wav files for camera poi - how to download


I have found the wav files [I have a 1490LMT] for red light cameras, but canot seem to be able to download them. I've gone trough the help files, but can only download shortcuts to the website. Can you please help me?

Donload Wav

OldBillygoat wrote:

I have found the wav files [I have a 1490LMT] for red light cameras, but canot seem to be able to download them. I've gone trough the help files, but can only download shortcuts to the website. Can you please help me?

When you see the wav file.Right click and select save target as.Now this is for IE 8 may be different for other browsers.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

This just saves the whole

This just saves the whole disscussion page as a html document, nothing that I can download to the nuvi. I also am using IE 8.

Sounds like you right click

Sounds like you right click on the web page while you're supposed to right click on the link to get the WAV file.

When you find the file you

When you find the file you want from the soun library click on it.The next screen will show the file with the wav extension.Right click on that one.

Example http://www.poi-factory.com/node/4397 .You wil see Big Lots.wav that is what you right click on.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

Thanks for the quick help.

Thanks for the quick help. I,m sure that I tried that several times before posting, but I guess not. You have solved my problem, thanks again. This is my first Nuvi and I am quite excited about all things it can do. I love my 60CSx and Oregon for geocaching, but they are very slow to catch-up for driving.


OldBillygoat wrote:

I love my 60CSx and Oregon for geocaching,

Ah, another Geocacher. I also use a 60CSX and Oregon 550 for caching. ClanStan on GC.com

Sorry not meant to go off topic.

(formerly known as condump) RV 770 LMT-S, Nuvi2797LMT, Nuvi765T


OldBillygoat wrote:

I have found the wav files [I have a 1490LMT] for red light cameras, but canot seem to be able to download them. I've gone trough the help files, but can only download shortcuts to the website. Can you please help me?

Where did you find the wav files? Also, don't you need to re-encode them into MP3 to work on Garmin?

Up at the top of this page

Up at the top of this page is a link called sounds. In there are all kinds of sounds, including Traffic camera and red light camera sounds. I liked Redlight cameras-11 http://www.poi-factory.com/files/Redlight-Cameras11.wav
You can download either a wav or mp3 file. The 1490LMT only works with wav files. Some of the other Nuvis use mp3’s.

thanks for the info

thanks for the info