How do I install more than one POI


I have the Gamin C530 and I am trying to install more than one POI file both my sd card and the Garmin. I have successfully installed one file one each but every time I add a second file it overwrites the previous file installed. The files have different names. Can anyone help me?

You have to load ALL of them

You have to load ALL of them at the same time each time. There are work arounds that some people have used, but get used to loading them first.

Here's what I do. Put ALL my POIs (geocaches, Honda Dealers, Krispy Kreme, speed alerts, State Parks, etc) in one main folder on my PC. In this folder, I have a subfolder for each category of POI that I want to show up on my Zumo.

In each of the folders, I put the POI file (either a csv or gpx file).

Just remember that you have to have ALL of the POI files that you WANT to end up on your Zumo in the main folder that you select when you run POI Loader. Any that you DON'T want, simply remove them from the folder or select SKIP when you run POI Loader.

Here's what the folder structure looks like. (The > precede folders and the ... precede files.)

>>Honda Dealers
.....VA Honda Dealers.csv
.....NC Honda Dealers.csv
>>Krispy Kreme
.....Krispy Kreme.csv

etc .....

adding more than one POI

Put all your POI's in one folder. When you get to the screen that asks "please choose the settings for the file ..." click next
If all your files are in the same folder you just keep clicking next and they will all load. You'll see them each one as you click next.

Hope this helps.

Adding more than one POI

Thanks for the help - worked seamlessly.

Multiple POIs in GPSr and SD card

Gadget guy wrote:

I have the Gamin C530 and I am trying to install more than one POI file both my sd card and the Garmin.

I would add to Motorcycle Mama's suggestion by using a separate folder for the GPSr and the SD card. If you duplicate her process but with different POIs and subfolders in the separate Folder for the SD card, you can have a different structure in the GPSr and the SD card.

Run POI Loader twice, one pointing at the folder you want to go to the SD card and selecting the SD card, the other for the GPSr. Within the GPSr, they will all appear together.

I keep those POIs that have alerts on my GPSr and the others on my SD card because experience shows that the alerts happen quicker if on the GPSr.

Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource