Use caution when voting against an incumbent just because they are the incumbent. You might end up with some far worse, But you might find a good one to. Do your research.
As usual, I'll be working as a volunteer for the Registrar of Voters office this election. I'll be working as a Field Inspector, responsible for overseeing the operation of eight to fourteen precincts in the county.
This will be the second election my son is working as a volunteer as well; he'll be a clerk at a local polling site.
In California, as in many states, the actual election process is manned by volunteers.
If you're registered to vote, know the alphabet, and can count, think about volunteering to work elections! Chances are, your county election office needs your help!
Oh, for the GPS part of it -- I program the locations of my precincts (and nearby precincts), supply trucks, and return locations into my GPS. That way when I get a call from one of the people at Precinct 3606 needing my help, my GPS takes care of the navigation.
-- Nuvi 2460, 680, DATUM Tymserve 2100, Trimble Thunderbolt, Ham radio, Macintosh, Linux, Windows I always do. Usually I walk in, walk out, and am done in about two mintues, with nary a soul in sight. Today there was a 20 minute line out front, and it's been like that for a week, solid.
I don't know if we should always aspire to screw ups inhabiting state capitols and D.C., but the current bunch of idiots sure has got people riled up for some kind of a change, that's for sure. Glad to see people exercising their rights for a real change, hopefully.
Use caution when voting against an incumbent just because they are the incumbent.
I read federal and state position qualifications. Nowhere did I see "Incumbent" listed. It sounds from a performance factor that it might be a disqualifier though.
-- "It's not where you start, but where you end up." Where am I and what am I doing in this hand basket?
Voted today with the wife. In Dallas County the first day of early voting broke all records by beating the previous 9 thousand first day votes by casting 14 thousand some odd votes yesterday on the first day.
Use caution when voting against an incumbent just because they are the incumbent.
I read federal and state position qualifications. Nowhere did I see "Incumbent" listed. It sounds from a performance factor that it might be a disqualifier though.
the candidate's occupation is listed. I.E. under Barbara Boxer, her occupation is listed as " U.S. Senator" (sorry 'Mamm' I didn't vote for you)
There should be no such thing as "a career politician."
For many of them, what else are they going to do? Many of them I would not even hire to clean the toilets at McDonalds. They are pretty useless for just about any private sector job
Voting wisely is important, but even more important is to have term limits!!!
I've been watching both CNN and FOX, reading as much as I can about each candidate and ballot question, I think I'm ready. Unfortunately, much of the time a candidate tells you what you want to hear and not what they plan do to. Transparency, no ear marks, no special interests, no new taxes, a chicken in every pot, etc.
The argument for term limits is that voters have the opportunity to vote out the dead weight, but they don't always have the knowledge about each candidate so they end up voting for the most recognizable name...which is usually the incumbent. Because of this, I am for term limits. Once again, a law has to be made to help us from ourselves.
Getting some popcorn and snacks ready for an interesting Tuesday night. Hopefully my fellow Bostonians will make history again.
Go vote and take a friend or two - especially if they are going to vote for your candidates...hahaha.
-- Originator of Keeping Your Windmill Alive. Live in MA & have a cooking website. 6 yr. member.
This would be a good way to get an un-scientific poll...
I am going to vote against all incumbents regardless of party affiliation
My wife and I maintain two different residences. I vote at one and she at the other. At my legal residence a will vote for the incumbent Rep. Peter King (R). On the other hand my wife will vote against the incumbent the ultimate slime and dirt bag Rep. Anthony (he who crawled out from under a rock) Weiner. Of course we will also vote against our two miserable US Senators Chuck (the schmuck) Schumer and his sock puppet Kirsten Gillibrand.
Good luck to all candidates that will move us away from the abyss of eternal darkness and State Socialism.
-- "Ceterum autem censeo, Carthaginem esse delendam"
“When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”
The main thing to remember - Vote for Freedom and Independance and to move us away from Marxist and Socialism. (Good thing my Sister-in-law and her husband ("So what is wrong with Socialism) don't have GPS's - they would always be set to turn left.)
