DHS was serious about this terrorist crap they would place a table at each boarding gate. On the table would be a pile of loaded guns with a sign over it that reads "If you brought your own, thanks. If you didn't please use one of ours. If you use ours then turn it in at your destination". Who is going to try to hijack a plane full of armed people?
LOL agree 10000%!!!!!!!!!! - red light cameras do not work
I Love Your Way of Thinking..!!
JackJ180 said in part..
If the DHS was serious about this terrorist crap they would place a table at each boarding gate. On the table would be a pile of loaded guns with a sign over it that reads "If you brought your own, thanks. If you didn't please use one of ours. If you use ours then turn it in at your destination". Who is going to try to hijack a plane full of armed people?
Boy do I ever LOVE your way of thinking!! Not only am I going to give you a big "atta'Boy".. but a Gold star to boot.
I hope Santa brings you a Customized 1911 .45 as a surprise gift for under the Christmas tree.
Nuvi1300WTGPS (Pro Gun and Proud of It!!)
I'm not really lost.... just temporarily misplaced!
A Customized 1911 45 semi-auto!! Santa would be my friend for life!! But I'm afraid that my little 380 would get a caliber inferiority complex.
won't be able to travel anymore
It will get to the degree that we will have to travel in our underwear and have no baggage. We will have to buy new clothes and personnal care items where ever we go.
Nuvi 2460LMT.
The people who hijacked the planes on 9/11 used box knifes. For crying out loud, why didn't anyone on those planes have enough bxxls to attack the hijackers and stop them. Yep, someone might get hurt but isn't that better than everyone getting dead?
Simple. Up until 9/11 the SOP was to cooperate with the hijackers and nobody will get hurt. IIRC, some of the recovered audio even had the 9/11 hijackers assuring the passengers nobody would get hurt if their demands were met. Now when we hear about some idiot trying to do something funny on a plane, the passengers do get involved. We have now learned that if you do nothing you will probably die anyhow so you might as well fight back because you really have nothing to lose. That is probably the most important change in attitude since 9/11. If I were on a plane these days and somebody tried to rush the cockpit, I am going to get involved. No reason not to.
I support the right to keep and arm bears.
future tense
Short time ago there was topic about TSA at airports. And some users advice was to use other means of transportation to avoid checks. In light of this I'd like to say that you can't use DC Metro as well. Because Last Thursday, DC Metro officials announced that "anti-terrorism teams" will immediately begin conducting random bag searches.
My favorite part of this new "security" measure is this:
"Can I carry my pocketknife?" an Alexandria resident asked, "and what if I'm returning from the supermarket with lighter fluid for my grill?" Owners of "contraband" will be "subject to prosecution," Taborn replied: "If you are unsure of whether a particular item is contraband, you should seek legal advice."
Mind that we are talking about public city transport here. So if you buy said lighter fluid or big kitchen knife you probably have to take cab or use your own car. Or walk. Until they start searching those thinks too. Then probably this contraband will have to travel in armored vehicles from Brinks, after of course you get permission from local DHS office to buy such terrorist's equipment.
so when do they start with the road check points, and when will they start on the wall for Washington dc?
so when do they start with the road check points, and when will they start on the wall for Washington dc?
You know, that is an excellent idea. Let's put a wall around Washington DC. Keep those congress critters in a pen and don't let them out for any reason.
too bay. the metro in DC is
too bay. the metro in DC is expensive. let alone this checks.
You know, that is an excellent idea. Let's put a wall around Washington DC.
...and fill it up with water...
Garmin nuvi 1300LM with 4GB SD card Garmin nuvi 200W with 4GB SD card Garmin nuvi 260W with 4GB SD card r.i.p.
You know, that is an excellent idea. Let's put a wall around Washington DC.
...and fill it up with water...
A river runs through it!
(Now think about that for a minute.)
Illiterate? Write for free help.
You know, that is an excellent idea. Let's put a wall around Washington DC.
...and fill it up with water...
A river runs through it!
(Now think about that for a minute.)
...self filled?....
Garmin nuvi 1300LM with 4GB SD card Garmin nuvi 200W with 4GB SD card Garmin nuvi 260W with 4GB SD card r.i.p.
so when do they start with the road check points, and when will they start on the wall for Washington dc?
You know, that is an excellent idea. Let's put a wall around Washington DC. Keep those congress critters in a pen and don't let them out for any reason.
the wall wouldn't be to keep them in but the peon's/serf/s out.
Searches on DC Metro?
Lots of mass transit entities conduct random bag searches from time to time, especially when the "terror alert" is high, but I haven't heard anything about actual random physical pat downs on any of them except those conducted by TSA at airports.
For those of you who have considered carrying a concealed weapon for protection of your person and/or property, live in a state that permits it, but haven't as yet taken the time to get your permit/license, I urge you to apply for your permit ASAP. Take classes, learn the law, do whatever you must to become proficient with your weapon, then carry it at all times. It's worthless to you sitting home in a drawer. Remember, "concealed carry" means exactly that.
how far TSA reach
This is very interesting article that is highlighting how far TSA is reaching into everyday life. It's long but definitely worth reading.
