Pictures Garmin 1300


What is the purpose of the pictures in the Garmin 1300? What size picture can be downloaded?

The manual says


What is the purpose of the pictures in the Garmin 1300? What size picture can be downloaded?

You can download a manual by going to

Then look at page 27

re: Pictures Garmin 1300...

There are a few cameras that write latitude and longitude onto the header of the photo file (jpg, bmp, Etc). These photos with lat-long can be used to associate a picture with a location. Some viewer applications allow you to add lat-long but they seem to be LINUX O/S that allow you to do this.

There was a web article

About use of smartphones regarding personal safety and privacy. Most smartphones embed latitude and longitude and require user to deactivate this function. The user posts photos on Facebook or other webpage showing off the new car in the driveway etc. There seems to be high tech thieves targeting photo postings, read user comments about going on vacation, or out for the evening, etc. The thieves stop by for a visit.