God Bless America and everyone on this site.
Enjoy Tuesday. When I was a graduate student at MIT, voting didn't seem to have as much interest. Now, I've learned over a lifetime that having professional politicians means you have professional liars, cheats, & thieves. So, my proposal is to have Congresspeople serve 2 terms & the President, one 6 year term. That way they don't play to voters the last year before an election. Get elected? Get in & do what you believe is necessary because there ain't no second term & all the BS that goes with it.
I only wish that the American electorate was smart enough to demand it!
This would be a good way to get an un-scientific poll...
I am going to vote against all incumbents regardless of party affiliation
My wife and I maintain two different residences. I vote at one and she at the other. At my legal residence a will vote for the incumbent Rep. Peter King (R). On the other hand my wife will vote against the incumbent the ultimate slime and dirt bag Rep. Anthony (he who crawled out from under a rock) Weiner. Of course we will also vote against our two miserable US Senators Chuck (the schmuck) Schumer and his sock puppet Kirsten Gillibrand.
Good luck to all candidates that will move us away from the abyss of eternal darkness and State Socialism.
Unfortunately, quite a few NY voters are dyed-in-the-wool democrats who vote along party lines no matter what
Enjoy Tuesday. When I was a graduate student at MIT, voting didn't seem to have as much interest. Now, I've learned over a lifetime that having professional politicians means you have professional liars, cheats, & thieves.
Wasn't there a song that went something like Liars,Cheats and thieves, but every election the people came around...
9th District threw out Arizona's law requiring proof of Citizenship to register to vote. As long as the wetbacks swear they are citizen, they will get a voter card. I am sure our legal system will ferret out all those that lie and prosecute to the fullest. I'll start holding my breath now!
I am naturalized and have no problem giving proof and I don't need a ballot printed in another language. If you can't read the ballot in english, how do you know who is the best candidate?
I got my assignments yesterday -- I'm a Field Inspector, a volunteer working for the county Registrar of Voters, and for election day I have 10 precincts to manage. Fairly compact area, but a few are schools where traffic and parking will be problems, particularly during certain times of the day.
The county overall has around 72% of the registered voters doing permanent vote by mail. While the "live" votes on election day are reduced in number, a lot of people still choose to drop off their mail-in ballots at a polling place (saves the postage if nothing else).
We're expecting a pretty good turnout, with any number of contentious races and/or issues on the ballot.
-- Nuvi 2460, 680, DATUM Tymserve 2100, Trimble Thunderbolt, Ham radio, Macintosh, Linux, Windows
Were you born in the US? Are you Native? Those are the original Americans.
If not, you have no reason to try to shame others.
He clearly states he is a naturalized citizen. That means for all the mentally challenged that he is a LEGAL IMIGRANT that came here the correct way.
So you do not like the term wetback for law breakers, to bad. They should all be deported. And just for the record all of my wife's family are Spanish speaking legal immigrants.
-- "Ceterum autem censeo, Carthaginem esse delendam"
“When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”
I'm not mentally challenged, unlike some Americans...
The US is not the 'be all-end all' in the world.
It is not the be all end all, however the flow of people willing to risk their life to get here is enormous, the people getting on planes and boats to leave permanently is minuscule.
As far as mentally challenged, if the shoe fits !
-- "Ceterum autem censeo, Carthaginem esse delendam"
“When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”
We have gone to Mail in Ballots no polling places here. In my case I am voting to throw the bums out. But my bums all shoved policies down the throats of their constituents that we did not want. I would not blindly vote against an incumbent!
With all the voter fraud I wonder if it is worth voting. It seems it gets worse every election and nothing is done to stop it. It would be nice if our elections were as legitimate as those in Iraq.
Republican, Democrat, or whatever?
This would be a good way to get an un-scientific poll...
I am going to vote against all incumbents regardless of party affiliation
I have seen the future and it is now!
The worse of 2 bad apples
Use caution when voting against an incumbent just because they are the incumbent. You might end up with some far worse, But you might find a good one to. Do your research.
