Nuvi 350 hanging on "calculating"


I'm new to the forum and new to the GPS world. This site is amazing!

I bought the Nuvi 350 a couple weeks ago. When I bought the GPS, it came with version 8 maps and I used the web updater to update everything including the little icons. I haven't really had a chance to put it to use until yesterday afternoon.

I live in the New York City area and was going from lower Manhattan to Newark Liberty airport in New Jersey. Before I started the trip, I set the options to avoid tolls whenever possible, faster time (rather than shorter distance), and to allow U-Turns.

On my trip there, the Nuvi 350 had me taking the US 1/9 highway going south. I reached Newark airport in about half an hour with no problems.

I had a lot of problems on my way back to lower Manhattan. While I was leaving the parking terminal, I turned my Nuvi back on. For whatever reason, it got stuck on calculating at 50%. Then I turned my GPS off and turned it back on. I had it look for a route again. It got stuck or "hanged" at 85% for about five minutes. Since I was already driving on the road, I had to rely on the highway signs. When it finally finished calculating a route, it gave me weird directions. It wanted me to take the I-78 West! The sign on the highway clearly stated: I-78 East / New York City. So I ignored the GPS and followed the highway signs. Then the Nuvi started recalculating the route. It hung again for 15 minutes. By that time, I was almost at the tunnel ready to go back into NYC. By the time it finished calculating, it wanted me to make a U turn in the middle of the highway!!! I know I set it to allow U Turns, but I figured it would know that I'm on the highway and have the "common sense" to NOT tell me to make a U turn while I'm on the highway. In any case, I was almost at the tunnel and I was confused as to why the GPS would tell me to make a U turn and head back west when I should be heading east.

After I crossed the Holland Tunnel back into NYC, it finally got the "correct" route as to where I needed to go.

My question is....
Has anyone ever experienced this? Do I have a broken Nuvi 350 or did it have trouble acquiring a signal? I find it hard to believe that it could not acquire a signal during my 30 minute drive.

If anyone thinks it's broken, I would like to exchange it for another one at the store before my 30 day policy expires. I'm a little concerned because this is the first time I put it to test and the results really disappointed me. =(

Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!

try waiting for a signal

Try waiting for a signal before starting your drive.

I've experienced something similar, but my c550 caught up fairly quick. I'm also in an area with a bit more open space overhead.

I've experimented and started my route while still acquiring satellites and the left and rights and even streets were off, until I got a good signal.
Another thing I just remembered, I took my wife to work the other day and it was cloudy/rainy and I lost the signal temporarily a couple of times, right in the middle of downtown, lots of buildings etc. I was offered some weird directions, but went the way I'm usually directed to go, eventually I got the signal back, re-calculated and all was good.
So, it's possible you got erroneous directions due to the lack of a good steady signal. I don't think it's a problem with your unit.
However, I'd definitely be wearing it out before the return policy time was up.

My normal procedure is to wait until I've got a good lock then select my route.

........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........

I thought I did get a good signal...


I thought I did get a good signal after I turned the GPS off and then back on from the parking terminal. It gave me a route. But it just ended up giving me the wrong directions. It wanted me to take the I-78 west when I should be heading east. Then it started to recalculate. During the second and third tries of recalculating, it just seem to "hang" until I got back into NYC after I got out of the tunnel.

I'm also curious to know why it didn't give me the original route to Newark airport on the US 1/9. Since I had set the option to avoid tolls, I don't think it should have told me to get on the I-78. I think this highway collect tolls, but I could be wrong.

Did you ever encounter the problem of having the GPS to tell you to make a U turn while driving on the highway? (I'm assuming you have this option enabled.)

It's just kind of scary because if I really didn't know where I was going, I really would have been lost.

When In Doubt

Personally, I'd take it back before your 30 days is up. I have a Nuvi 350, and it has never exhibited what you are describing. It has done a few quirky things in the year that I've had it, but never the things you describe. It has never hung while calculating a route, and has never told me to make a U turn unless I really screwed up during the route. I'd suggest a straight exchange, because if you get a "good" 350, you will love it!


