Do Alerts interfere with one another


Having recently loaded a number of POI files with icons and alerts, I get the feeling that not all of the alerts are playing.

I looked in the help for the POILoader for comments, but found none. So, I want to pose a question.

If there are, say, POIs on each of the four corners of an intersection and I have an alert set for each of them at the same distance , will they all be announced one after the other? Or do they interfere, such that one or more is not announced?


I have the Red light & speed camera POIs and the Walmart POI. The problem I had was the Walmart POI was giving me a speed camera alarm.I had to delete the Walmart POI and reinstall it to get rid of my problem.
One set off the other.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things!


I have had 'overlap' when I was approaching a red light cam, and turning at that intersection via a route. It's rare though.

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

Depends on the road

jgermann wrote:

Having recently loaded a number of POI files with icons and alerts, I get the feeling that not all of the alerts are playing.

I looked in the help for the POILoader for comments, but found none. So, I want to pose a question.

If there are, say, POIs on each of the four corners of an intersection and I have an alert set for each of them at the same distance , will they all be announced one after the other? Or do they interfere, such that one or more is not announced?

If the alerts are positioned properly and the road is multi-lane, only the one single alert that affects you should sound. If there is a camera at each corner, there is one for East, West, North and South bound traffic. The only one that should concern you is the one that is aimed at you. It depends a lot on how accurately the POIs are positioned and how wide the road is. If you put a single POI in the center of the intersection, it should alert from all 4 directions.

On traffic cameras, that

On traffic cameras, that would make good sense, although I cannot see how the alerts are smart enough to do that. The camera must take a picture of the rear of your vehicle.

However, in my original question, I was wondering about, say, fast food establishments on the four corners.


I have a place where there is a Wendy's, a Taco Bell, and a McDonald's right next to each other. I will get an alert for Taco Bell first and then a second later, will receive the alert for the Mc'Donald's, and then an alert for Wendy's. They will build on each other, but I can see circumstances where they might possibly cut the other alert off.

With God, all things are possible. ——State motto of the Great State of Ohio

Business Alerts

I see little value in setting alerts for most businesses, especially chains. I am never that desperate for a coffee or a hamburger that I need an alert to tell me there's a Tim Horton's or a Burger King nearby.

If I need this, I will simply pull up the info on the built in or custom poi and let the GPS find the closest. Do we need an unnecessary distraction while driving?

However, it is practical to set alerts, for such things as red light, speed cams and rest areas. These will almost never be close enough to each other to interact.

DriveSmart 65, NUVI2555LMT, (NUVI350 is Now Retired)

multiple poi conflict

very good topic. did not know this could happen.

davidkbrown, I agree with

davidkbrown, I agree with your comment that, normally, there is little practical value in setting alerts for fast food establishments - the more practical reason being camera alerts. That said, there will be situations when you are on vacation and you would want to know what is near to satisfy the desires of hungry kids.

I was asking more of a technical question to try to better understand what the Garmin software is doing, how it is doing it, and in what order the logic in the software proceeds. When one knows these things, one can get more value from the tool and often can exploit the software for other purposes.

This leads to the question of what options , if any, one has in selectively setting alerts. What are the techniques for selectivity? I think one is to append "@xx" to the name of a POI file.

Tour Guide Alerts

I had an issue with Tour Guide alerts firing at the same area. To put it shortly, it overloaded the software......
I had tour guide alerts (5 mile) set for truck stops along interstates. Not a pretty picture when 4 alerts came at the same time. It froze up.


For my 255WT it over laps for example
at intersection Red light camera and turn instruction overlaps in such a way that i can not hear full alert of red light camera. before that it guides me to take a turn. Some time voice gets stuck too.

Kids & Travel! What's that?

As empty nesters, we no longer have to worry about what the kids want. It's easy to forget that there are still people out there that have to keep that in mind. LOL

However, setting an alert for The Cheesecake Factory locations, makes a lot of sense to me. Fortunately for my waistline, there are none in Canada, but that's unfortunate for my taste buds.

DriveSmart 65, NUVI2555LMT, (NUVI350 is Now Retired)