I'm With Ya!
This would be a good way to get an un-scientific poll...
I am going to vote against all incumbents regardless of party affiliation
We certainly need a different direction--while we're still intact...
Tuckahoe Mike - Nuvi 3490LMT, Nuvi 260W, iPhone X, Mazda MX-5 Nav
Voting wisely is important,
Voting wisely is important, but even more important is to have term limits!!!
Voting wisely is important, but even more important is to have term limits!!!
Here, here!! There should be no such thing as "a career politician."
Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold
As usual, I'll be working as a volunteer for the Registrar of Voters office this election. I'll be working as a Field Inspector, responsible for overseeing the operation of eight to fourteen precincts in the county.
This will be the second election my son is working as a volunteer as well; he'll be a clerk at a local polling site.
In California, as in many states, the actual election process is manned by volunteers.
If you're registered to vote, know the alphabet, and can count, think about volunteering to work elections! Chances are, your county election office needs your help!
Oh, for the GPS part of it -- I program the locations of my precincts (and nearby precincts), supply trucks, and return locations into my GPS. That way when I get a call from one of the people at Precinct 3606 needing my help, my GPS takes care of the navigation.
Nuvi 2460, 680, DATUM Tymserve 2100, Trimble Thunderbolt, Ham radio, Macintosh, Linux, Windows
I voted early today at my local poll.. I always do. Usually I walk in, walk out, and am done in about two mintues, with nary a soul in sight. Today there was a 20 minute line out front, and it's been like that for a week, solid.
I don't know if we should always aspire to screw ups inhabiting state capitols and D.C., but the current bunch of idiots sure has got people riled up for some kind of a change, that's for sure. Glad to see people exercising their rights for a real change, hopefully.
Nuvi 350, GPS Map 76CX
Vote Right!
Yes Vote....
But Remember this....
"The farther a Nation moves from God, the more depraved it shall become."
"Destination Eternity" Garmin 765T, & Samsung Galaxy Note Edge
WOW... I want in this one before it gets closed.... (BTW, already voted....)
Garmin Nuvi 885T
Already voted. I always vote by mail. I sent my ballot in last week.
GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S
Also already voted.Just
Also already voted.Just waiting for the results and that big shoe that is going to drop.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
me 2
This would be a good way to get an un-scientific poll...
I am going to vote against all incumbents regardless of party affiliation
All ready figured on doing that, and all the judges that are on our ballot {should judge XXX be retained in office} NO.
Jerry...Jacksonville,Fl Nüvi1450,Nuvi650,Nuvi 2495 and Mapsource.
All ready figured on doing that, and all the judges that are on our ballot {should judge XXX be retained in office} NO.
We have that in Iowa - it's a hot topic. I think the powers that be & wannabe are going to be wondering Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot happened come Nov. 3rd.
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
Use caution when voting against an incumbent just because they are the incumbent.
I read federal and state position qualifications. Nowhere did I see "Incumbent" listed. It sounds from a performance factor that it might be a disqualifier though.
"It's not where you start, but where you end up." Where am I and what am I doing in this hand basket?
Voted today!
Now we wait and see.
let your voice be heard, vote!
Done my Due
Voted today with the wife. In Dallas County the first day of early voting broke all records by beating the previous 9 thousand first day votes by casting 14 thousand some odd votes yesterday on the first day.
Just keep em coming!!!
Nuvi 2460LMT
Absentee Ballot
The wife and I completed and mailed our absentee ballots before getting on the plane today.
Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold
It's In The Mail!
The wife and I completed our mail-in ballots yesterday and mailed them.
Everybody get out and vote! where the heck am I?
voting counts
Voted today to see if we can get change in my state. i hope my state has a good turn out to get the 20-30year people out.
In California
Use caution when voting against an incumbent just because they are the incumbent.
I read federal and state position qualifications. Nowhere did I see "Incumbent" listed. It sounds from a performance factor that it might be a disqualifier though.
the candidate's occupation is listed. I.E. under Barbara Boxer, her occupation is listed as " U.S. Senator" (sorry 'Mamm' I didn't vote for you)
I have seen the future and it is now!
I vote as an Independent. I
I vote as an Independent. I Vote for who I think is the lesser evil regardless of what party the represent.
The Alternative
There should be no such thing as "a career politician."
For many of them, what else are they going to do? Many of them I would not even hire to clean the toilets at McDonalds. They are pretty useless for just about any private sector job
I support the right to keep and arm bears.
Voting wisely is important, but even more important is to have term limits!!!
I've been watching both CNN and FOX, reading as much as I can about each candidate and ballot question, I think I'm ready. Unfortunately, much of the time a candidate tells you what you want to hear and not what they plan do to. Transparency, no ear marks, no special interests, no new taxes, a chicken in every pot, etc.
The argument for term limits is that voters have the opportunity to vote out the dead weight, but they don't always have the knowledge about each candidate so they end up voting for the most recognizable name...which is usually the incumbent. Because of this, I am for term limits. Once again, a law has to be made to help us from ourselves.
Getting some popcorn and snacks ready for an interesting Tuesday night. Hopefully my fellow Bostonians will make history again.
Go vote and take a friend or two - especially if they are going to vote for your candidates...hahaha.
Originator of Keeping Your Windmill Alive. Live in MA & have a cooking website. 6 yr. member.
As far as I am concerned most should be voted out
This would be a good way to get an un-scientific poll...
I am going to vote against all incumbents regardless of party affiliation
My wife and I maintain two different residences. I vote at one and she at the other. At my legal residence a will vote for the incumbent Rep. Peter King (R). On the other hand my wife will vote against the incumbent the ultimate slime and dirt bag Rep. Anthony (he who crawled out from under a rock) Weiner. Of course we will also vote against our two miserable US Senators Chuck (the schmuck) Schumer and his sock puppet Kirsten Gillibrand.
Good luck to all candidates that will move us away from the abyss of eternal darkness and State Socialism.
"Ceterum autem censeo, Carthaginem esse delendam" “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”
The main thing to remember - Vote for Freedom and Independance and to move us away from Marxist and Socialism. (Good thing my Sister-in-law and her husband ("So what is wrong with Socialism) don't have GPS's - they would always be set to turn left.)
God Bless America and everyone on this site.
Enjoy Tuesday. When I was a
Enjoy Tuesday. When I was a graduate student at MIT, voting didn't seem to have as much interest. Now, I've learned over a lifetime that having professional politicians means you have professional liars, cheats, & thieves. So, my proposal is to have Congresspeople serve 2 terms & the President, one 6 year term. That way they don't play to voters the last year before an election. Get elected? Get in & do what you believe is necessary because there ain't no second term & all the BS that goes with it.
I only wish that the American electorate was smart enough to demand it!
Cannot Wait
I cannot wait till we remove some of those idiots on election day! Too many negative campaigns!
Amen to that in spades!!
This would be a good way to get an un-scientific poll...
I am going to vote against all incumbents regardless of party affiliation
My wife and I maintain two different residences. I vote at one and she at the other. At my legal residence a will vote for the incumbent Rep. Peter King (R). On the other hand my wife will vote against the incumbent the ultimate slime and dirt bag Rep. Anthony (he who crawled out from under a rock) Weiner. Of course we will also vote against our two miserable US Senators Chuck (the schmuck) Schumer and his sock puppet Kirsten Gillibrand.
Good luck to all candidates that will move us away from the abyss of eternal darkness and State Socialism.
Unfortunately, quite a few NY voters are dyed-in-the-wool democrats who vote along party lines no matter what

Great thread! Take
Great thread! Take advantage of early voting if you can.
I voted by mail today.
Every vote counts -- especially at the local level. Occasionally, state-level elections for governor or senator are decided by less than 1,000 votes.
Unfortunately, quite a few NY voters are dyed-in-the-wool democrats who vote along party lines no matter what
This differs from Repubs how?
nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK
Votes Mailed -
Our - wife and me - votes went out in the mail on Monday. So many fun things to vote for (against) here in California.