From article:
...Unless we abolish this vile agency, the TSA will carry its war on Americans from airports, bus stations, and political events to highways, shopping malls, even sidewalks. The Supreme Court long ago invented an “interest” for government in “safe aviation.” It has further decreed that such “interest” outweighs our petty concerns for personal privacy so that buying a ticket means we implicitly consent to any and every abuse the Feds dish out.
Make me wonder, how far it will go?
DC Metro
I live in MD just outside the District. The Metro has had more safety issues in the last two years, including fatal crashes, than probably terrorists could accomplish.
As for guns on planes, a terrorist can bring down a plane just by firing thru the fuselage or window. I hope folks have said that in jest.
If we're serious about terrorists, how come we can't get a mandatory death sentence & feed 'em to the pigs from our illustrious representatives or President.
I live in MD just outside the District. The Metro has had more safety issues in the last two years, including fatal crashes, than probably terrorists could accomplish.
As for guns on planes, a terrorist can bring down a plane just by firing thru the fuselage or window. I hope folks have said that in jest.
If we're serious about terrorists, how come we can't get a mandatory death sentence & feed 'em to the pigs from our illustrious representatives or President.
Fred, the government is NOT serious about stopping terrorists. Look at all the tips the FBI, TSA and HLS give terrorists on how, when and where to attack us. They practically give a green light and an instruction manual on how to attack us.
BYW, it would take more than a bullet through the skin or window of a plane to bring it down. They already have holes to vent stale air from the cabin. If you put another hole in the skin, the ones designed in will just close up a bit to make up for the added ventilation of the new hole.
Good Idea!
If we're serious about terrorists, how come we can't get a mandatory death sentence & feed 'em to the pigs from our illustrious representatives or President.
A possible problem--the pigs may not like the taste. Maybe we could deep fry the terrorists first?
Tuckahoe Mike - Nuvi 3490LMT, Nuvi 260W, iPhone X, Mazda MX-5 Nav
Maybe we could deep fry the terrorists first?
But then you would need to boil them before deep frying them. You can always use that waste water to strip paint or unclog drains
Garmin nuvi 1300LM with 4GB SD card Garmin nuvi 200W with 4GB SD card Garmin nuvi 260W with 4GB SD card r.i.p.
news update
This is update on Washington Metro searches. It's getting more and more interesting with every new piece that is being revealed.
...Those who refuse the new random bag searches by Metro Transit police will be observed by law enforcement, MTPD chief Michael Taborn told a meeting of the WMATA Riders Advisory Council last week...
"What happens is that according to our policy, that person is free to go. But with regards to law enforcement initiatives, there will be some actions. There will be some observations, because we need to establish why that particular person chose not to do it. So therefore, there will be some activity that's afoot."
Makes me wonder if soon they will be arrested to make reason for their antisocial behavior known.
There was more ambitious plan from TSA
So far TSA is insisting that they scrapped this plans. But I wonder how long will take them to get them back on track.
Documents Reveal TSA Research Proposal To Body-Scan Pedestrians, Train Passengers
Newly uncovered documents show that as early as 2006, the Department of Homeland Security has been planning pilot programs to deploy mobile scanning units that can be set up at public events and in train stations, along with mobile x-ray vans capable of scanning pedestrians on city streets.
As usual TSA is denying they were planning this type of spying, but knowing their record of lying, I expect that they just waiting for the right moment. Maybe when everybody will get use to checkpoints on public transport (like metro or buses) then they will bring new ways to "keep everybody safe".
+11ty Billion :) >>>
If the DHS was serious about this terrorist crap they would place a table at each boarding gate. On the table would be a pile of loaded guns with a sign over it that reads "If you brought your own, thanks. If you didn't please use one of ours. If you use ours then turn it in at your destination". Who is going to try to hijack a plane full of armed people?
One of the reasons I refuse to armed society is a polite society (the late Col. Jeff Cooper)!
"You can't get there from here"
Think for a moment, how ridiculous this statement>>>
As for guns on planes, a terrorist can bring down a plane just by firing thru the fuselage or window. I hope folks have said that in jest.
really you think a plane "knows" if the bullet comes from within or without? The military has MANY pressurized aircraft that could sustain multiple hits and still stay aloft. Why on Earth would the military use planes, many of which are re-configured civilian aircraft, that one (or several) LITTLE hole could destroy.
Furthermore, do you honestly believe that armed Air Marshals are 100% accurate shooters and thus there is never a chance of a stray in a real world situation? I am rated shooter (ambidextrous) and I can tell you there is a large degree of certainty that in an actual hijacking there would be holes in a window or fuselage. No one is perfect and stress makes things WAY worse.
I'd rather take my chances with the average armed citizen shooting a hijacker and missing one or more shoots than a bomb going off or a hijacking be me crazy.
"You can't get there from here"
AMEN! >>>>
For those of you who have considered carrying a concealed weapon for protection of your person and/or property, live in a state that permits it, but haven't as yet taken the time to get your permit/license, I urge you to apply for your permit ASAP. Take classes, learn the law, do whatever you must to become proficient with your weapon, then carry it at all times. It's worthless to you sitting home in a drawer. Remember, "concealed carry" means exactly that.
don't forget to study reciprocity laws...there are now 27 (IIRC) states that honor the PA concealed carry permit...I try to vacation there
"You can't get there from here"
hilarious thread!
hilarious thread!