vehicle/motorcycle use
Sun, 04/08/2007 - 6:31pm
17 years
How many people use their GPS for both? I have Nuvi 680 and still waiting for my motorcyle mount....Dave
17 years
How many people use their GPS for both? I have Nuvi 680 and still waiting for my motorcyle mount....Dave
Umm ... I do!
Umm ... I do!
I also use my Zumo for Geocaching.
I haven't tried Geocaching
I haven't tried Geocaching yet.....but it sounds very interesting.......not sure if I can do it with my 680 or not.......still trying to learn as I go................Dave
The 680 accepts Custom POIs
The 680 accepts Custom POIs and has a battery so you can use it for Geocaching if you want to. Just be careful where you go since it's not waterproof.
Be sure to check out the custom vehicles available from Garmin.
Not Waterproof
that is the only thing I don't like about the 680 so far.........hopefully I won't get caught in the rain......if I do I'll have to put it where I keep my cell phone in the rain.......a plastic baggie..........Yes I found the motorcyle icon but now I have a blue monster truck on........Dave
I like the tank. Right now
I like the tank. Right now I have the RC car on.
Where did you find a tank? That is so cool!
John, Nuvi 65LMT, Mac User
Garmin Icons
I have a Nuvi 350 with a silver car I think the icon thing is cool the MC the truck the little buggy where did you find a tank?
Tank and other vehicle icons
Go to:
Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource
Vehicle Icons
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How do you find this stuff? This is one of the problems I find with Garmin's web-site. It isn't user friendly and needs an overhaul. There is so much information there but isn't easy to find. Garmin are you listening !!
******************Garmin Nüvi 1300T****************Member 6523*******************
Motorcycle Use
I wouldn't think of using my Nuvi 660 for my bike because it isn't waterproof. The StreetPilot units are waterproof, and are better suited (IMHO) to use on a bike.
I am selling my 2720 (with the GTM-10 traffic receiver) if anyone is interested.
My streetpilot isn't
My streetpilot isn't waterproof, are you sure about that? I know that the c3xx and the c5xx aren't.
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
Nothing is Truly Waterproof
We're talking degrees of resistance to water infiltration here...
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
StreetPilot 2720 is waterproof
Per the manual on page 40 (46 of 52) at the following link:
The unit is waterproof to "IPX7" standards. The remote is not. And if the traffic monitor is plugged in (you move the rubber gasket aside), that would render the unit no longer waterproof.
... How do you find this stuff? ...
One word ... forums!!
that is the only thing I don't like about the 680 so far.........hopefully I won't get caught in the rain......if I do I'll have to put it where I keep my cell phone in the rain.......a plastic baggie..
Dave, you might look at these XM Radio rain covers. I think they would work on the nuvi.
They are also available at Cycle Gadgets.
Alerted by another member on this site
Go to:
How do you find this stuff? This is one of the problems I find with Garmin's web-site. It isn't user friendly and needs an overhaul. There is so much information there but isn't easy to find. Garmin are you listening !!
I agree with you about the Garmin website. Even trying to find things that you know are there are sometimes difficult. I was alerted to the availability of these icons through a discussion on this website. Couldn't remember who or where, but did a search on the Garmin site to finally find it.
Another great reason to than JM and Miss POI for this site.
Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource
I use the Garmin 2720 in my car and on my Harley Ultra. The bracket came with a custom screw driver to secure the unit on the bracket so if you go eat, you can leave it on the bike. It has been very dependable through all the rain storms I've endured. However, I took Velcro strips and wrapped them around the unit, put the matching Velcro on some flexible plastic I cut from school report folders, and fashioned a hood so the unit's screen can be seen in the bright sun. Works well. My GPS survived an accident on the Blue Ridge Parkway that cost my insurance company $9700 and cost me 4 broken ribs. That fits my definition of durability.
Vehicle/Motorcycle Use
I use mine for everything,, on my bike, cars, and trucks,, i take it everywhere,, but still wanting to hard wire it into my bike,, have to get the adapters for that,,,
2720 being waterproof???
so i can leave my streetpilot 2720 in some rain?? i plan on getting a cover for it anyway, just to be sure,, i do ride with mine on the bike,,
2720 Being Waterproof???
Tech specs say: fully gasketed; IPX76 waterproof
vehicle/motorcycle use
A company called R.A.M. Mounts makes three sized waterproof boxes that facilitate a wide variety of the GPS devices most of us use. They also have a plethora of mounting devices to fit virtually any application you may need.
Thank you for the info on Ram Mounts........I will definitely check them out............Dave
I love some of these cool icons and vehicles. Great find!