Take an active part in This Great Land's Free Elections!
Vote in every election. That's the mark of a good citizen. Care enough to vote. Your vote DOES make a difference.
Wasn't there a song...
Enjoy Tuesday. When I was a graduate student at MIT, voting didn't seem to have as much interest. Now, I've learned over a lifetime that having professional politicians means you have professional liars, cheats, & thieves.
Wasn't there a song that went something like Liars,Cheats and thieves, but every election the people came around...
Illiterate? Write for free help.
That was Gypsies, tramps and thieves... sung by Cher. Having a 'moment', bro?
I did get the humour; messing with you a bit!
nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK
9th District threw out
9th District threw out Arizona's law requiring proof of Citizenship to register to vote. As long as the wetbacks swear they are citizen, they will get a voter card. I am sure our legal system will ferret out all those that lie and prosecute to the fullest. I'll start holding my breath now!
I am naturalized and have no problem giving proof and I don't need a ballot printed in another language. If you can't read the ballot in english, how do you know who is the best candidate?
10 precincts...
I got my assignments yesterday -- I'm a Field Inspector, a volunteer working for the county Registrar of Voters, and for election day I have 10 precincts to manage. Fairly compact area, but a few are schools where traffic and parking will be problems, particularly during certain times of the day.
The county overall has around 72% of the registered voters doing permanent vote by mail. While the "live" votes on election day are reduced in number, a lot of people still choose to drop off their mail-in ballots at a polling place (saves the postage if nothing else).
We're expecting a pretty good turnout, with any number of contentious races and/or issues on the ballot.
Nuvi 2460, 680, DATUM Tymserve 2100, Trimble Thunderbolt, Ham radio, Macintosh, Linux, Windows
What a derogatory term... wetback...
Were you born in the US? Are you Native? Those are the original Americans.
If not, you have no reason to try to shame others.
nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK
Yes they are wetbacks
What a derogatory term... wetback...
Were you born in the US? Are you Native? Those are the original Americans.
If not, you have no reason to try to shame others.
He clearly states he is a naturalized citizen. That means for all the mentally challenged that he is a LEGAL IMIGRANT that came here the correct way.
So you do not like the term wetback for law breakers, to bad. They should all be deported. And just for the record all of my wife's family are Spanish speaking legal immigrants.
"Ceterum autem censeo, Carthaginem esse delendam" “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”
I'm not mentally challenged, unlike some Americans...
The US is not the 'be all-end all' in the world.
nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK
'be all-end all'
I'm not mentally challenged, unlike some Americans...
The US is not the 'be all-end all' in the world.
It is not the be all end all, however the flow of people willing to risk their life to get here is enormous, the people getting on planes and boats to leave permanently is minuscule.
As far as mentally challenged, if the shoe fits !
"Ceterum autem censeo, Carthaginem esse delendam" “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”
slight modification
Vote early and vote often.
Just vote once . . . it should be enough to get the desired results, without any cries of voter fraud.
dja24 - garmin nuvi 200W, etrex vista, etrex vista Cx
Vote early and vote often!
As the saying goes here in Chicago.
My Advice,,
Vote Early, Vote Often LOL
nuvi' 2450
did it
Mailed it in
We have gone to Mail in Ballots no polling places here. In my case I am voting to throw the bums out. But my bums all shoved policies down the throats of their constituents that we did not want. I would not blindly vote against an incumbent!
Will nuvi 265W, Vista HCX, amateur radio
It shall be done.
Voter Fraud
With all the voter fraud I wonder if it is worth voting. It seems it gets worse every election and nothing is done to stop it. It would be nice if our elections were as legitimate as those in Iraq.
its not only ur rt its ur
its not only ur rt its ur duty
In the words of Dwight D. Eisenhower:
"The S.O.B you know is better than the S.O.B you don't know."
So true!
"Backward, turn backward, oh time in your flight, make me a child again, just for tonight."