GPS - Nuvi vs. Oregon - Street Maps and Topos
Thu, 04/01/2010 - 11:45pm
16 years
Not wanting to start a debate about "what is the best GPS device"...I'm kinda a Garmin guy....but I do have a question wrt to the devices themselves...
Both the Nuvi and Oregon series can handle street maps and topo maps, but obviously street maps are native to the Nuvis and topos are native to the Oregon.
My question is.....
Has anyone run a topo map on a Nuvi before? Has anyone run a street map on an Oregon before?
How did it work out? How did you toggle between the two map sets?
Appreciate any advice you may have...
I have
I have used topo maps on 3 different Nuvi models without a great deal of trouble or effort. Both the preinstalled maps and the topo maps appear in Tools - Settings - Map - Map Info page of the Nuvi once you have loaded the Topo maps. You simply need to select both map sets on this screen and you should then be good to go. The topo data will appear along with your normal City Navigator street data.
There is an excellent tutorial for all of this at
You'll also find good topo maps on that site for download to your GPS.
Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.
Nuvi vs. Oregon
I never run topo on Nuvi, as it is usually for trekking or outdoor activities and Nuvie simply doesn't have enough battery power to be of bigger use in this area. It is different kind of devices, so they can't be compared efficiently. And it will go for gps from any maker. You can compare only devices designed for this same use.
I'm using topo/street maps on Oregon 400t (not Garmin maps). They have as well roads and are routable, so can be used as car maps. It works pretty well actually. Oregon is not exactly best choice for car gps, as it can plot route, but has problems with rerouting and doesn't "talk". And screen is not very readable in full sun. Otherwise it is very good, and a few times i was using it instead of nuvi with good effect.
If you are using two maps of this same area it may be a problem for both devices. They may have troubles with routing, or tell you that route can't be find, especially when one maps covers smaller area. It is advised in case, when you have two maps for this same area, to disable one of them and use only one at the time. Otherwise gps tends to behave in strange manner.
Switching maps is usually done by disabling or enabling them in device (see manual how to disable/enable map).
Not for me
I have used topo maps on 3 different Nuvi models without a great deal of trouble or effort. Both the preinstalled maps and the topo maps appear in Tools - Settings - Map - Map Info page of the Nuvi once you have loaded the Topo maps. You simply need to select both map sets on this screen and you should then be good to go. The topo data will appear along with your normal City Navigator street data.
There is an excellent tutorial for all of this at
You'll also find good topo maps on that site for download to your GPS.
I also run topo maps on my nuvi, both the Garmin Topo USA and the free more-detailed-than-Garmin Arizona topo map with topos loaded onto a SD card and City Navigator in the GPS's internal storage. Are you saying that you can display City Navigator and a topo map simultaneously on your nuvi display? For me, to see the topo map, I need to unselect the City Navigator in my nuvi. With both City Navigator and a topo active, I only see City Navigator displayed. So to use the topo map, I must unselect City Navigator. Final note: topo maps don't have routing built in so if a topo map is the only map selected, you can't have the nuvi plan a route from A to B via roadways.
All in all, I use City Navigator most of the time on my nuvis, even when deep in National Forest roads. But occasionally City Navigator is missing some Forest Roads, so a switch to the topo map helps me guide my vehicle to where I'm going.
My experience also
I also run topo maps on my nuvi, both the Garmin Topo USA and the free more-detailed-than-Garmin Arizona topo map with topos loaded onto a SD card and City Navigator in the GPS's internal storage. Are you saying that you can display City Navigator and a topo map simultaneously on your nuvi display? For me, to see the topo map, I need to unselect the City Navigator in my nuvi. With both City Navigator and a topo active, I only see City Navigator displayed. So to use the topo map, I must unselect City Navigator. Final note: topo maps don't have routing built in so if a topo map is the only map selected, you can't have the nuvi plan a route from A to B via roadways.
All in all, I use City Navigator most of the time on my nuvis, even when deep in National Forest roads. But occasionally City Navigator is missing some Forest Roads, so a switch to the topo map helps me guide my vehicle to where I'm going.
That has also been my experience, at least on the 750. I have both installed, but have to deselect either City Navigator or Topo to use the other.
"There's no substitute for local knowledge" nüvi 750, nüvi 3597
I wonder
I wonder if the type of topo maps you are using makes any difference. I currently have the Arizona Topo maps from loaded on my 780 along with City Navigator and they can both be selected and used at the same time. In fact, after loading the topo maps from Mapsource they are both selected in Map - Map Info, by default.
Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.
Topo And Street Maps
I have a Nuvi 500, which has both topo and street maps combined. When it bricked, I downloaded and used the topo maps from GPSfileDepot on the 750, and used it on my ATV while the 500 was being replaced.
No problems. I also use the land ownership maps from GPSfileDepot. All those maps, and no problems. If I want to see land ownership only, I just uncheck all the other maps. Of course when the CN map is checked the draw order in the software shows that maps features first.
If you ain't got pictures, I wasn't there.
I wonder if the type of topo maps you are using makes any difference. I currently have the Arizona Topo maps from loaded on my 780 along with City Navigator and they can both be selected and used at the same time. In fact, after loading the topo maps from Mapsource they are both selected in Map - Map Info, by default.
Hmm, I also mainly use the Arizona Topo from GPSFileDepot with my 750, which shouldn't be different from your 780 in terms of mapping.
Just to be sure, I also can have City Navigator and the topo loaded on my nuvi 750, but I don't see both displayed simultaneously. To see the topo map, I need to unselect City Navigator. I had been assuming that City Nav takes precedence over other loaded maps and that City Nav isn't a transparent map, hence the failure to see topo under it. Like you, when first loading a topo onto a SD card and installing it on my nuvi, both City Nav and the topo are selected, but in this dual-selection mode, only City Nav is seen on the map display.
Are you saying that you can view on your 780, both City Nav and Topo simultaneously? If so, what does it look like? Do you see City Nav's streets and built-in POIs while simultaneously seeing topo contours? If viewing the topo map, can you create a route using streets as you would with City Nav loaded? I'm very curious and interested in your (or others) replies, especially since TXRVer has the same view with his 750 as I do with mine.
Let me clarify my original
Let me clarify my original question a bit more...
I wasn't asking to display both maps simultaneously (although very interesting)...
I am a jeep guy...lots of off roading...and wanted to know if the Nuvi could handle the topo maps well OR could the Oregon handle the street maps well...
I'm looking for a solution that i can drive around town day-to-day but then switch to topo when i go off road...
obviously both are built for their specific purposes...just wondering if either had a glaring deficiency when trying to use the "non-native" map set
everyone's input is greatly appreciated...
In that case, the nuvi works fine...
Let me clarify my original question a bit more...
I wasn't asking to display both maps simultaneously (although very interesting)...
I am a jeep guy...lots of off roading...and wanted to know if the Nuvi could handle the topo maps well OR could the Oregon handle the street maps well...
I'm looking for a solution that i can drive around town day-to-day but then switch to topo when i go off road...
obviously both are built for their specific purposes...just wondering if either had a glaring deficiency when trying to use the "non-native" map set
everyone's input is greatly appreciated...
In that case, the nuvi works fine. Obviously, you know how it works with City Navigator. And with topo maps, nuvis works very nicely, too, and the bigger display on the nuvi makes topo maps work well in a vehicle as long as you're OK with switching from one map to the other by selecting/deselecting the map needed.
As much as I like Track Up 3D maps with my City Navigator on city streets, I find that I prefer Track Up 2D when using topo maps on Forest Roads in the nuvi (and North Up 2D when hiking with my eTrex). Topo maps do take up space so putting them on SD cards seems the way to go rather than try to store them in the nuvi's storage space. Hopefully, you live in an area that has a free Garmin-compatible topo map to download so you can try things out without cost to you. If you do buy topo maps (Garmin's Topo USA, for example, which is equivalent to a 1:24k USGS map in terms of detail), remember that there may be a limit to the number of segments that can be converted to a map and read by the nuvi/Oregon, so there's no need for a big 4+ GB SD card. It does mean that you'll need to break the USA into a few different maps rather than have a single all-USA topo map for use with your GPS. A 1 or 2GB card is all that's needed. Also know that Garmin's Topo USA doesn't require an unlock code for a GPS so one copy of Topo USA can create maps on SD cards that can be read by more than one GPS--no need to buy a copy of Topo USA for each GPS unit you have.
I have no experience with the Oregon but will point out that adding City Navigator to an Oregon will cost more than adding a topo to a nuvi in most cases due to map prices and City Nav being locked to a single GPS.
The Oregon...
Does not have the 2025 segment limitation that earlier Garmins had.
