Ford's in-dash navigation system


I have a friend who just bought a 2007 Mustang with the GT package. It has an in-dash navigation system integrated with the radio and a bunch of other stuff.

Does anybody know who makes the navigation system for Ford?

Thanks in advance.




I think, but could be wrong

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

Clarion Makes the Nav on the newest Fords

I found this post that says Clarion makes the Nav on the 2010 Fords:

Also, on, where you to to upgrade the Nav on the latest Fords, it also identified it as a Clarion system.

I don't know if Clarion made the one in the 2007 Mustang, but looking for an upgrade to the 2007 Nav on Navteq or similar site, might reveal who made that system.