Is there a way to display the POI symbols?
Fri, 04/06/2007 - 12:04pm
![]() 18 years
I have a C330 street pilot. If I input a POI in under favorites the symbol shows on the map as I get closer but I don't see any other POI nearby even though there a allot of them in the GPS device.
I currently have the detail setting on "most" (the highest setting). Is there someplace else I can adjust the seting so it will show the nearby POI symbology?
In addition to displaying detail at the highest setting, you may have to zoom in on the screen.
Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource
Tried that
I tried zooming in as well. The only time I see the symbols is when I look up a POI. before selecting it there is an option to show map. When I do that I see the selected poi and those nearby. But when I return to veiw map I don't see them. Maybe my unit won't do it in veiw map.
It's ALL Fun!; How much fun is relative! Never say Never! Exceptions to this rule: "One can Never Learn to much" "One will Never learn everything" ;)
You have to zoom in at least
You have to zoom in at least to 300 ft if you haven't done so thus far.
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
I was just wondering the same thing
I would like to know if there is any way to have the POI's display on the screen if you are just in map mode with out loading all the POI's as favorites. I have a NUVI 660. I have not seen a post explaining how to do this. Is it because it can't be done? Any help would be appreciated.
Are you asking about the
Are you asking about the built in POIs or Custom POIs?
On my Zumo, the built in POIs don't show up on the map screen until I'm zoomed in to 300 feet or closer.
The Custom POIs show up when zoomed in to 0.3 miles or closer.
And the Favorites show up when I'm zoomed in to 5 miles or closer.
Some of the settings will vary depending upon which unit you have.
I am referring to the custom POIs
For example; I have installed the schools POIs and would like to see them in map mode. They will show up on the screen if I am having the NUVI direct me to one but it will not show up anyway else. To make matters even more confusing I have installed the Cities POI and I can see those when traveling even when on the freeway at freeway speeds. That just seems strange to me? Does this make sense?
Ok, some of the Nuvi owners
Ok, some of the Nuvi owners are going to have to pipe in here because on my Zumo they show up as I describe above whether I'm navigating to one or not.
Nuvi owners, is there some other setting that needs to be set. Is this common on the Nuvis?