Help with POI's
Tue, 10/27/2009 - 12:53pm
15 years
Hi there, new to all this.
The POI's for the Arco gas stations do I need all three: ie Arco_CA.csv, Arco_SOCAL.gpx and Arco Fresno Area.csv? I would guess that the Arco_CA.csv would have all the stations from the Cali - OR border, south thru LA and along I-10 toward AZ.
If I needed all three, it there a way to combine then into one file or is there a limit to file sizes?
Were taking our yearly Thanksgiving trip from Portland,OR to TX and will be using our 265WT and wanted to load up the rest stops, gas stations and the like especially IN-N-Out even thought I kind of have them memorized in my head along I-5 from Redlands to Orange County.
Gloria & Charles
It appears that the files cover different areas. I don't live in California so hopefully someone who does will chime in.
Regardless, you can load all three files without having to merge them. Simply place all three files into the POI folder on your computer and when you run POI Loader it will combine all of the files into one.
Thanks for the help.
Now for the .bmp and the .wav files what would I change them to? Arco?
loading POI
Thanks for the help.
Now for the .bmp and the .wav files what would I change them to? Arco?
Basic POI Loading Procedure Using WINDOWS
Following these instructions will allow you to load custom POI into your Garmin unit. These are VERY BASIC instructions and are intended as a process on how to load POI to the memory in your unit.
1. Download and install the latest version of POILoader from
2. Create a Folder to hold all your Custom POI. NOTE: I put my folder on my Desktop.
3. Download the desired POI files from POI Factory and put them into the folder created in Step 2.
4. Visit the Icon library and download the desired icons for your POI files and put them into the folder created in Step 2.
5. Visit the Sounds Library and download the desired sound files for your POI. NUVI 2XX units require WAV sound files. WAV files require you to install a sound conversion program called SOX. SOX.EXE can be downloaded from Unzip the folder containing the program SOX.EXE. Select the SOX.EXE file, right click and select COPY. NOTE: You only need to load SOX once.
6. Using Windows Explorer, go to C:\Program Files\Garmin. This must be the same folder that has the program POILoader.exe. Right click on any BLANK space in this folder. Select PASTE. SOX.EXE should now be copied to the folder. Check and be certain the folder contains BOTH POILoader.EXE and SOX.EXE. If SOX.EXE is not copied to this folder, WAV sounds will not play.
7. Using Windows Explorer or another program, open the folder containing the files to be loaded into your NUVI.
8. Match the file name to the ICON file. Rename the ICON file so it has the same name as the POI file. POI files can be either CSV or GPX – it doesn’t matter. These file names must match exactly with the exception of the file extension. NOTE: there can only be one period in a file name. A period in a file name marks the beginning of the file extension. Icon file names can only end in BMP.
9. Match the file name to the SOUND file. Rename the SOUND file so it has the same name as the POI file. POI files can be either CSV or GPX – it doesn’t matter. These file names must match exactly with the exception of the file extension. NOTE: there can only be one period in a file name. A period in a file name marks the beginning of the file extension. Sound file names can only end in MP3 or WAV. Using WAV files requires another program not found on POI-Factory.
10. Connect your NUVI to your computer using the USB cable. Wait for the NUVI to show it is connected and ready to receive files (Black screen with an ICON at the bottom showing it is connected to the computer.)
11. Run POILoader.
12. Select Garmin Device as Where to save your Points of Interest.
13. Press Next and wait for the program to find your NUVI. The NUVI will be shown in the box labeled Device:.
14. Press Next. The program will ask the location of the files to be loaded. Use the BROWSE button and select the FOLDER containing the POI, ICON, and SOUND (Alert) files.
15. Select the measurement units used for your NUVI. Feet and Miles per hour or Meters and Kilometers.
16. The NUVI suggests running the program in Automatic. For BASIC file loading, this is sufficient. NOTE: The only two alert sounds that will play automatically are for Red light and Speed cameras. For other alert sounds to play, you must select MANUAL and set either a distance or speed alert trigger. NOTE: If a file name contains ANY number, POILoader will assume it is a speed alert and play the sound file for that POI automatically. Press Next.
17. POILoader will begin to convert the POI files, ICONs and ALERT sounds and load them to your NUVI. If POILoader encounters an error with a source file, it will tell you the name of the file POI file containing an error. When finished, POILoader will tell you the number of POI successfully loaded to your NUVI.
NOTE: Every time you run POILoader, it will overwrite the previous output file and you will loose any POI not contained in your source folder.
18. Disconnect your NUVI using the Stop or Eject USB device.
19. Power up the NUVI and select WHERE TO -> EXTRAS and see if CUSTOM POI is displayed. Press CUSTOM POI and you should see a list of all the POI loaded.
20. If you do not see a custom icon or hear the custom alert sound for a Custom POI that successfully loaded, it is most likely because you have a double file extension (two periods in one or more of the file names.)
21. Open Windows Explorer. Select TOOLS. Select Folder Options. Select VIEW. Under FILES AND FOLDERS uncheck the box that states: Hide extensions for known file types.
22. Using Windows Explorer, open the FOLDER containing the custom POI files, icons, and alert files. Verify each file name has only ONE period just before the 3 character file extension. Rename any files containing more than one period so the file contains only ONE period.
23. Restart this procedure at Step 8.
Repeat as necessary.
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help w/PIO's
Perfect, thanks a lot this will be coppied over to Word fr my reference.