"Sometimes, when I look at my children, I wish I had remained a virgin". Lillian Carter (Mother of Jimmy Carter)

Hangup during re-calculating

I have never had this problem but if it lost signal or had only a few satellites aquired, it will do strange things. The hang-up because it did not have enough satellite information to finish the calculations. Try an external antenna. Good Luck !

de K4VW Nuvi 350

Initial startup is slow sometimes

I have a similar problem only at startup. The nuvi 350 on a cloudy day acquires satelites longer.
Once it acquires the satelites, it was all stable.
Sounds to me like you need to check with Garmin customer services or your vendor.

The only things you regret in life are the chances you never take.

Re: Try Waiting For A Signal

That's a good point about waiting for a signal before moving. If I turn on my unit while I'm driving, it takes much longer to acquire the satellite signals.

Called Garmin Support...

I called Garmin support. All they wanted me to do was press the reset button on back of the nuvi. I'm going to try and use it again on the weekend to see if this problem happens again. I'm hoping it's just a problem with getting a signal from the satellite.


debroq wrote:

That's a good point about waiting for a signal before moving. If I turn on my unit while I'm driving, it takes much longer to acquire the satellite signals.

I'm a little confused....
Does it make a difference if I turn on my GPS while I'm driving as opposed to not driving?
Why would the GPS have a problem getting a signal while I'm driving? I thought the whole point of the GPS is to give you directions while you're on the road. It would be a pretty bad system if it loses signal all the time.

In any case, I called Garmin support. They told me to press the reset button on back of my GPS. Hopefully this will resolve the problem.

Thanks again for your advice!

It does

hobby wrote:

Does it make a difference if I turn on my GPS while I'm driving as opposed to not driving?


hobby wrote:

Why would the GPS have a problem getting a signal while I'm driving?

It's the nature of the beast. The first lock to the satellites on a given day will take longer than subsequent locks, depending on how long the unit was off. If you're moving while it's locking on to the satellites, it has just that much more processing to do - asses what satellites it's getting signals from, and process where you are on the planet, and then display it on the map. I've found with my Nuvi350, it takes about 45 seconds to lock on the first time I turn it on for the day - and I don't mind the wait.

*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*

I turned the GPS off and back on several times during my trip.

hobby wrote:

Why would the GPS have a problem getting a signal while I'm driving?

It's the nature of the beast. The first lock to the satellites on a given day will take longer than subsequent locks, depending on how long the unit was off. If you're moving while it's locking on to the satellites, it has just that much more processing to do - asses what satellites it's getting signals from, and process where you are on the planet, and then display it on the map. I've found with my Nuvi350, it takes about 45 seconds to lock on the first time I turn it on for the day - and I don't mind the wait.

This was the second time I was turning the GPS on. I had it on during my trip to the airport. Then I turned it off for about an hour and a half inside the airport. I turned the Nuvi back on at the parking terminal getting ready to leave the airport. I don't mind the wait time for the GPS to acquire satellite signal.

I'm just concerned that when it's done calculating the route (after the hanging), it has no idea where I am. It is giving me wrong directions and telling me to make a U turn in the middle of the highway.

I'm not sure if it's a hardware issue. But based on comments from other people, it looks like it was having trouble getting a signal. I'm hoping that's the case.


Well, try your route again

Like you said, try the route again and see what happens. You may want to try the external antennaas someone suggested. There are other members in your area that don't seem to have much of a problem keeping a sat lock, even in the city.
Like I said earlier, I'd try to wear it out before the return deadline. If you need to exchange it. Then run that troublesome route a few times and see what happens.

Let us know of the outcome!

........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........

Cheapo hobby doesn't want to

Cheapo hobby doesn't want to pay toll ^_^

Don't blame NUVI, it did exactly what you told it to do ^_~ Aren't you glad you didn't follow the instruction?

I know...=p

wellcum wrote:

Cheapo hobby doesn't want to pay toll ^_^

Don't blame NUVI, it did exactly what you told it to do ^_~ Aren't you glad you didn't follow the instruction?

With the money I spent on the Nuvi, I plan on making it all back by avoiding every toll possible. =)

Any conclusions?

I ran into the same problem in the same area. From NY to Newark (ST. Michael Medical Center) I was fine. Heading back to NY, I turned on my Garmin Nuvi 265T set for Home and it hung at 73% until I crossed the Holland Tunnel. Only tidbit to add was that it was raining. I rerouted several times to different addresses in New York with no luck. My saving grace was following all the other cars with NY plates.

Any updates or info greatly appreciated.

Best regards,