And You will have to do the math on whether adding topos or CN is cheaper. A lot of high quality 24K free topos are available at
The other overriding feature is whether or not a water proof unit is of concern. Only the 500/550 is water proof in the Nuvi line.
A lot of things to consider.
If you ain't got pictures, I wasn't there.
Yes I can.
Are you saying that you can view on your 780, both City Nav and Topo simultaneously? If so, what does it look like? Do you see City Nav's streets and built-in POIs while simultaneously seeing topo contours? If viewing the topo map, can you create a route using streets as you would with City Nav loaded? I'm very curious and interested in your (or others) replies, especially since TXRVer has the same view with his 750 as I do with mine.
Yes, I can see City Navigator streets as well as topo data at the same time on my 780. That being said, I don't see the topo data unless I zoom in.
I can post a screen shot if you like (direct me to the procedure for doing this on this site).
Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.
Oregon and Street Maps
I really doubt there will be a problem with the street maps on the Oregon if you want to go that route - no pun intended.
I have a 76CSx and used the street maps on it for several years before getting a nüvi. It beeps and trills rather than speaking but it worked fine for several multi-state trips and it routed me perfectly. It recalculates your route automagically just like the nüvi does.
My poor old 76CSx has been bashed onto the road and parking lots too many times (I left it on the hood of the truck and drove off) and is getting pretty flaky now so I'm likely going to replace it with an Oregon. I love the nüvi but I geocache and like to have a dedicated unit for that.
One caveat if you purchase the Oregon: Get an x50 model and NOT an x00 model. The 400 for example is hard to read in direct sunlight. The 450 has an improved screen that's much easier to read in direct sunlight. All of the x00 series is hard to read in direct sunlight so be sure to get the x50 series.
GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S
Here is a screenshot
Are you saying that you can view on your 780, both City Nav and Topo simultaneously? If so, what does it look like? Do you see City Nav's streets and built-in POIs while simultaneously seeing topo contours? If viewing the topo map, can you create a route using streets as you would with City Nav loaded? I'm very curious and interested in your (or others) replies, especially since TXRVer has the same view with his 750 as I do with mine.
Yes, I can see City Navigator streets as well as topo data at the same time on my 780. That being said, I don't see the topo data unless I zoom in.
I can post a screen shot if you like (direct me to the procedure for doing this on this site).
Here is a screenshot of the Nuvi 780 showing City Navigator streets and the topo maps of Arizona together. This is at Grand Canyon.
and here is another one which shows both maps and a route (pink line):
and here is one showing topo, and streets on a route through Williams AZ.
Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.
Here is a screenshot of the Nuvi 780 showing City Navigator streets and the topo maps of Arizona together. This is at Grand Canyon.
and here is another one which shows both maps and a route (pink line):
and here is one showing topo, and streets on a route through Williams AZ.
Thanks for the pix.
It's still odd to me, though, and I think I'll give up at this point.
What's odd is that in your final Williams map, the streets are named as they are in the topo map alone (Bill Wms and RR Aves) and the City Nav street name (BL-40) doesn't appear. Also on the Williams map, some businesses (POIs from City Nav) that should be present at that zoom level, don't appear while they should if City Nav is selected. With this in mind, your pix look as they would on my 750 if only my topo map was selected (City Nav unselected).
I wonder when both maps are selected, if in your 780 the topo map is displayed while blocking City Nav beneath it--and in my 750, City Nav appears on top blocking the topo map beneath it.
That is
That is a possible explanation for sure. I'm no expert with this stuff, I only know that I have both Topo and CN maps selected and that I can still have the Nuvi create a route and display it on the screen. Seeing the street names, I always assumed they came from the CN data but your right, there is some street name information in those topo maps which maybe what I'm seeing.
Not really helping the OP with his question but it's an interesting discussion none the less.
Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.
the responses have been very
the responses have been very helpful....
great input!!!
since I'm a hard core off-road jeep type..i think i'm leaning towards towards the Oregon 450t w/ street navigator map loaded on the SD..
this should give me solid topo and trail views while having serviceable street routing...
OR...i could just buy both units...
Nuvi TOPOs
I run topo 24k, Navigator, and a add on called NW Trails which overlays popular trails in OR, WA ID it is free ( all at the same time. It took some learning but if you build you maps with MapSource you have to add them all at the same time. Then check them on and off in Tools-Settings Map Info at bottom of scree. I drive with all on as I like to see the terrain I am moving through. If hiking I turn off Navigator. Works great.